We've come around to Wednesday again and time to share desks at Julia's Stamping Ground. My desk is full today - of a pile of bits and pieces!
This is the photo I took yesterday afternoon
What can you spot?
It came to the stage where my bit box (bottom right) had overflowed into a plastic container so it really was time to do something - so I just tipped it out!
I did start to sort it out - I had spent yesterday taking jewellery apart and realised that I needed to sort to my bit boxes containing beads, charms, metal bits and pieces etc - so now I have a lot of little piles to put away in said boxes (Confession time - I had to use another bigger box!)
So…here are the sorted piles..
This was taken this morning, as this is how I left it last night when Holby City came on TV.
Bottom left is an escaped necklace - it's one I bought for a pound at Primark and has some lovely charms on it.
So before I get off to the cinema I'm hoping to get some of these stored away and I may just leave some things out for a project I have in mind!
Elizabeth asked where I got my big craft mat, so I thought I'd tell you all in case you were wondering - it is a baking mat from 'Lakeland' - not sure whether it was any cheaper than a regular craft mat but it is bigger!
Cinema review….last weeks film - 'The Theory of Everything' was everything I expected it to be! We both really enjoyed it! If this film - and Eddie Redmayne in particular, doesn't win some awards it will be a shame!!
Off to see 'Into the Woods' today - the trailer looks good!
If you want to see what excitement there was in Carnforth at the weekend, where we have our caravan, see here.
I'll be round later if that's ok, thanks for looking, Chris
Glad I'm not the only one with a 'bit box'. Essential really aren't they? I really want to see that film, think I'm going to try and find someone to go with me today. My son (who I didn't think it would appeal to at all) said it was very good and he should get an oscar. Happy WOYWW Cindy #50
I think you are really brave to tip that box out ..... I sometimes look at my bit box es and then put them away again!!
I think you are incredibly lucky to have that shop open for you - here in Birmingham we only have the H store close by.
Enjoy the film.
Bishopsmate #55
Thanks for the film review, now the show you are seeing today I definitely need a review of. Isn't it funny how we manage to collect little piles of bits n bobs and it seems to grow overnight into a big pile. Ah to put it all away takes some persistence. Good luck with that. I hope you have a wonderful week.
Hugs Eliza & Yoda 35
Great job getting some sorting done. If you don't know you have it you can't use it right? I have a few unsorted boxes and I bet there is some great stuff in them..if I only would look :) Shel#71
Its amazing how many 'bits' we collect isn't it? It seems nothing is so small or insignificant that it mustn't be kept, lol. And its amazing how long it can take to sort, too. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #17 xx
Lots of treasures to be found in our boxes of bits and bobs--I need to do the same thing. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #59
Like others have said...you have your very own box of treasures!! True crafters would never think of it as "junk"!! It will all be just perfect at just the right moment!!!
Happy Crafting!
Jeannie #14
Who can make do with just one bit box? I think we all need to have at least two. Dozen of them stashed everywhere. hee hee I love looking through the bit boxes of other because others always have the best bits! Judy #76
Well, I will confess to owning more than one, or two, or three......................okay I have about 6....grin
Sorry I didn't make it back for T-day, DH came home and that was the end of computer time for me.
Have a great week
Krisha #11
Oh Chris what a fun time you've had sorting all that. I love putting everything where it lives as you've seen on my blog over the last couple of weeks. Hope you've enjoyed your film this week.
Annie x #23
I've got lots of bit boxes... like yours they keep expanding! (nearly had that saying like you they keep expanding then I realised how rude that sounded!!) I have heard such good reviews of the Theory of Everything. Think awards are guaranteed! Helen 4
Sorting IS fun!!!! I've lots to still do. I've lots of boxes to 'sort into ' love boxes!!!! Hugs Anne x #37
Happy WOYWW. I love a bit box. I have a box with embellies in, except for buttons and ribbons that have their own storage. It is a treat to have a rummage occasionally. Ali x #64
I think the cleaning bug has bitten everyone :) oooh I am guilty of buying old jewelry to take apart so it will be fun to see what you do with yours :) ~Stacy #75
I adore sorting out! I'd have been really happy to have come around and helped you...you've got some lovely bits and bobs, some very pretty lace and wow, that charms necklace was a bargain! Much cheaper than buying charms from a craft shop :-)
Hope you enjoy Into the Woods - it's got a great cast!
Hugs, LLJ 25 xx
Hey Chris, I have a film for you (if you haven't seen it) "How We Spent Our Holiday" was one I watched on the plane coming over and I loved it.
Now to your desk - I thought you had emptied your handbag on your table when I saw the first picture. It really looks ask if it could be the contents of mine at times.
Thanks for sharing - and the tidying!
Hugs, Neet 3 xxx
Seems that being #1 this week would get me here earlier, but sadly, I'm running far behind. Looks like the organizing bug has hit most of us this week. You have some gorgeous treasures from your bit box(es). True beauties, all.
Happy very belated WOYWW and thanks for the earlier visit. Now I must check to see what else I've missed.
Ooh... love to know what you thought of Into the Woods. I'm a huge Sondheim fan, and saw a wonderful live version at Regent's Park a few years ago... I'm intending to get to the film - just need to find some spare time!
Good work on all the sorting - bet you felt good when it was done.
Alison xx
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