


Tuesday 14 May 2024

Small Things

 Hello everyone, our new topic at Try It On Tuesday is 'Small Things' so it's scaling down on the cards...and other things too!

The Design Team have lots of inspiration for you here.

I have made a small card to send wishes to a friend I don't see very often.

I used a Distress Ink lid to make little frame - rubbed over the pad and then used a water brush to drag some of the colour into the middle.(a tip from my friend Sarah) I used Lavinia Stamps for the little scene and the words came from my box of quotes.

I coloured the leaves and dragonfly with metallic paint and then used a brush to spatter some sparkle too.

I hope that will join us at TIOT this time, I do love working small, as you can see here. Anything goes long it's small!

Here are two of my small journals. The smallest fits inside the tin..and here are some of the Christmas Cracker playing cards that I am altering for the 100day project

Thanks for looking, Chris


My name is Erika. said...

These are such fun small things in this post Chris. That's an adorable card (with small little mice too) and those little mini cards are wonderful. I love the birds. Safe travels when you leave this week. hugs-Erika

CJ Kennedy said...

The card is sweet and your journal is so twee. Happy T Day

Let's Art Journal said...

Wow, so many beautiful makes! I love the little card with the small critters and beautiful shineof the leaves with the metallic paint that you used - perfect 😊. Those ATCs are all amazing too, you've provided us with so much fab inspiration. Happy wishes ❤️. Hugs, Jo x

peppylady (Dora) said...

Lovely little journals.

Anke said...

Your card is so beautiful Chris and I love your little journals with the birds, fantastic art.


Meggymay said...

Chris an amazing selection of small pieces of art. I love the beautiful card you made for a friend. The mini cards are all fantastic.

craftytrog said...

Gorgeous card and collages Chris! Xx

Mrs.B said...

I've been meaning to try the ink box technique and yours looks so good.
Love the little journal and the altered playing cards.
Avril xx

Joan said...

Love your little card Chris and your tiny journals are amazing 💕

Rostrose said...

Dear Chris, your mini journals are SUPER adorable! You really have a great talent for tiny works of art. Your Mice card and the Christmas Cracker playing cards are also so lovingly designed! All the best, Traude