Monday 1 July 2024

July Art Journal Journey theme

 Hi everyone, I'm pleased to tell you that our new host at Art Journal Journey this month is Halle of Halle's Hobbies. Halle is a whizz at sewing so no surprise that 'I've Got A Notion' is her chosen theme. So that's a good excuse to use anything you might find in a sewing room in your entries.

I do a lot less sewing than I used to but there's still plenty tucked into boxes that I will be using this month. 

The lady on the chair comes from an old children's book I found in Austria a long time ago - she is from the Elves and Shoemaker story.

I thought that the stencil I used looks a little bit like Broderie Anglais lace. The stamps are by Tim Holtz and I used some Tracy Evans washi tape from Aall and Create, along with some 'eyes' and some thread.

It would be great if you joined us at AJJ this month but please read the dreaded rules, No Cards please!

I am going to do my best this month - I was away for the first half of June, came back and felt extremely tired! I was just beginning to feel more energetic when I went out with hubby, skidded, then fell and now I have a very grazed knee, a gash on my arm that has been patched up in the hope it will knit together and then there's this....

So I'm not just sitting around, I am having to sit with my foot up!

Apologies and Thanks to Matilde, who had a great theme in June and I see has been doing a great job of hosting, 

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Oh Chris. I feel so sorry for you. I am sure you are in a lot of pain right now. I am so glad you are taking it easy, at least.

    I LOVE what you made this month. What a charming image, a great stencil, and awesome washi tape. I love it all. this is a fabulous first entry for Halle's theme at AJJ.

  2. Oh no Chris. This doesn't look like a fun situation, especially when t's warm in the summer. So sorry to read this but I guess it is better than when you were in France. Your page is really lovely though. You have some cool washi tape, and that blue is so pretty. What a pretty background-it does look like fabric. Take care of yourself. And happy July. hugs-Erika

  3. Oh how frustrating and painful to be in a boot. Take care.
    I love your page using my theme! The book image is cute along with the rest of the sewing themed items.

  4. Cute page, but so sorry about the boot! :(

  5. Your lovely page brought back memories of my mother. She was a seamstress. A happy memory to start of the month. Oh, so sorry about your tumble. Here's to lots of time for crafting and for healing quickly.

  6. Oh, gosh, so sorry for your slip - I've been there, and it's not fun. 😟 I hope you heal quickly.

    In the meantime, I love your art - my mom used to make our clothes, so I had an early introduction to the Singer Sewing Machine! Love your artwork, it incorporates some of the "notions" I remember her using. It's very pretty!

  7. I am sorry for the boot. I am glad the pain didn',t hinder from creating such a lovely page.Beautiful!
