Wednesday 4 February 2015


It hasn't been a week since we were here surely? If you are wondering where I'm heading, well I'm off to see some desks, courtesy of Julia at The Stamping Ground! Try it, I'm sure you won't be disappointed!
Here is my desk, not been touched since it was left in this state yesterday afternoon before we went to pick my GD up from school!
I've been having a dotty time in my journal but not sure where its going now! The coffee jar is waiting for something to happen too!! 
As you can see I am still (sort of) tidying up after a crafting session!

Cinema review(Chris style)
Last week we went to see "Testament of Youth" - a very gentle start with lovely settings and costumes which then led to the harsh reality of the First World War! Some very graphic scenes, but in context it made for a a memorable film.

I hope to do better with commenting this week - we had a scary moment with our car on the way back from GD's last week - sort of distracted me - all sorted now!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. I'm whizzing round all my fav blogs while the twinnies do some drawing by me 😃
    I love your dotty page and will be watching to see what you do with it next 😃
    Hugs Annie x #15

  2. Oh sounds like me, I do some thing with embossing paste but them loose the thread of what I started, looking forward to seeing what you do with the dotty paper
    Jan S no 55

  3. An interesting start to a page!!! It could go just about anywhere - how fun! Have a great week and God bless!

    Happy Crafting!
    Jeannie #9

  4. Now I shall have to look into that movie. Thanks for the review. :) Isn't texture paste fun? I've only begun playing with it -- made my own, and it's working out well. I do like your dotty page. I'm sure you'll have a great time taking it to the next level. Happy WOYWW!

  5. Your page is looking good! Look forward to seeing what comes next.
    Have a good week
    Christine aka Bishopsmate #73

  6. OMGosh. Is that a rubber stamp of bubble wrap? I can't believe they have stamps for EVERYTHING these days.

    Sounds like a good movie. War IS reality, isn't it? Not playing this week, but had to stop by, anyway.

  7. I have never heard of that film, but then I am not a film buff these days, Sounds good though and am sure the other half would enjoy it. Must see when/if it is on at a local cinema.
    Love the look of your busy desk - journalling - must get around to it sooner than later.
    Hugs, Neet 29 xx

  8. Great start to your page. Film sounds interesting - DH would enjoy I'm sure. Wonder what you will do with that jar :-) Anne x #40

  9. Lots of dots indeed. You are off to a good dotty start on your journal. Enjoy! Judy #79

  10. I read the book... years ago! good to know the film passed muster! Love that piece on your desk with the Darcy flowers.. Have a great week. Helen 8

  11. I love the textures going on with the journal page :) ~Stacy #77

  12. Very fun post Chris, lots of fun craft goodies to play with.

    Hugs diane

  13. Very fun post Chris, lots of fun craft goodies to play with.

    Hugs diane

  14. Now that is a well loved desk if ever I saw one. Obviously it gets used often! You are so organized to have the things you use most within reach... look forward to seeing the progress with those dots in your journal as well as the coffee jar! :D
    Beth P
    #76 WOYWW

  15. I once filled a jam jar with a note a day of something nice that had happened or I had heard or seen.
    Thanks for popping by Chris.
    Lynn 25

  16. Dotty spotty indeed! I like the colours you've used Chris, it'll make a good background for something! I'd wrap some gingham around that jar, put some embellishments or buttons on and use it as a posy vase :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 26 xx

  17. I have never heard of that film, but I did go to the pictures last night with a friend, haven't done that in so long I can't remember I saw Taken 3 was totally pleased with it. Now I am looking forward to seeing other films and I should do it more often. My family was in shock that I actually took time off and went out. I love that journal page you are creating, half the time I don't know where I am going with my pages either that is the best part of the journey of creating. Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful week.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Eliza & Yoda 21

  18. I forgot to ask do you have a follow by email link I don't seem to find it?

    Hugs Eliza

  19. dotty eh? i think your cofffee jar is calling for colourful button, well you would wouldnt you?
    janet #18

  20. I love doing pages like that - or using the same page to clean my stencils on, builds up loads of yummy layers that I wouldn't normally think to put together :)

    Yikes to the scary car moment - not fun :( Hope you are OK.

    Carmen x #53

  21. I know I'm late but really wanted to visit as many as poss. this week. Love the journal page, would love to see it when it's finished. Happy crafting, Angela x

  22. Sounds like a week of adventure. The page is looking good and I love your desk - everything all neatly to hand - wish I was that organised! Hugs, Chris # 11

  23. Now I can get you when you next post, thanks for that.

    Hugs Eliza

  24. Ooh, look - a jar, a jar! And what a lovely jar - can't wait to see what you do with it. (Have you seen Wendy Vecchi's latest offering - the faux granite-ware technique? I've plans to try that as soon as a good jar turns up.)

    Hope you stay safe in the car picking up your GD...
    Alison xx

  25. Hi Chris - sorry it has taken so long to get around to visiting. LOVE the dotty page! Glad the car is now behaving itself.
    Yes - erm - that was indeed a builder's ...! Ooops - and this is a family show - some of our fellow bloggers are SO young!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #7

  26. Hi Chris... Bopping by a bit late as last week was just crazy for me. Happy to hear the car issue is behind you. Looking forward to see where the journal takes you. Creative Blessings! Kelly #83
