Sunday 10 January 2016

A little bit of snowy fun!

I have had a little play, thanks to Chrissie, Valerie, Karla especially for the inspiration to use one of my own photos! But I have been seeing a lot of fabulous digi work and thought it was about time I practiced more!!
I will show you more photos another day but for now I have been using Print Shop, bought for me years ago by hubby. I used to use it a lot for my scrapbooks - until I got the journaling bug
This is for Art Journal Journey where Chrissie has chosen Winter Wonderland for the theme this time.

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Fantastic photograph and the snowmen make it really special Chris

    Thank you for joining us at Art Journal Journey once again

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Wonderful page, love how you have used your photo! Thanks for joining us at Art Journal Journey, hugs, Valerie

  3. This is so much FUN! I love the photo and those playful snowmen...Hugs!

  4. Ah...... Chris this is such a fun page. Love the snowmen and the wonderful photo you used.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Love this piece Chris, those snowmen look as if they've been having fun.
    Avril xx

  6. Well again I am pea green with envy - I guess that is better than blue and depressed. I don't know how to do this -- but sure am glad to see what you have done!
    Sandy xx

  7. I have a copy of Print Shop from the 90s, but haven't used it since I bought PhotoShop. Your page is simply FUN! I hope the snow is on the page and not on the ground outside your house. Did I mention how cute this is? Well, it IS!!

  8. Oh how clever!! A brilliant fun piece!!

  9. I love what you have made with your own photo!
    Thank you Chris for linking it to Art Journal Joureny!

  10. Wow, this is amazing Chris! I love the idea of the photo manipulation for a background. Must give it a go sometime. Hope you're staying warm. hugs :)

  11. Joke form my 8 year old grandie... Snowmen asked the other snowman.... "Can you smell carrots?"
    Mind you... your's is pretty "armless" too! eeewwhhh!
    Jo x

  12. ha ha .. made me smile. great background photo and love your little snowmen with their new and most useful arms. hugs, Donna

  13. Clever and cute page with your lovely forest scene.
    "real" digital art is beyond me but now the smart phones have some wonderful filters and apps that help me dip my toe just a little into photo altering.

  14. I recognise that fantastic photo from the earlier (later, but I'm going in reverse of course!) post, don't I? Love your digi alterations - those snowmen are so funny!
    Alison xx
