Tuesday 8 August 2023

T Stands For......the great start and end ..and bits in between..

 Hi everyone, yesterday I said I could hardly believe it was Monday, well, one day on and I can hardly believe it's Tuesday!

I will take you back to Normandy in a little while but first, a drink!

This was my little table on the ferry home from France, hubby had gone off taking photographs and I sat with my travel supplies and my little journal.(Amila - you may notice that my pencil case is similar to your son's) I was drinking a last Orangina, though not so happy that it was in a plastic bottle! I am joining Bleubeard and Elizabeth for T Stands For Tuesday at their blog The Altered Booklover

On the Wednesday we went to visit Lisieux, we parked uphill by the Basilique. It really was the most beautiful place. 

We walked downhill and after a lovely but amusing time at lunch we went to the Museum (OK I'll explain amusing...the lady who 'Greeted' us clearly did not want to be there. We didn't see her smile the whole time were there and our food was only a little short of being slammed on the table. It wasn't just for us either, we noticed she was the same with all of the other diners. My friend wrote a review for TripAdvisor!I must confess though, we got the giggles, which we tried to suppress) 
The museum was in this beautiful building

My friend was tired but we realised that the free concert for Nuit de Musique would have started in St Pierre, it was on our way home, so stopped off for a little while. We all love Irish music and these French guys did a very good job. I hope the two videos at the end work

As we walked away they were coming to the end of their set.

Next week - my big treat!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Lovely pictures and loved the videos! Thanks for sharing your trip with us, Chris. Happy T-day and hugz

  2. I've been trying to upload a video to my post for WOYWW tomorrow but can't get it to work - so well done! gorgeous photos, the story of the lunch did make me smile!

  3. YOur photos are wonderful. I enjoyed seeing these images from your trip.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  4. Thanks for sharing these photos. Yes, the pencil case is similar to my son's. It's great for keeping things organized with those mesh compartments. Beautiful museum. The building is fascinating. Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures from your visit. Happy T day!

  5. These are lovely photos Chris. It looks like you had some fun while riding the ferry too. How much of France have you visited? Are there a lot of places you've never been to? I hope it was a super T day. hugs-Erika

  6. That Basilique is gorgeous. I loved the columns and the architecture. The stained glass windows were amazing. They are so beautiful. I love the arches and the columns.

    Goodness, The museum is so different from the cathedral. It was definitely a museum! The videos were great.

    Thanks for sharing your latest travels and your orange drink (in a plastic bottle) with us for T this Tuesday, dear Chris.

  7. Chris, this is a beautiful post and your are right a gorgeous place. Nothing like a free concert. I enjoyed this post very much. Thank you and have a nice evening.

  8. Oh, I am enjoying the music as I write the comment. Thanks for sharing. Love your little table on the ferry home from France! Happy T Day!

  9. I always bring travel supplies but never seem to make time to use them on the trip. Beautiful photos and I enjoyed the Irish music at the end. Happy T Day

  10. The French cathedrals are such impressive and beautiful buildings! Great music at the end, I loved it.

  11. I've been having a super catch up Chris and stopped here as this post sparked so many memories for me, a caravan holiday when once parked we went to see many places on the bikes, the boys were teenagers by then but we did enjoy visiting this town and cathedral.
    Fantastic art pages in your posts as well.
    Yvonne xx
