Saturday 10 March 2018

Gelli printing is fun....

...but it is taking me away from other things!!!
Hi Everyone! I am finding out so much more about my gelli plate, not just by playing with it but catching up on some videos too!

As promised I will show you days 6-10

Flowers - I used some masks
Threads - I really enjoyed this one, got a bit carried away - these are just a few!

 Silhouette - I used an old gelli print and cut a silhouette of Prague from a flyer
 Packaging - I used quite a few bits, including my precious wavy corrugated card(precious only because Waitrose have stopped packing their croissants in this lovely wavy corrugated card!)
 Fabric - used some cheesecloth to print onto some old shirt pieces!
I hope to be back with a journal page tomorrow!
We are still being inventive on how to get out and about - I'll show you on Tuesday!!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. I am learning a lot too from both yours and Alison's blogs this month. How cool. Your pieces are gorgeous. I may have to pull my plate out tomorrow and give these a try. love seeing you having fun! Hugs-Erika

  2. Wow this is all very cool and inspiring

  3. This looks like you are having fun creating prints, great results Chris.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Between you and Alison, I really want to play with my gelli, but I have absolutely NO place to set it up at the moment. I can tell you had fun with these, and I see them as future backgrounds, or collage elements, too. Wonderful gelli results.

    BTW, happy Mother's Day tomorrow. Sorry you are having a few snags getting where you need to go.

  5. Glad you are having fun with your gelli plate. Enjoy your Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  6. It's so much fun, I agree Chris! Fabulous prints! xxx

  7. Great results! And lots of fun, too.
