


Wednesday 20 February 2013


I know - it's late ! Thing is - hubby gets 2-4-1 cinema tickets with his phone on Wednesdays and "Skyfall" was only on at 10 o'clock(or 8 tonight) so we were up and out by 9.30 - no time to take photos or blog!!Well worth it though - we missed it when it came out, but because it won the best British film BAFTA they are showing on the big screen again-it was a good, gripping, 'proper' story - not the usual gadget filled Bond!-and all for £6.50!
So, please Mistress Julia, forgive me for reporting for work desk duty a little late! (If you want to know why I grovel look here)
So here is my desk at 3pm(ish)
I'm mid way through two projects at the moment, the heart box that I started last week is almost complete - there's a little flower there by the glue, the tag is still a way off! I'm also adding to my journal which is almost full and you can see peeping out to the right! 
So enough waffle - need to join in now, I've a lot of snooping to do!!!
Thanks for visiting and apologies for not getting back to some of my visitors last week - my grandchildren came up the the caravan and we were out and about(and shattered by the evening!)
ps The film we saw last week was "I'll give it a year" - very funny if a little 'naughty'! 


JoZart Designs said...

You do get to gad about a bit Chris. We still haven't seen Skyfall but it's good to read you recommend it.
It still looks like you have managed to create too!
love Jo x

Joanne said...

I just bought 'T' the DVD today and it cost me nothing - had some Tesco vouchers. Glad its a good film makes me want to watch it now. I posted my woyww bit this morning but have just realised that I didn't link it - der!! old age.

Heathers Inspiration said...

A Wonderful film and such a handsome Bond x
Love the flower and look forward to your finished project with it
Happy WOYWW Heather #72

Annie said...

Glad you enjoyed your film....that's one we have yet to see.
A x # 52

Pallavi said...

Can't wait to see the heart box! looks like u r in the middle of a lot of crafty work!

Unknown said...

This all looks very interesting Chris, you will have to show us your completed box. I have had a run on the cinema lately, not been for about a year, and then 4 times since Christmas. Keep warm.

Caro said...

I missed skyfall at the cinema too and really want to see it so I am glad to hear that it is good. I look forward to seeing the completed box. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x #65

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Good for you for making the effort to go out! I missed Skyfall the first time round so will have to wait for the DVD now!
Your desk is looking mighty busy this week! Lots of projects on the go there :)
Hugs, LLJ 38 xxxx

Claire said...

i LOVED skyfall - can't wait to get the dvd!! like you said - a proper film :) looks like you've got plenty of stuff going on your desk...
happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
no. 30

The House of Bears said...

Our journal is getting rather full too. Happy crafting and thanks for visiting the bears today. :)

Redanne said...

After reading all the above, I want to see the film now, not a JB fan normally but if it has a proper story it will be worth it! I don't have that PaperArtsy Sky blue paint yet but it looks a gorgeous colour. Thanks for your visit earlier. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #37

ria gall said...

lovely to hear that you had a good time at the cinema it looks like you have got some lovely things going on on your desk I shall be back to see finished items
Wishing you a really great WOYWW
Ria #73

Sarah Anderson said...

such a good film, if a little sad at the end! We just bought the dvd but nothing beats it on the big screen, I'd love to see it again at the cinema :)

Neet said...

I love those flowers by the pink topped bottle - lovely colours.
So you went to the flicks this morning? Interesting. I think myk son has this same phone as I am sure he gets free tickets that way.
Keep crafting - see you at a show somewhere.
Hugs, Neet xx

Ann B said...

Very pretty shade of blue, another one for the shopping list. Glad you enjoyed the film, not been to the cinema for ages, I find it too load and feels a little odd to sit there with my fingers in my ears - get some very strange looks.
Ann B

okienurse said...

Woo Hoo! Wasn't Skyfall the most awesome movie! Julia will forgive you! I had problems with no TV/Internet/Phone service all day yesterday so DH and I watched a couple video's and Skyfall was one of them. Love your desk btw! (got me heated up on James, James Bond!!!) and I almost forgot to comment on it! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! Vickie #28

Ali H said...

Sounds like you enjoyed the film ! haven't been to the pictures for ages ! Thanks for calling in earlier ! Ali#27

Winnie said...

Glad you had a fun movie night! I am loving that bouquet of flowers on your desk with the button centers. How fun and cheerful!

Nan G said...

Oh movie night! Cool. A nice busy desk today. Have a great week. Happy WOYWW! Nan 7

pearshapedcrafting said...

Flowers are a present from a very talented friend!!

Gibby Frogett said...

Belated WOYWW greetings, great looking desk - look forward to seeing finished projects..happy crafting Gill x #103

Eliza said...

Love the desk in all it's glory. Nice to hear you got to the pictures, I haven't seen the latest Bond film yet, it does sound really good and it's on my list.


Zue said...

Not really keen on Bond films, but your little resume here makes me feel that I might enjoy this one.
Thanks Chris

Debs Willis said...

Hi Chris, lovely desk with lots of crafty bits on the go - really like the red flowers in the jar at back!


Debs #101

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

We missed out on all the films we wanted to see so far this year. we even missed The Hobbit so we shall have to wait for the DVD instead. Even crafting has gone by the board this week. Life has interfered, and cookery has taken over - need to make a lemon Meringue Pie, a fruit cake and a Victoria Sandwich before Saturday morning. Thank you for your visit and have a good week. xx Maggie #42

Lena Misquitta said...

Hello Chris, Congratulations on receiving the Liebster Award ! I love all your crafty bits. Am a follower. Lena

Lena Misquitta said...

Hello Chris, Congratulations on receiving the Liebster Award ! I love all your crafty bits. Am a follower. Lena