Thursday 11 January 2018

It's so strange...

Hello everyone, I have a journal page all ready for Erika's theme  - 'New Year - New Adventure' at Art Journal Journey but as I wrote the post title I just had a thought!

 I have been tidying and throwing out (1)boxes of articles torn from magazines (I will never get around to attempting some of the projects as there are always new ones coming along), (2)books I will never read (no, truly, there are so  many on our shelves that I still REALLY want to read!, (3)stamps that I will never use again (often freebies or bought in sales on impulse years ago when I first started stamping), (4)magazines (see (1) - I am not tearing articles out of them, but if something catches my eye I will keep a magazine until I have tried the technique!) What I want to know is - how is it that I have no more space than when I started??? 

My page started as pink and yellow paint smeared on to use up some paint and it has been in my journal a while!
I stencilled some spots using Picked Raspberry DI (outlined in black pen) then added some stamping using the edge of a Lynne Perella stamp (still out on my desk) and a Carabelle Studios steampunk background stamp. I had been testing some sprays….

...and cut out some circles of the nicer parts - I put them in a bag then found this one lurking on my desk...
… looks bit sinister to me and I thought of how when you take a turn somewhere unfamiliar you sometimes have to brave it out and just keep on as if you meant to be there! 
I used my flower from an old gardening book as a monster plant for my two paper doll little ones, who look as though they wish they weren't there!
The chit chat words seemed perfect!

On the matter of flowers - do you remember seeing these flowers in November...

…and December?

The Christmas Cactus has new buds and the bargain flowers that I bought with my food shop are still going strong!
My birthday flowers though, are looking as though they may just last the month although I removed the lilies. 

I'm not here for a couple of days so I will see you at the weekend!
Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. I know that strange phenomenon of clearing out, carting a sack of stuff to the charity shop and then finding everything just as full as it was before - those things multiply on their own! Gorgeous journal page! Hugs, Valerie

  2. You are not just a wonderful art journaler you are a "flower power girl" as well!
    Can't believe that those flowers still are so beautiful and your christmas catus looks amazing as well. I told you I bought one for me in December - it also gets new buds now again..we will see.The page is ADORABLE - and this circle and the white flower image looks so good on the background - what a fantastic composition and super advice quote!
    I laughed loudly about
    (I will never get around to attempting some of the projects as ""there are always new ones coming along""")...
    that last part of the sentence is IT
    and that's something fantastic in my mind!!!
    That's our big adventure - we are blessed and lucky!
    Thank you for such a beautiful post and page linked to Art Journal Journey Chris! Wishing you some fun days out!
    oxo Susi

  3. Happy New Year Chris and I totally agree that although there are many things I want to do its unlikely I will ever get round to them. I had a clear out recently and yes, still need more space !!!
    Love your journal page...totally fabulous and well done on looking after your beautiful flowers

    Huge hugs Annie xx

  4. A wonderful page Chris, and beautiful flowers! Mine never last that long, not that I get them very often! Lol!
    Have a great weekend! xx

  5. Loving this page, Chris! the chitchat quote is just perfect! Love that your flowers are still flowering!

  6. I know just what you mean, it never gets any smaller lol. Love your journal pages
    Hugs June x

  7. Such beautiful flowers-I love them! I know what you mean when it comes to space I try to tidy up my small craft room but it keeps getting smaller and smaller-I have added some things in there the last couple of years too. However for me I no longer throw anything out-as I have learned that down the road I may need it lol especially when it comes to anything in my craft room-I have items in there I have collected since the 60s, and I have some things from both of my late grandmothers sewing rooms, and My late Mom's and my Late sisters sewing room-oh my-I have vintage trunks that I keep allot of things in fabrics and yarns etc. but I know some times we just need to clear out stuff-I may have to do a little of that this year.
    I love your new art piece too-hugs have an awesome day Kathy

  8. I love your latest Art Journal Journey entry, dear. I would gladly take your old unloved and unused stamps (GRIN). You are a real stamper, and I simply adore what you have created here.

    I have also been decluttering, but it doesn't show. The worst part is, I end up with more in the end than I do before. I can definitely relate to your dilemma.

    Thanks or sharing this awesome art with us at Art Journal Journey. This is a GREAT entry.

  9. Chris I think our craft saved papers etc must multiply when we are not looking.
    I am always wanting to have a big clear out but end up thinking stuff will be useful later. I am for sure a hoarder.
    I love the fantastic journal page you made and that quote is brilliant with the sweet found children image you used.
    Have a good time away Chris.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Hello Chris!
    Creative girls have always to much stuff, but so we are prepared for every case. ;)
    Your new page looks really wonderful, very creative. I like it much.
    Nice that you could keep your flowers for so long time. I also try to keep flowers as long as I can.The same I do with my plants in pots.
    Dear Greetings

  11. A great journal page Chris and it's a great quote.
    I keep trying to organise and de clutter the craft supplies - but somehow I seem to get distracted.
    Avril xx

  12. I love your sense of adventure Chris. That's the best part of art, isn't it? And your page took you to a wonderful place. I love it. But I know about this cleaning out. It doesn't seem to get any emptier and it when you clean it always seem to make a bigger mess first. Happy end of your wek. Hugs-Erika

  13. Loved reading about your clear out of stuff and know just how that feels.

    The page is amazing and the flowers certainly were a bargain. My Christmas cactus never flowered at all this year. It is very old and is usually full of flowers from the end of October to Easter. We are hoping it is just having a rest this time

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. Love hour journal page!
    Gosh, you are good at keeping cut flowers - what's the secret?
    Hugs, Neet xx

  15. A really great journal page !!!! I often wonder about the expanding craft problem too. No how much I clear out there is still way too much :( I think Valerie may be right and the reproduce and multiply during the night.

  16. Wow! You've really been purging! It feels just wonderful to clear things out no longer needed. Pretty page. And PRETTY flowers!! :) :)

  17. Love those flowers! I sympathize with you about all the books. Some time ago I took mine all off the shelves and picked up each one and asked myself some questions about why I was keeping them. My shelves are much more manageable now.

  18. Those little ones look like they are going on an amazing adventure! I love your page and how you put all the elements together - wonderful 😁. Wow, your birthday flowers have lasted well! Have a lovely weekend! J 😊

  19. such a gorgeous page, and i love your plants. space is a conundrum. for some of us there is never enough, even when we clear! oh well. xo

  20. I love your collage and enjoyed reading about the bits. I'm inspired, I feel a collage coming on.
    You are right, at this stage we have so much (magazines, books, everything) that decluttering becomes essential, and then there is still so much left.
    Fitst world problems!

  21. Clearing out studio space for me has just led to buying new stuff to fill in with! I am so hopeless with art/craft supplies. I love your journal page and oh that sentiment...gave me a big giggle :D
    Hugs for now...

  22. Your jouranl page is gorgeous! You have really created so much movement and depth, and the design is quite appealing! I never tire of the paper dolls (Can you tell from my blog?), and they do look a little intimidated by that flower.

    I had a little chuckle at your summary of your clean out. I am in the same process...have been for quite some time, but doing it more in earnest with a goal in mind. Last night, I took all my pots and pans out of the cupboard, and found I could part with quite a few (after all, I'm not much of a cook!) My daughter gave me this little rack to put my frying pans in, and it ended up not working for me. I put everything I kept back and it didn't fit! Whaaaat???!

  23. Another absolutely beautiful page, Chris. The expressions on the kids' faces and the text are wonderful together. Yup, life is like that sometimes ;-)
