


Wednesday 16 October 2013


There wasn't a great deal on my desk up till yesterday afternoon and even then it was what I'd left after preparing my video box and journal to take away with me. Then….wooh! wooh! we came back after shopping and there on the door mat was the prize I won from  a Tando Creative Challenge! So far all I've done with it is pop it onto of everything else on my desk. I've been very lucky lately having been picked out to win an Artistic Stamper Challenge and an Ali-Crafts challenge too! So…. the desk, here because Julia invites us to show our desks to fellow crafters all over the world, and yes, sometimes they can be a bit messy - all part of the fun!! See here for details of how to join in.
Oh dear! it is a bit of a mixture isn't it - feel free to snoop around - I think I'd better clear a bit of space to use don't you?

So - I'll be round to yours if I can. Thanks for visiting, Chris

ps if you want to see my journal and Italy pics, the first pages are here and there will be more soon.


Winnie said...

Congrats on all the lucky wins! Looks like a lot of fun stuff to break out and get inky with! Enjoy the day! Winnie#103

Annie said...

Huge congrats to you. How lovely to win. Now all you need is to make a little 'push back' space to play with it all in eh? :-)
A x # 5

Julie Lee said...

Ooh! You're going to have sooo much fun playing with your wins! Lucky you, Chris! It couldn't have happened to a nicer person! Have a lovely play with it all! I'll be joining you in spirit! Julie Ann xx #45

Dainty Diva said...

Congrats on winning. I love all the stuff just handy enjoy your goodies. #115

Caro said...

Oh you lucky thing! Congratulations on the wins. Have fun playing. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#12)

lisa said...

How lovely to get Happy post.Congrats on all your wins and enjoy playing with it all.
Hugs Lisax #110

Robin said...

Congratulations on winning! How fun! It's always fun to get happy mail!

Hugs - Robin #117

The House of Bears said...

Lucky you with the wins. Isn't it fun to get new stash. Thanks for visiting us already today

patcrafts said...

Congratulations Chris that's wonderful winning three challenges how fantastic is that. Pat xx

Ann said...

Congratulations Chris - 3 wins is fabulous!!! I just love all the goodies on your desk :D
Thanks for your lovely welcome & comment on my blog too........Take care &have a lovely crafty week!
Ann (52) xx

Lynn Holland said...

I love Italy and visited many times. Did you see any Doodly birds while you were there

Anne said...

Congratulations you have done well. Happy WOYWW Anne x #81

Neet said...

Well done on all of your wins Chris. You must rub up against me next time we meet - I need some luck to win some goodies.
Hugs, and Thanks for visiting me - Neet 35 xx

shazsilverwolf said...

Excellent prizes there Chris, well done you! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #29 xx

Jackie said...

Wow three wins your on a lucky roll buy a lottery ticket !
Jackie 10

ike said...

Lovely goodies and well done you for being on a winning streak :-D

IKE in Greece xxx

Twiglet said...

Well done on the prize - it's always a thrill to get a surprise like that isn't it. x Jo

Hettie said...

Well done - always nice to play with new stamps whether won or given. I have received some fabby ones from my friend.
xx 91

Gill Edwards said...

i do love a busy desk. well done for winning so many goodies lately you are on a roll

Gill x

Chrissie said...

I was interested to see your die-cut letters, I'm a bit of a meanie and just cut the actual letters I need not the whole die. I put double sided tape on the back of the card, pop a tiny bit over the required letter and cut. I can then just peel off the backing and stick to my project. I don't waste a whole bunch of letters that way either!
Loved looking at your stuff!
Thanks for the snoop!
Chrissie #84

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated WOYWW. Congrats on the prizes. I had a bit of a closer snoop and those washi tapes are fab, and I really must get some Distress Markers. Ali x #96

Monique said...

congratulations on your wins =) Have fun playing with them =)
xx Monique

Christine said...

Thanks for your visit earlier - it will be some time before the house returns to 'normal', retirement means moving more slowly for us!!
Well done for winning, and just love your Italy photos. We did a cruise up to Riva, we just love Italy.
Bishopsmate #75

Words and Pictures said...

Yay! Congrats on your lucky streak... long may it continue!
Alison xx