Tuesday 12 January 2016

T Stands for…take a walk with me

Just a warning before we start - it is quite a long way and I don't want you to get tired, please feel free to bring your drink with you!

Last Friday the sun was peeping through the clouds and we decided to take a short car ride to Dunham Massey, intending to have a brisk walk and home for lunch! I had my new camera and was looking forward to trying it out.
When we arrived in the car park the sun was shining over a flooded field - I didn't even wait for my camera to come out of the boot, sorry, trunk, if you are in the USA.
I took this shot with my phone camera
 and then this one with my new camera
We had decided to go around the Winter Garden - two years ago there were Daffodils in January.

We even watched a squirrel, who searched under a bush for some of his store and then posed for me.

It was here that my battery gave up so I turned to my phone again…but we were almost at the end of our walk, which instead of a brisk walk had become a photo trip!!

We left a visit to the Orangery for another day.

We went past the clock tower and headed towards the exit block…which is right by the toilets, shop and cafe….

so….we stayed for lunch…and as it's Tuesday…
….and time to join Bluebeard, Elizabeth (and Squiggles) for a drink related post, I took a photo!
A Salmon and Prawn dish for hubby and just on the right my Cheese and Leek flan! Water is our lunchtime drink- always!
The windows are etched with outdoor scenes.
The kite to the left of the window got lost!!
So now we could have our brisk walk…with just a few stops for photos!

We headed for the shorter route (ha! ha!)
This is the other side of the flooded field.
 Please tell me you can also see two horses in this fallen tree.
Any tree that falls in Dunham grounds, unless is it is blocking a path, is left where it is to rot naturally - our grandchildren love looking for bugs when we visit with them! 

We still had a way to go before we could turn the corner for the walk back around the edge of the wall.
We passed the saw mill, which until the mid 1800s was a corn mill

As we went past the clock again….
…and out through the gate to the exit and carpark…

..the geese were waiting for a little girl to feed them.
We had a lovely day and a nice long walk.

Thank you for joining me, Chris

Just a footnote - Dunham used to a favourite place to take my class for Victorian experiences where they could dress up and take part in activities.


  1. Wonderful photos and food, have BIG fun with your new camera you lucky girl! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Glorious photos - very impressed with the ones from the new camera (do tell - what is it?!). Such a lovely place to take a walk with you, and lunch looks delicious too. I'm not sure about two horses - I see a giant fire-breathing serpent approaching its slumbering prey...
    Alison xx

  3. Amazing photographs your new camera is wonderful and you use it so well.

    Good to see all the great plants still in bloom and especially the witch hazel . Thanks for sharing you wonderful walk Chris

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. what amazing photographs, Chris - looks like you picked a fabulous camera- what did you settle for? The trees against the sky are fantastic.

  5. Wow Chris, that is one collection of amazing photos! Gosh, you are so clever, they are all stunning and so atmospheric!

  6. Your new camera takes wonderful photos! I enjoyed taking the walk around the park with you. Happy T Day!

  7. what a gorgeous collection of photos Chris!! My faves are that sweet little birdie-and yes the two horses!! I would be very happy with either of your lunch choices-yum. Happy T day!

  8. I really enjoyed my walk! What a gorgeous place, and so spring like for January. You took some spectacular photos. I think the new camera is a keeper! Hugs!

  9. Oh what a very lovely walk this is.
    And so much blooming already Wowee beautiful!
    Love the blue sky background for the bare tree branches and the reflections and I even saw a swan (I have a thing for swans!).
    Both you phone and new camera take lovely photos but really it is YOU who gets the credit :-)
    Happy T Day Chris oxo

  10. It looks like a perfect day out to me and with a new camera to break in it must have been fun. Dying to know which make and model you decided upon. I was luck to get a new one in December.... a battery bought on the net proved to be fake and it fried the functions of my previous (but not very old) camera.
    Thanks for ringing and I'm looking forward to our get together at Event City.
    Jo x

  11. I enjoyed my walk today, using your fantastic photos to see the wonderful things you saw on your day out.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Wonderful photos!! yes, I could see two 'horse's heads' in those logs... what a lovely place for a walk and photos...happy T day!

  13. Somehow I thought I had already been here, but now I'm glad I saw your photo on my sidebar and realized I had not. I simply adore the walk you took, but even I got tired before the end. I have NO idea where you got the energy because it looks like you walked about five miles.

    Water is really the best thing to drink with meals, as I have discovered. The prawns look delicious, but I'm curious about the flan. Never had a savory flan before.

    Thanks so much for sharing these beauties with us for T this Tuesday. I'm really in LOVE with your new camera, but your phone does a super job, too.

  14. I thoroughly enjoyed your walk! The photos are beautiful...and your lunch looks delicious. My husband and I are water drinkers, too.

  15. Lovely walk! I especially enjoyed the little bird with the orange breast and the squirrel.
    Happy T-Day! :)

  16. wonderful photos from your walk and all signs of spring here! (we have the most aweful weather...)
    happy belated t-day and rest of the week!

  17. Brilliant photos..oh wow!
    Thank you for sharing Chris!
    Happy belated T-Day my friend!
    oxo Susi

  18. Gorgeous photos Chris. I love Dunham Massey. Xxx

  19. Theres nothing i like more than taking my camera with me on a walk Chris. Thank you so much for sharing your love walk with us. YES! I do believe i see the horses racing side by side...lol Happy happy Belated Tday!! Hugs! deb

  20. I loved seeing the pics of your walk Chris, we were there last April - the Magnolia trees were in full blossom - magnificent!
    Hugs, Avril xx

  21. What an amazing post Chris!! Love the shots you're getting with your new camera! I carry a spare battery in my pocket at all times, after I walked all the way to the edge of the woods, just to have my camera die on me, DOH! Glad you had your phone at least. Love that shot of the bird, I realize how hard it is to capture a bird on camera, so well done! Love the squirrel too. Beautiful walk I had today with you, thanks so much for sharing! hugs :)

  22. Lovely photos and I am amazed to see the daffs and rhodedendrum in bloom!! It is ike having a walk with you. Sorry I ams o late visisting.

  23. Magical post, my friend!Enchanting!
