Thursday 27 July 2023

Blue Birds

 Hi everyone, I am back in my craft room after two very busy days(more later)

I have another page for Alison's 'Come Fly With Me' theme at Art Journal Journey.

The blue stencilling in the top right corner was an experiment that has been in my journal for nearly a year. I found a stamp that I thought would be perfect for this page so I added some random background stamps around it and also stamped and embossed it in white onto the blue.Don't look too closely - I forgot to pat some anti-stat on!) After adding blue ink to the bird I spattered some onto the page too. The words are Tim Holtz small talk stickers.

We escaped on Tuesday to go to Lyme Park the weather forecast seemed to indicate that it was going to be the best of the week(it wasn't - that was yesterday)

We started in the Orangery - having decided to walk the opposite direction than we usually walk. 

Rain clouds were forming

We headed for the Summerhouse - we hardly ever see this empty! 

This was our view for the next 20 minutes
Didn't stop us smiling though. Once it had stopped we continued with our walk.
Herbaceous borders are a big favourite of mine.

A litte patch of promising blue sky

I spotted this - photo taken with my phone camera held upside down - worked a treat!
Walking in reverse we noticed this.
This sign is for children and the binoculars were quite low down!

In the opposite direction more rainclouds were heading our way so we changed our plan and decided not to walk around the lake!

So, with a last look at the lake we headed off to a nearby garden centre for lunch. We got back to our car just in time before more rain fell.

We did some food shopping and went home
Yesterday we attended the funeral of one of friends here in the apartments. It was at a big church and turned out to be standing room only - he was clearly a popular man. 
We called into a local cafe on the way home for coffee and then in the afternoon I went for a hair cut. 
The evening was spent in our communal dining room eating a Polish meal prepared by Kasia(one of our managers) who is leaving us tomorrow. It was good to see a full dining room but we will be sad to see her leave. 

A quieter day today - just a  garden committee meeting this afternoon and then it's a leaving tea party for Kasia tommorrow.

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Gorgeous post Chris-I enjoyed everything
    Enjoy your weekend Hugs Kathy

  2. What beautiful photos, I'm thrilled with them and you did well on your blue journal page with the bird, oh so pretty!
    Good day, hug Elke

  3. A beautiful page for my AJJ theme Chris.
    Lovely photos of Lyme Park too, glad you managed to dodge the rain...mostly.
    Alison x

  4. Love the shade of blue on your page and very striking stamped in white on the dark blue. I always enjoy your jaunts to various gardens. Just beautiful even the storm clouds and I'm glad they didn't dampen your day.

  5. Wonderful journal page, love the colour! And TFS the gorgeous pics, I would love to be walking there just now! Hugs!

  6. The blue and white of your journal page is gorgeous Chris. That's a great page. And I enjoyed your photos. The tile floor of the greenhouse is amazing. And of course all the flowers are so pretty. Hope it's been a great weekend, and sorry it's taken me a few days to get by. hugs-Erika

  7. We had a lovely day at Lyme when our friends came to stay for a few days - and despite the forecast looking dodgy, we ended up in glorious sunshine!
    Great pics Chris...
