


Tuesday 15 October 2024


Hi everyone, as the end of October (already?) gets closer our new theme at Try It On Tuesday is of course 'Halloween'. It's not my favourite time these days, but when my children were little it seemed more fun...carving pumpkins, making suitably spooky costumes and going out in the dark with torches. These days the Halloween aisles in supermarkets have increasingly scary items for sale, not always for children, and seem to take up a lot of space on the shelves. Oh Well!!!

I hope you like the Design Team's take on Halloween, they are quite varied!

I made a journal page

I had a mould for a spider's web that I used as a stamp. I added some torn paper with a stamped and coloured pumpkin and a cute black cat, both from a freebie set. I stamped a large spider on tissue and drew in a few more onto the web and also added some bats. The word 'Boo' is as scary as I get!

Even though it isn't my favourite time I shall look forward to seeing how you represent 'Halloween' this time at TIOT.

Thanks for looking, Chris


Tuesday 8 October 2024

T Stands For Travelling!

 Hi everyone, I don't seem to be getting here very often these days, I actually wrote half my post the other week then sat down for a drink and fell asleep! 

I know this is a familiar statement but....... they still haven't got my medication right. Being unable to get much exercise didn't help, when I had my foot in a fracture boot for six weeks but as many of you know this has been going on far too long, if only I could have carried on with what I was on two years ago when sadly it became unavailable!

We have been away recently to Devon in the SouthWest of England.

We realised that we had never actually stopped there although we used to drive through this county regularly to get to Cornwall. We rented a lovely cottage - way out in the country. The only down side to that was driving up quite a long pot holed and bumpy road to reach it.

We were able to meet up with my two nieces who live fairly close to each other and weren't too far a way to arrange a lunch together.

We went out most days and were pleased to visit Exeter Cathedral.

We were told that this clock was the inspiration for the Nursery Rhyme 'Hickory Hickory Dock'

The ceiling bosses were really beautiful

I could finish here, but on the way home we took a detour to Wells Cathedral in Somerset. The motorway was closed because it was flooded so we would have to come off any way so why not take advantage! By the time we left the motorway was open again.

Wells Cathedral was equally magnificent but only partially open (we may have to go back again!)

I hope you enjoyed seeing these two great medieval buildings.

I will try to get back to show you some fabulous gardens soon too.
Here is my ticket to T Stands For Tuesday over at Bleaubeard and Elizabeth's blog The Altered Book Lover.
We went to The Ivy restaurant in Exeter - our drinks were Tonic water and I had the most amazing vegetarian curried veg to eat (forgotten what hubby had)
When I went to the toilet I was surprised to find this - another lady and I spent some time taking photos!!!

Thanks for looking, Chris

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Officially Autumn

 Hi everyone, I have had a week away in Devon since my last post here and had great time, some of it dodging the rain but we did see some beautiful Autumn colours in the gardens we visited and the sun did it's best to shine most days!

Our new theme at Try it On Tuesday is 'Autumn Magic' and if you pop over to see what the Design Team have been doing you will see some lovely examples!

I made a Journal page...

The tree is a Birgit Koopsen design from Carabelle Studios and was sitting on my desk waiting for me when I returned home. I added some leaves from the set and coloured all with water colour pencils, adding water with my water brush.

There's lots of touches of some new metallic paints as well as some torn Napkin paper and some foil tape.

The words were printed out from my Print Shop app on the computer.

I hope you will join us at TIOT this time, Autumn isn't my favourite season but I do love to see the changing colours and look forward to seeing your 'Autumn Magic'

I forgot to schedule this so sorry for the late posting

Thanks for looking, Chris