Tuesday 20 August 2024

T Stands For the revisits and A VISIT!

 Hi everyone, I'm not sure I should be posting this at all as I didn't get a chance to visit many folk last time I posted on a Tuesday. My excuse is though, I was discharged from the Fracture Clinic two weeks ago.I am slowly getting used to walking around reasonably normally, although I am still hanging on to my stick for a while. I had to promise to take it easy for a while and as hubby was there he is making sure I do!

So, I am hoping that you would like to see more of France....

There are so many lovely Medieval buildings - these were in Auray.

We spent most of one day at Pont Aven. We had visited last year on Market day, which was great but we missed having a look around, although as you can see the weather was about to change and we had to shelter for while. 

Our main reason to visit was because close by was the Chapelle de Tremalo where Gaugin got his inspiration for his painting 'The Yellow Christ' There are some interesting facts about both if you click on the links

There are figures all around the eaves

There was an exhibition about Gaugin in French only and we had to rely on Google Translate to read captions. It was still looking gloomy outside!

The next morning this was the view from our bedroom window.
We waited until the mist cleared before heading to our favourite Crêperie for lunch! We visited this place twice last year - the  'Crêperie du Puits serves the most delicious Galettes(savoury pancakes)
It's here I will pause to join in at T Stands For Tuesday over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog 'The Altered Book Lover'
We had water to drink. 

We saw quite a few places in this are with scenes painted on them
This was another Crêperie.
This is the building next to it

Another day we went to Vannes, another town we wanted to see more of. It's quite a walk in the hot sun to get to the town gates.

This cat looks so relaxed at the back of this yacht - I'm sure it proves that cats will sleep anywhere!

We drove home past another painted house and got back to see the setting sun shining on the trees.

..and then saw the rising moon.

This was the night of a very strange visit and although we wanted more moon pics we didn't want to open the French windows. As we sat listening to some music I noticed a really cute dog looking in at us. It turned to be a Cavalier King Charles and as we went to look out we saw that he had three cat friends with him.wandering around on the terrace.
The next morning we asked the owner who they belonged to and she had no idea she was pleased we hadn't let them into the gîte!!!!
We found out later in the week that this group of friends are quite well known further down the little hamlet we were in!
We never saw them again!

I really will try harder to get to visit this time but I have just discovered that the battery is low on my tablet - the only device I can be assured of to publish my comments.

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Wow Chris, these villages are really lovely and have a lot of charm. I especially liked that old church. I love how you get those "silly" faces in so many old religious buildings. I know they weren't meant to be silly back when they were built though. Sorry to hear you had to go into the fracture clinic, but I hope it's not too long before you don't need your stick anymore. Hope it's been a great T day. hugs-Erika

  2. Lovely pictures of France. I love the urban art and the painted houses.
    I do like crepes. I remember having them in France. It's such an easy thing to order when you are peckish and you can get them any time of day.
    I can see where Gauguin got his inspiration from. How interesting.
    I hope you will be walking without a stick soon.
    Happy T-Day

  3. glad you are recovering, and do take it easy! Love the photos from France, that beautiful photos they are and - for the most part - fabulous weather!

  4. I so enjoyed visiting France with you and your hubby! The little hamlet is so picturesque and the architecture of the houses is beautiful 😊. Glad you had such a lovely time and it must have been fun having those furry visitors stop by. Take care and sending you happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  5. Good morning, so sorry to read you are recovering from a fracture. Feel better soon-hugs I have always enjoyed your posts about your travels to France. hugs from the lake Kathy

  6. Glad to hear you're doing better. I loved the pics especially of the church. Loved the figures in the eaves especially the little chap making funny faces. I also was intrigued by the statue of St. Anthony of Padua especially his monogram. I loved the cat on the yacht and the story of the dog and his cat buddies. Happy T Day

  7. Hello Chris,
    Nice pics , especially the one with the mural...I hope you´ll be better soon. Thanks for your kind visit to my blog.
    Have a good time

  8. Dear Chris, thank you for visiting my blog! Your photos suggest a very nice and interesting vacation in France. I love the old half-timbered houses. The Chapelle de Tremalo and the many pretty murals are also wonderful. Crepes like that are really delicious, I would like a portion of them now too 😋
    The story of the dog and his cat friends looking in through the window is strange... What kind of animal gang is that? I wonder if the relaxed cat on the yacht is part of it?
    Hopefully your leg will be better soon!
    All the best, Traude

  9. oh what amAzing pictures! especialy the cat! Happy Very late T for Tuesday! ((Lyn))

  10. Great murals. But I lean toward street art.

  11. Beautiful photos from your trip.
    Get well soon, Chris, and take it easy, your health is more important!
    I have moved and don't have time to paint at the moment.
    hug Elke
