Tuesday 13 April 2021

T Stands for......the Walk and Wanderlust

What a whizz of a week its been. We've had sunshine, snow and wind, had a dipping internet that meant our food order didn't arrive on Saturday as usual, I had news of new stamps to arrive from Crafty Individuals (from the sneaky peeks they looks amazing)and hubby and I have completed another Wanderlust spread(and almost completed another!)

Last week's class was by Nicole Warrington, a fabulous landscape artist.

We had to draw a tree (a spirit tree) that meant something to us. You may remember that after hubby's Covid jab we went for a short walk.

When I saw this tree stretching up in the blue sky it really did give me a feeling of lightness and of hope that things really were going to get better.

Hubby chose a tree that we saw when we went out with my son(his stepson)in Wythenshaw Park. A tree we often see that in Winter seems to stretch out it's arms for a hug - something we can't do with others just yet!

We looked for book words to go along with our drawing. 

We both enjoyed this lesson and were quite happy with our pages.

Last week we went to Fletcher Moss again. We kept up a fairly brisk pace around the wooded area although we did stop to listen to the birds and to watch a couple of treecreepers

Everything is looking a lot greener!

Just beside the gate into the garden were Primroses and Bluebells

This is the Acer that turned such beautiful colours last Autumn
The leaves right at the top of this tree are turning green

From here we decided to have a quick look in the Parsonage Gardens

I nipped outside the corner gate for this pic
I don't think I have ever seen Hyacinths this colour
The window art display has changed...even from last week, when it was covered in big flies!
Can you see them in these next two pics?

The frost has turned the Magnolia flowers brown
They were fine last week

For my T stands For Tuesday pic in order to join Bleubeard and Elizabeth this week I have a breakfast to show you

We don't often let our croissants go stale but this time was deliberate - soaked in beaten egg and fried in butter they are delicious, especially with some fruit and a raspberry smoothie.

Sorry is this seems rushed...it is! I've had a bit of a day today!!
Oh! we did get our food delivery...at 8.15 on Sunday evening!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. I love both of your trees this week. You must enjoy taking this class with your husband. And thanks for taking us on your walk. It is another beautiful one. A real spring with green and some early flowers. Hope it was a wonderful T day. Your smoothie and croissant looks yummy! Hugs-Erika

  2. I hope you are being rushed for good reasons, not sad or bad ones. I always love your trips to Fletcher Moss and the colors of the flowers are beautiful. Sad to read the frost has damaged the beautiful magnolia blossoms, though.

    I was truly impressed with your spirit trees for your Wanderlust entries this week. I can see you are both truly into this course.

    Now THAT is a meal I could sink my teeth into. That fried croissant and fruit look so very good and must have gone great with your raspberry smoothie. Thanks for sharing your art, your latest trip to Fletcher Moss, and your meal and smoothie with us for T this Tuesday, dear Chris (and T, TOO).

  3. Lone trees lifting branches against the sky make such beautiful images. I saw an exhibit of work by one of the very first photographers ever (in the 19th C) and one of his first landscapes depicted such a tree. Now I suppose that many millions of photos have been made of such trees, and people still find them fascinating.

    be safe... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  4. I enjoyed looking at your beautiful photo's and aspecially love the tree ones, but the most beautiful tree is the one you made! Gorgeous! Hugs, Gerrina

  5. Your trees look fabulous! that is a very dark hyacinth for sure. take care and enjoy your soggy croissant! (sorry, it's a texture thing, I can't stand!!)

  6. Your tree pages are gorgeous, so delicate, and it's easy to see where you got the inspiration on your lovely walk. Same weather here, really crazy, today the fields are white with frost! Your breakfast looks great, yummy! The downside of being back home is that I don't get my breakfast in bed! Hugs, Valerie

  7. I love you and hubby's interpretation of that amazing tree. I loved seeing all the blooms and greenery from your walk but that tree with the daffodils at the base was my favorite!
    Your croissant looks and sounds delicious with a side of fruit.
    Happy Belated Tea Day,

  8. Except for the big old flies everything looks just beautiful.
    Great trees you both made.
    Happy T-Day! :)

  9. Beautiful photos and art from you both Chris!
    That croissant looks delicious too!
    Alison xx

  10. Your workshop sounded so interesting and your pieces are lovely. As always the walk around Fletcher Moss is so fun. Spring is so far ahead across the pond. Too bad about the magnolia. The blossoms don't seem to last. Prissy had a magnolia in her yard. It would bloom and then we'd end up with a rainy wind storm and all the blossoms would be on the ground. I would never have thought of using croissant as a base for French toast. I want some! Happy T Day

  11. I so love both your tree art projects this week-beautifully made!!! Of course all those lovely garden walks were your inspiration as well:)
    Sorry, but when we do have croissants in the house they never have a chance to get stale;) Happy belated T day wishes!

  12. OMGosh I love Fletcher Moss. It is gorgeous and I would love to visit there. Photo #11 just takes my breath. That darkish sky with the tree. Wonderful. I also like the two trees you both painted. Have a nice day.

  13. Beautiful pictures of your walks - so pretty!

    Love your drink post and now I want to make that croissant soak for sure!

    The dark drawings you and hubby did are really cool. I love the feeling with all the black and the stories that make them more meaningful.

    Lovely post, Chris. Hugz

  14. Wow, your tree pages look amazing! I love the white trees on the black with the pop of colour in the background - gorgeous 😀. The spring walk was so enjoyable too, so lovely to see all the greenery and flowers this time of year! I'd happily join you for that yummy breakfast too - Happy T Day wishes! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

  15. Wow, your trees look amazing! What a fun class that is.
    When I was young I traveled a lot around the world. (I was one of the first backpackers) and I had a little notebook. I asked everyone I met to draw me a tree. I still have the books, and you know? No tree is the same, they are all totally different.
    Fletcher Moss is beautiful. It is so green!
    I have never eaten my croissant this way. Must try that one day. It looks delicious.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  16. Beautiful page.
    Have a nice weekend!
