Sunday 11 October 2020

Drops and drops on the high line!

 I have had some time to play so I have made a page in my big Dylusions journal. I have a page for my 'Hold The Line' theme at Art Journal Journey.

I started by spreading gesso over the page and when it dried added distress oxides and spritzed it with water so that it ran in lines down the page. I added some Dina Wakely gloss spray and wasn't sure where this page was going until The old Railway poster diary was unearthed from a pile of other stuff that I was tidying away. I found this train travelling over Monsal Head on a very high line on a viaduct.  

From then it was just case of looking through some paper scraps and using some new stamps from IndigoBlu designed by Asia Marquet and some older stamps from AAll and create designs by Bipasha.I used a brown Derwent line marker to outline the leaves.

I also added a Splodge stamp by Ab of All and Create.

These weren't the words I was going to use but I just thought about those views and used this Tim Holtz stamp instead!

I still cherish the lovely memory of our Steam Train trip at the beginning of March. The threat of Covid was around and we wondered whether we should go - so pleased we did.

Hope that you are all staying safe, I understand that certain someone says its nothing to worry about - it is...thousands are still being hospitalised and the death rate is rising again!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Fab page Chris, love steam trains but only been on North Yorks and one in the Lakes. We did have a fabulous train trip up the old gold rush trails in Alaska though !

    Stay safe


  2. Trains are a great idea Chris. Love the layering, and I have that same scenic route stamp. It is a classic! That does look like a wonderful train trip to have taken on the vintage image. Hope you had a nice weekend. Hugs-Erika

  3. Oh wow. A railroad poster. That's brilliant. Gotta love it. Thanks ever so much for this latest inspiration using your theme at Art Journal Journey.

    When I saw the title, I thought of the High Line in NYC that was converted to a grassy area with paths. It had been one of the overhead train areas that had been discontinued. Someone came up with the idea of turning it into a park for the city. I think your High Line is equally beautiful and it's much higher than the one in NYC. Better views, too, because I know how much you and T love to travel by train.

  4. A beautiful page! Oh, yes, you sure must be glad you went on that trip!!! Who would ever have guessed this would happening. Not only "Corinna" but also having to see that certain someone on German news every day, I´m sick and tired of his dumb face and words!

  5. Love the thoughts and memories behind this fantastic page Chris. It would be good to be able to escape and have an outing, but these days its safer to be home.
    Stay dafe Yvonne xx

  6. Beautiful!
    I know what you mean--we are being told not to worry about the virus at all or to worry and isolate as much as possible. I know what I choose and who I listen to.
    *love and hugs*

  7. Beautiful page and a wonderful place to visit too! The links of dripping Oxides provide the perfect backdrop for those vintage images - gorgeous 😁. Wishing you a happy new week! Hugs, Jo x
