Thursday 21 January 2016


Yes, we saw snow this weekend and it inspired me to make another journal page for Chrissie's theme, 'Winter Wonderland' at Art Journal Journey.

This photo was taken in daylight
This photo was taken under my craft room light - you can see more of the sparkle.
I used tinted texture paste through a stencil for the top left corner, then over the page I used paint spread on with a baby wipe. The tree was stamped onto a piece of muslin and the tree branches extended onto the page before I stuck it down using grey and white ink. More texture paste was added through a stripy stencil and then smudged and painted. Everything had a good coating of Stickles!

I used to be am a huge Harpers Bizarre fan. I also love Randy Newman, who wrote these words. The song leads on to sadder lyrics so I stopped at just the first line!

A reminder of seeing the fields fill with snow at the weekend and a few photos to show you.

As it became dark the lights over on the A6 looked quite magical!
The next morning there had been more snow

 The birds were pleased we had put some food out

I would also like to enter the Stamps and Stencils Challenge, where Cec has chosen the 'Oh So Blue' theme

Thank You for looking, Chris


  1. I love your Snow page, Chris - and your pictures too, we had a little too for Saturday morning but it wasn't as pretty as yours!

  2. Lovely photos and a beautiful journal page, thanks so much for joining us again at AJJ, hugs, Valerie

  3. Gorgeous... beautiful art work and super pics. No snow for us yet just more and more rain.
    So sorry we cannot meet up for the show but you are best sorted sooner than later and recover languishing delightfully whilst this weather lingers. Won't be long till Spring and you'll be right by then.
    Standfast & Barracks has it's reopening on Sat and I'll be there with my friend. Just letting you know!!!
    Jo x

  4. Lovely to see the snow - both on your page and in your photos. We had a minimal amount - on roofs and in treetops rather than on the ground, but it still looked lovely.

    Great to see your page in the two different lights - when something has that frosty sparkle, you always need a couple of different views of it I think. I really love the dramatic sky, and th wonderful texture underfoot.
    Alison xx

  5. Lovely snowy photos. A fantastic winter page as well Chris, the different lighting does show the frosty sparkle.
    Yvonne xx

  6. What super snowy pics and lovely to see the birds getting their winter food. Beautiful Journalling page.
    Julie x

  7. Just been looking at Alison's Words & Pictures blog and wondered if you know about the Wanderlust course she is following ...
    It just seemed perfect for you.
    jo x

  8. Your photos are quite pretty. It looks like you got just enough snow but not so much where it swallows you up. And I love your piece for AJJ. It really feels like the views of your photos.

  9. Stunning journal page especillay with the light on it showing the glitter. Love the photographs as well .

    Thank you for your great support at Art a Journal Journey

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. This page is simply GORGEOUS dear Chris and your photos are a delight!
    Happy weekend!
    Thank you so very much for all the support and your beautiful artwork for Art Journal Journey!

  11. Brilliant page Chris! I love that tree standing in the middle of the snow storm, I can almost feel the icy wind on my neck!! LOVE your snowy shots, I'm so jealous!! Apparently this is one of the warmest winters on record up here in Canada...great, me in the country with my new camera and nothing to take photos of! DOH!! I demand my Canadian winter!! lol. hugs :)

  12. Another beautiful winter page Chris!, I really love in two different lights but the frosty sparkle looks so gorgeous.
    Great photos too.
    Have a lovely weekend! Mar xx

  13. Oh Chris I just love your journal page. So crisp and soft at the same time.
    So much for the cold weather at the beginning of this week, it has been like a spring day today here. Even the bees were out on the snowdrops!!!
    Have a good weekend.

  14. Fabulous winter page Chris, love the different textures.
    Wonderful snowy photos, fresh snow always looks so pretty.
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  15. This is such a beautiful page, very evocative especially with the words which are beautiful.
    I've heard of Randy Newman but not the band.
    Such lovely photographs you shared.

  16. Chirs the first thing I noticed in your photos (beside the snow, of course)was the fact that one feeder still had food in it, and was thinking how the birds would treasure that! And I skimmed through the photos, and oh, how delightful to see those birds!Something or someone knocked down my feeder right outside my window, so I am feeling a little bird deprived. Beautiful snowy landscapes you've been able to capture with your camera. It looks so peaceful!

    And now for your gorgeous snowy, twinkly journal page! I love your single tree in the field filled with ice (it looks like the photograph!) Your white and blue fields are just fantastic in color and texture. The sky filled, too, is with colors just as I could imagine in real life (IF I HAD ANY snow, that is!) This is just a lovely scene! Thank you for sharing your talents with us! Hugs!

  17. Your snow inspired page is captured the magic of it very nicely Chris!
    I confess I am too excited about our big snow here in the Washington DC area.
    So far we have two feet and counting.
    The winds are wicked so it is the perfect time to stay indoors.
    Snow is so photogenic isn't it.
    I enjoyed your photos very much!
    Stay warm and cozy

  18. WOW, you got a loot of snow. What a great inspiration, and beautiful art journal page that resulted in it. I like the sentiment, and love the art, but most of all, I LOVE the snow. Seems all of mine melted while I was gone. Love seeing your photos through your new camera's lens, too.

  19. Loving your gorgeous snowy photos Chris, especially the evening one with the lights, it looks quite magical. We did not get quite as much as you, sadly.

    Your page is beautiful, I really love the sparkly bits and the sentiment too!
    Hugs, Anne xx

  20. Fabulous page Chris and love the icy look to it. Great pics of the snow-looks like you had a bit more than us !
    x catherine

  21. an awesome page - beautiful use of different blues - it looks fabulous! Thanks for joining us at stamps and stencils this month! Hugs rachel x

  22. Hi Chris I am loving your snowy page with lots of twinkles it is so pretty. Looks like you have had quite a lot of snow, we haven't had a flake over here! Lovely to see the birdies enjoying the food you have put out for them too. Mo x

  23. This truly looks like a winter scene, so lovely! Thanks so much for linking up with us at Stamps & Stencils. This is so very inspiring!!!

  24. Wonderful! Your gorgeous journal page captures a winter's day perfectly! Thankyou for joining us over at Stamps and Stencils Toni x
