Wednesday 6 January 2016


Happy New Year to all WOYWWers! At last I have slowed down a bit…haven't been to the caravan since before Christmas, too much going on here!! I doubt we will get there this weekend either, although the site is open all year round. We are just waiting for a gap in the round of commitments and appointments!
At least I have had some time at my desk!
I am joining Julia today at The Stamping Ground to show it to anyone  who, like me, loves to know what goes on at other crafter's workspaces.You can find out more info over at Julia's!
What you see here is not one, not two but three journals(there is another propped up on the floor too)I am trying to get ahead of myself - busy times coming up.
Around the outsides are bits and pieces I have been using. The clear box on the left contains leftovers from previous makes that may..or may not.. be useful. There are some Wintery masks, a brayer and various pastes and glues. I have been making some image transfers too.

I can hear you asking…why so many journals? Journalling is what I like doing most and I like to work on different sizes or indeed just different surfaces.I used to love working in small journals and still do for my travel journals, but now I enjoy working on much larger sizes too, although most of my favourite pages are in A5 journals. 

We have a shopping trip planned for after lunch, I am hoping today will be the day I get my new camera, having looked through a few choices I have made a decision!

I'm on my way for a few visits now - I think I will be playing later!!

Thank You for coming along today, Chris


  1. Super idea to use journals for your artwork Chris, enjoy your shopping trip and hope you find a camera. Have a great week RobynO#21

  2. My fave journal is my small one - well one of them. I like different types of journalling so good to hae a few on the go at once.
    Happy New Year - Hugs, Neet 13 xx

  3. I find small sizes more manageable - I get freaked out if I see a large empty sheet - I can handle 9X12 but not bigger! I have 3-4 journals on the go at any given time as well! Different sizes and formats. I don't remember visiting your blog before, Chris - I'll look around a bit! Enjoy your day! zsuzsa #39

  4. Hi Chris I've never tried journalling although it does look like fun. I see where you have used one of the masks that is standing up on the right on one of your pages. And am I right that you have the circular piercing stencil tucked away there top right of your photo. I'm waiting for that to arrive.

    Enjoy your shopping trip. I hope you manage to get the camera you want. Thank you for dropping by mine earlier. Barbxx #28

  5. Super desk Chris - love your journals. Hope you get that camera. Must admit I rarely use my actual camera now as the camera on my phone is better! Take care Zo xx 42

  6. Haven't really started a journal yet but the more I read on deskers' blogs the more I want to try. Thanks for sharing.

    have a good week

    Bishopsmate #53

  7. The journal page on the far left is stunning - I love it!
    I hope you enjoyed your shopping trip - and crafty buys?
    Have a wonderful Wednesday and the rest of the week,
    Bubbles #47

  8. Wow Chris you've been a busy bee....and I love what you've been busy with :-)
    Here's hoping we can all enjoy and share many happy crafty times in 2016.
    Annie x # 20

  9. I loads of journals on the go too... can't have too many! Hope you got your camera - look forward to seeing it and the results too. Enjoy! Helen 3

  10. Yes, yes, me too... many journals, and always on the lookout for more. Have more journals than I could probably fill in several lifetimes!! But I don't care, I love them! Love yours all piled up her with lovely soft backgrounds all ready to play with. Hope you find a lovely camera to play with too.
    Alison xx

  11. Fabulous desk Chris and looks very productive with all those journals !! Sounds like you have a busy time coming up
    x catherine

  12. Oh wow.. what a busy - crative place..and always good to have enough journals on hand!
    oxo Susi

  13. I similarly have many journals on the go although haven't done anything in them for a while. Maybe I should.
    Thanks for sharing and have a good week. Also thanks for the visit.
    Catherine #39

  14. The journals! I just want to get going on one! Have fun picking out your camera. I love my Nikon.

  15. Hi Chris - golly, it seems ages since I wrote a comment here - sorry. I've been AWOL quite a bit recently with John being so ill. You are certainly going to be busy with all those journals - enjoy!
    Thanks for the visit and the comments. It is indeed good to see John like this - he has lost a lot of ground this past year, having had 7 hospital admissions - the last one being incredible. I was called in three times because he had crashed - once requiring CPR to shift some sputum stuck and stopping him breathing. A difficult month, but such a blessing to have had him home for Christmas.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  16. Fun post, your desk looks like you work there. Hugs, Valerie

  17. Hi Christine, I too have got myself a few journals of different sizes. Not actually started art journalling yet, but I know I will appreciate having them when I do. The person I got my flat back gems from on e-bay is
    They were very good, I got them 2 days after I ordered.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #8xxx

  18. Love the coziness I see at your desk. Looks like a lot of magic is happening there! Are you a lefty? From the sounds of it you found your camera. I had a good laugh at your comment on my blog...I only have my camera's phone. I think I just got lucky capturing that glitter. I thought "here we go again, no one's going to know how sparkly this is!" And I didn't even have to try! I have horrible lighting--one Ott light and one incandescent so my whites always look yellowed and lots of shadows. I'm no photographer!

    I won Yvonne Blair's Art Journal, but haven't tried art journaling yet. You may just give me the push I need. Have fun with your new camera!

  19. I would sure like to thumb through those journals.Enjoy the camera. Peg 66

  20. I hope you found a camera. My son helped me last time on a decision. Love your journal work. I love doing stuff like that, but am a little intimidated by it all. I also am wanting to start Bible Art journaling. Thank you for stopping by earlier. Happy New Year! #58

  21. I had planned to visit sooner, but right after I linked to Julia, my electricity went off. It came back on a short time ago, and YES, I'm awake and still trying to get warm. Not sure about in the UK, but here, if there's no electricity, your heater won't turn on because it has an electric starter. So, no heat and no light made for a horrible day trying to stay warm under covers with the boys.

    I wanted to thank you again for the lovely goodies you sent. So many compliments (at least as I scanned the comments from WOYWW) were about my lovely Genevieve.

    So, please stay warm and safe today!

    Almost forgot to say thanks for visiting me while I was offline.

  22. A new camera, how fun! I understand about the journals. Between those and altered books I have way too many started, all in various stages of completion. Do you only do a specific type of journaling in each one? Thank you for the visit earlier. Diane #35

  23. Good luck with the new camera - it will be fun playing with it! A happy, healthy and crafty New Year to you! x Jo

  24. Well I hope that you're camera happy by now! Love the idea of more than one journal at at time, kinda suggests that actually, you're as busy as ever! Still using the fab notebook you made for me....that's nearly everyday that I smile over you!

  25. Oooh I love the look of your workspace, it says "Come on, dive in and start playing!"

  26. Hi Chris this looks like a desk in waiting. I understand why you have so many journals and I often work in two at the same time. Wishing you a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela 32x
