Tuesday 17 March 2015

T is for ….coffee?

May I first say a big Thank you for the encouraging comments I've been getting - it means a lot!!
Elizabeth and Bleubeard at The Altered Book Lover invite us for tea each week - and I don't even drink tea - found (in a rather melodramatic way) that I am allergic to tea! I can drink some fruit teas but can't say I'm that enthralled, my preferred drink is coffee, especially now we have a coffee maker at our caravan (one that uses pods).
Last weekend I was using scraps to make journal pages in my little journal...
..hubby made me a latte...
…and there I sat, journal, latte , view……..bliss!!
I hope your Tea Day has been as lovely as mine…my first outing as a member of a Design Team and time with my Grandchildren!
Thank you for the invite Elizabeth!

Thanks for looking,


  1. A beautiful journal page. The view from your window looks lovely.
    Yvonne xx

  2. Lovely coffee journal page; lovely latte and lovely view! Now I agree - this is also what I call 'bliss'! xx

  3. Your journal page is fabby, and your latte delish. Best wishes on your DT work. Happy T Day :D

  4. Another fabulous scrap inspired page in your tiny journal. I'm so glad that you are using those scraps to your advantage. The view from your caravan is wonderful. It's nice that it's unencumbered by other buildings in that view.

    I would like one of those lattes, too. Getting that pod coffee maker was a stroke of genius. I'm not allergic to tea, but I much prefer to drink coffee, and that looks like how I would drink mine, too. Even the mug is adorable.

    Thanks for joining us for T this Tuesday with your latte and your view that is to die for!

  5. You are a very lucky lady to have such a wonderful view from your window and how fabulous that you can have a latte while contemplating the weather. Love your journal page, the textures and colours are lovely and inspired by nature :-) xxx

  6. Love the journal page! So love your view also!

  7. Oh my!! That is the perfect spot--and with a journal and coffee--I'm in! LOL!
    Happy T-Day! :)

  8. An other fabulous page.............a delightful drink .............................and a gorgeous view.

    Happy T-day

  9. What a view!! I could sit there all day! Wonderful journal page as well.
    Happy T day

  10. oh, a truly Gorgeous scrappy journal page! and welcome coffee lover! (me too) I must say, the view from your window is rather marvelous...happy T Day (& St. Patty's Day) a bit late! ♣

  11. Lovely post. Your journal page is so peaceful, just like your pastoral view. A tea allergy? Oh my!

  12. What a Wonderful View... and when you add in that Latte and Art... SWOON! Thanks for being a part of my very first T-day ... isn't it just a lovely way to take a break?

  13. Oh goodness! To be allergic to tea-wow! I am allergic to lemons and learned the hard way as well. Awesome way to use those scraps and wonderful job! Hugz! ~Niki

  14. Completely love this journal page - warm, textured, vintage - just makes me happy. So I share in your happiness, even though I've got no latte and no view at the moment!
    Alison xx

  15. Beautiful page Chris....sorry catching up again! Ruth x
