Saturday 7 January 2017

A Foggy Day

I have another page for Erika's theme 'Tell Me A Story 'At Art Journal Journey.

It may seem odd to say that the fog inspired this page, but I love the view from my window at our caravan so much that it felt so strange to only see the garden and the trees just across the road this morning. I set to with a page already in my journal that I had sprinkled and spritzed with Paper Artsy Infusions.
 I added a few bits and pieces from a little box I had some scraps in. I cut out some words from old book paper and a magazine to go with a TH chit chat word.
The fog didn't really clear much at all during the day and we left around 3 o'clock this afternoon so this is what I saw…

 We were only away for a few days but once again the connection was dreadful and I am behind with my visiting!

Thanks for looking, Chrisx


  1. The effect from fog can be really interesting on the view. I like how you have the grey foggy view on your page. Its a great background background with the splashes of grey and the words and the white space. I think you really got the feeling of your view/photo. Thanks for joining in Chris. Hugs-Erika

  2. Lovely journal page Chris. It's foggy here just now, too. Thanks for joining us at AJJ, hugs, Valerie

  3. A fantastic page Chris and wonderful photograph of your garden at the caravan. Always a special place for sure

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. I love how you interpreted the fog... the layered work with so much depth is amazing!
    Happy Sunday dear Chris!
    Thank you for joining the AJJ theme!
    oxo Susi

  5. well, as you know, I love foggy pictures; ha ha - it gives such a great sense of atmosphere to a photo - and so does your journal inspiration page.

  6. I like fog as long as I don't have to drive in it. I think you really captured the foggy atmosphere in your art.

  7. Your collage and foggy day are beautiful, there is so much beauty and mystery in Winter and your art piece reflects this!

  8. You are so lucky Chris to have such a delightful get away. Your fog picture is wonderful - fog, so mysterious. You never know what is out there. Rather difficult to drive in though.
    Marvelous page Chris!
    sandy xx

  9. Fabulous page Chris, and even on a foggy day the view from the caravan window looks lovely.
    Avril xx

  10. You got an amazing paint effect on the journal page Chris and that photo is so atmospheric.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Lovely page, you have captured the beauty of the fog wonderfully! Wishing you a great start to the week! J :-)

  12. I thought I left a comment earlier, but apparently I fell asleep before I could write it. Seems I've been burning the candles at both ends, it's catching up with me. I'm even later than you were, and you had a great excuse.

    Fog is really hard to capture on film, so I applaud you with both your lovely entry for AJJ and your photo of the fog. Both are wonderful.

  13. A simply beautiful page - the soft look of the Infusions, the layered leaves - I love it. Go careful in the fog...
    Alison x
