


Tuesday 13 February 2024

T Stands For ...the walks, the flu!

Hi everyone, after a lovely week of outings and seeing friends I ended up with a bout of flu. I slept through most of Sunday and still don't feel 100%

So, back to the nice things of last week.

We had to go to the opticians to get my new specs adjusted. I am getting used to Varifocals although I am back at the computer with my reading specs!

We decided to go to Dunham Massey to see the Winter Garden and timed it exactly right to get onto a guided tour.

There are more snowdrops this year as they had a school project where children came in to plant snowdrops
This tree peels naturally and looks great when the sun shines on it

The witch hazel is looking spectacular

This is a smooth bark Acer and feels fabulous 
Lots of Iris coming through
I have forgotten the name of this but it smells amazing

It was really interesting to have things pointed out that we hadn't fully appreciated when we have visited before.

The next day was a day for seeing friends - lunch first, then off to see more friends in the afternoon for coffee and cake and a little bit of journaling.
We decided to set off early for our shopping trip on Saturday and call in to Styal Mill for a walk.

There was plenty colour here too

I don't think I have seen this area so empty, although there are signs of bulbs coming as well as new shoots on some of the plants

Lots of snowdrops on the way to the lower garden

The Bollin river that powers the water wheel for the mill was rushing along

I'm sure this must be the earliest I have seen this Camelia in bloom

Here is the point where the river rushes through to the mill.

From Styal it was straight to our favourite cafe Petit Delice in Wilmslow and it is where I will share our coffees (but not our croissants, which we had already eaten)at T Stands For Tuesday, hosted by Bleubeard and Elizabeth at The Altered Book Lover
As you can see I had my mini journal tin with me.

That's all for now, off for  rest (maybe even a nap!)

Thanks for looking, Chris


My name is Erika. said...

I learned a new word, verifocal. And I should know it because that's what my glasses are. grin Thanks for sharing it Chris. And those winter gardens are really lovely. They look like spring gardens here in New Hampshire. I would love a winter garden that actually has some very early blooms in it. But most of all I hope you feel better soon. Being sick is not fun at all. Take care. hugs-Erika

Mae Travels said...

Good luck with no more flu! Your flowers are fabulous. What great photos.
best,mae at

CJ Kennedy said...

Oh, and I hope you feel better soon!

DVArtist said...

I hope you feel better soon I'm sending healing energy to you. Lovely photos as always. Rest and get well.

Rita said...

I hope you feel better soon!
Lovely places and wonderful photos. :)

Darla said...

Wonderful to see all the beginnings of spring. I wonder if that plant you didn't know the name of is Daphne. My Grandmother had it growing outside her front door and it always smelled wonderful. (I am not much good at identifying plants so maybe not.

Carola Bartz said...

A garden can be so interesting in winter, and here you have all the signs that spring will come. The hellebores look lovely in your photos. So many snowdrops - that must have been a great project for the children who planted them.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I am so sorry you have the flu. I hope by now you are feeling better.

You are so lucky to be near two wonderful gardens. I'm in awe of the spring flowers. Here, nothing will bloom for at least another month.

I've never seen a snowdrop, except in photos, but I have some of those lilies of the valley, which I hope will bloom this year, unlike last year. You took some amazing photos, dear.

Thanks for sharing your coffees with us for T this Tuesday, dear Chris. T looks happy!!

Sorry I'm late visiting. I had to take Squiggles to the vet and we were there forever.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I just learned that Liberal, KS beat Olney, England today in the pancake race.

Empire of the Cat said...

Bah to flu! Hope you get over it soon and feel better. I really enjoyed seeing your garden photos. A guided tour can be so useful and informative if it's a good one. Those flowers you mentioned smelled good look like hellebores I think. Loved seeing so many snowdrops in one place too. Hope you enjoyed your coffee and croissants. Happy T Day! Elle xx

Kokopelli said...

What lovely spring flower photos! Thanks for sharing! Lifte my spirits a lot today. :) Happy T Day!

Helen said...

Great photos, with lots of signs of spring. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Lisca said...

Thank you for all those lovely photos.The floeer that you had forgotten the name of is Helleboris. They come in different colours but are always very early and will brighten up the winter garden.
I am familiar with Wilmslow. I think I mentioned before that my sister has lived in Prestbury since 1971 (with a short stay in Alderley Edge and a stint in Tytherington) and my daughter lives on the edge of Congleton.
I have lots of happy memories.
Happy T-Day,

Lisca said...

PS Please persist with your varifocals. Once you have gotten used to them, you won't go back.
Happy T-Day,