Wednesday 22 April 2015


Whoosh! …and it's Wednesday again! If you've got a desk then Julia's Stamping Ground is the place to link and show it in all it's glory!
Oh! and if you're nosy interested like me, there will be lots to see.
Mine, for instance has had to be censored…in the nicest way…I had evidence when I looked at the photo, of something I had prepared for  a guest spot next week!

I have also had to close my journal as I am doing a page for Try It On Tuesday so if you want to see that you will have to pop onto the blog next Tuesday! 
You may search for clues if you wish but I can only spot two!!

So, that's it for now, we are off to enjoy a bit of sun before the weekend weather changes.

I will be looking at desks on my phone so you will be in miniature and I can't guarantee a connection so apologies if I don't leave you comment. Last week I was trying to comment in the car and lost several…..

Thanks for looking, Chris 


  1. Hehe we all read our blogs in different place using lots of different techy gear don't we. Today I'm sat out in the sun watching the twins play and I'm using my iPad. All being well my comments will post...but I can never be certain 😀 have a great week.
    Annie x #17

  2. It looks VERY tidy, I would never show mine! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Happy WOYWW Chris...great looking workspace..lots of stuff handy. Enjoy your weekend Cheers RobynO#24

  4. Happy WOYWW - fab workspace! I am quite curoius about the page!!!

  5. It's a desk of intrigue today. Happy travels. I'm enjoying the sunshine too, while I'm having my lunch.

    Fiona #27

  6. You are teasing us. I spy some letter stamps on your desk which I too own but haven't used yet. Happy WOYWW! #26

  7. i had to hide projects on my desk too incase my class attendants had a look on my blog!
    thanks for sharing
    happy woyww have a great week
    Mrs. C.x #2

  8. Well I'll look forward to seeing your journal pages. Take care Zo xx 44

  9. Those teeny tiny phone all use them. If I was wealthy I would get a nice big ipad for looking at blogs when I am away from the computer. I guess I would need a nice fast wifi connector thingy too. Ah, if I was wealthy the things I could do LOL Happy WOYWW and have fun doing your featured page. Will check it out next week. Shel@PaperOctilloStudio #54

  10. oh you tease! (I haven't done mine for next week yet, lol!) enjoy your trip and if we don't see you - or you can't see us - we'll understand, lol!! Helen #5

  11. Oh, the horrors of censorship! I'll bet that whatever you are up to is a lot of fun. Judy #58

  12. You are such a teese, will have to pop back to see what you're up to.
    Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 30

  13. Hmmm, I am thinking stencils and typewriter keys.... whatever you are doing, I am sure it will be as beautiful as ever! Hugs, Anne xx

  14. Hi I saw the typewriter key stamps too, they look really cool I wander what you are going to make with them..
    Janet @8

  15. Commenting from the car is dedication! I Am ALWAYS keyed in (ha ha) on typewriters and text so is that a clue?Will be back. Will I see you at the WOYWW crop?

    Happy day after WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (3)

  16. Looks like your in the middle of some great creativity there Chris. Looking forward to seeing the finished journal page and enjoy the lovely weather while we have it
    x catherine

  17. Hi Chris, I agree about the phone thing. tried before now to link with mine, or comment, and it all goes horribly wrong! Running late this week, it sort of ran away from me,lol.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz# 11 xx

  18. You tease... so many secrets! I'll just have to be patient (and probably all the more so, as I'll undoubtedly be catching up late again). Not only phones which cause trouble. I discovered the comments I'd been painstakingly leaving from my iPad were, in the main, not getting through... grrr!
    Alison xx
