


Wednesday 27 February 2013


I don't think I'm the only person who wants more time for crafting but I'm retired for goodness sake!! This week I've either been out or had visitors - EVERY DAY!!!!!(all this and a newly retired hubby who needs a hobby!)Oh! sorry….ranting…why am I here at 9am? Yay! It's Wednesday - at least I can see what other folk have been able to do, courtesy of Julia at Stamping Ground! I haven't got a lot to show… 365/calendar journal(closed until Friday), although there's a clue with the mop up paper on the right ..and this.
It had patches of white until I sprayed it with water, scrunched it up and left it to dry over night - this it how it looks this morning - can't wait to put it to use!!
The two stamps at the back are knights in armour for something I'm working, correction, want to work on, and will stay there until I do!
The other thing that I want to show you is YEUUCH!- Dusty Concord Distress Stain - gone green! A nice shade I admit but not DC!!

So, am I having a crafty day today? - Nope! Half price cinema day again, so we're off to see Song for Marion, although it's an 11.30 start so maybe this afternoon? We've heard varying reviews but we are still going to give it a go - well, for £6.50 for two it's a bargain!!
I'll be back to see you later, hope you don't make me too jealous when I see what you've been doing!
ps I did finish the heart box! - here


Heathers Inspiration said...

Hope you enjoy the film :0)
Love the glimpses of your project, the colours are Great x
Happy WOYWW Heather #85

Zue said...

It seems that when you both retire, there is so much to do together that there's not enough time for 'me'.
Have fun and enjoy the film.

Antonia said...

We are both retired too but we both love our hobbies so have to find /make time for other things. Well that's what retirement is for isn't it :). Love the colours you are using.
Happy woyww
Toni #82

Unknown said...

I hope you enjoyed the movie I love the things that you have on your desk. The distress inks are great aren't they?! Yes there never seems to be enough hours in the day to craft and fit other things in lol! I love the colours for your next project.. blues and purples, I find very calming :-). Have a great day and happy WOYWW.
Janene #25

Helen said...

Funny you say that about your DC I think some of mine have too.... I wonder why... I think I shook mine and it seemed to help...Love the blue and purple though. Helen, 8

Annie said...

Hope you're gonna use that mop up paper :-) Love the colours.
A x # 56

ria gall said...

it is such a shame when life gets in the way of our crafting. Your heart box is lovely very pretty colours. I like how your paper has turned out can't wait to see that used
Happy WOYWW hope you have a great day
Ria #48

Neet said...

Knights in armour? Intriguing. Hope you enjoyed your film and look forward to seeing what you do with that mop up paper.
My other half retired early and started doing a maths course - now he is busier than I am. I hardly see him as he has his room and I have mine.
Take care and stay happy.

Hugs, Neet xx 27

Unknown said...

Good afternoon Chris, I am retired too and this afternoon I am 'fridge/freezer' sitting at my daughter's until the repair man arrives.Your desk looks all prepped ready for the off. We are hoping to see that film some time in March. Enjoy.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

My brother saw that film last night and enjoyed it! Hope you did too.
Oh, a husband needing a hobby....hmmm....hope you can give him lots of good suggestions :) does he need a shed????
Hugs, LLJ 38! Xxxx

Jenny Marples said...

Don't think any of us have enough time!!! Could you get hubby involved in his own little craft project? Bet he would get hooked like the rest of us! Enjoy the film. Hugs, Jenny #131

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Me again! That would be nice if you did come down again....if it was the very end of May, perhaps you could come to the crop on the 1st of June!!!!
LLJ xxxx

Rossella said...

Hope you enjoyed the film,
Love those colours on the mop up
Rosie x

The House of Bears said...

We don"t work but still don't manage to fit in everything we pkan. Where does the time go? We're looking forward to seeing your calendar pages, we've finished ours too and hope to reveal tomorrow, if we can remember to take a picture! Thanks for visiting the bears this week.

Almo said...

Hi Chris looks like that distress stain has got the wrong label on it. My sister used to always make me laugh when she retired when she said "I dont now how I found time to work" I think you know the feeling:) Hugs Mo x

Words and Pictures said...

Hope the film was worth giving up crafty time for! I've heard about Stains going funny colours - though I agree the new colour's very pretty...
Alison x

okienurse said...

I am with you Chris on being retired and wishing I had more time to craft and play. I was devastated when the doctor told me I had to retire due to health issues in 2010 because being a nurse was ALL I had ever done and now I didn't have that so no identity. I was so depressed. Anyhow 2+ short years later I stay as busy as possible and never have enough time to do what I want. Urgghhhh! Hope you have a great week! Thanks for visiting my desk and leaving such a nice comment and also for sharing with us! Vickie #41

Tracy said...

Love that paper! Great colours and texture.
Tracy #143

Nan G said...

Can't wait to see what you make with the paper. Sorry to hear about the d.i. Turning funky. Happy WOYWW! Nan #1

Joynana said...

I did not think the ink would change colors. I may need to check mine. I have some that I have never used. HOpe you had fun at the movies. #107

famfa said...

You'll be back crafting soon I'm sure. Hope you e joyed the film. Angry birds link is on here Any problems let me know and I will email you
Famfahall 112

Sarah Anderson said...

I was talking to a lady at the weekend and saying how nice it was that there were a few men on the art retreat we were at. One was her husband and she said when he retired she bought him some paints and he's painting more and more and loving it!
I have some sticky fingers spray inks that have changed colour over time, annoying! x

Joanne said...

Missed woyww yesterday Chris because like you I'm retired and don't have a minute to spare some days. It always reminds me of a colleague at work who was about to retire and was asked' "what are you going to do when you finish?" and he replied, "about what?" says it all really.

April said...

I like the crumpled look - great colors. Hate that the Dusty Concord changed colors. Hope the movie was good. April #151