Thursday 2 March 2023

Calendar Journal and a Second Look.

Hi everyone, it's only the second of the month and I am already on catch up with commenting - it's taking ages to try and get a comment on to some blogs and even when I think I have left a comment I've had to get into the habit of revisiting as sometimes they didn't publish!

I am joining in with Valerie's 'Anything Goes' theme at Art Journal Journey

My calendar journal for March has some stencilling and my own sketching along with some Stamperia images.

 Here is February all filled in.

Now for my look back at the past - I am joining Bleubeard and Elizabeth at The Altered Book Lover for a Second Look on the 2nd
This what I posted on 5th March 2016.

To Fly Or Not To Fly

One of my greatest delights on woodland walks is to look for small birds - even when we go to Leighton Moss which is set up with hides mainly for water bird watchers I love to walk through the woods watching for Nuthatches, Tits and Finches, we are sometimes lucky and see other little birds too!
This will probably be a scheduled post and I may be off to the woods this weekend!
My little bird is wondering whether to stay where he is or fly off to the woods on the hill, but it's getting dark and there's a sparrow hawk about so he may stay in the hedgerow for tonight!

This started off as a mop up page but I added some more ink and some stamping.

Thanks for looking, Chris



  1. love your calendar pages
    sweet bird page too ~(°v°)~

  2. I love that sweet bird. He has so much personality

  3. Sweet bird page.
    All set for another month. :)

  4. Your March calendar has some exoitc but pretty images Chris. And I like how February looks all filled in. And nice second look! I love the pretty nature scene and that bird. I hope you had a great second day of the month. hugs-Erika

  5. It really is nice to see the little birds as they return in Spring!

    best… mae at

  6. That is such a lovely calendar page for March, and I loved seeing February all filled in. I didn't try to peek, honest.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  7. Wonderful calendar pages! The calendar I bought some years back to use is still unopened! Thanks for linking to me themE AT ajj; HUGS; vALERIE

  8. Nicely done.
    Happy Friday


  9. Beautiful calendar page and stamping page is wonderful!
    Hug, Elke

  10. Your calendars are beautiful Chris, I love the images on your march spread.
    Love that sweet bird page too.
    Hope you have a good new month.
    Alison x

  11. Love the calendar pages. Beautiful colors and images.

  12. love your calendar pages, and your second on the second bird page. Yesterday I was in Dobbies and there was a wee robin flying around following me, it was very good at getting in and out of the automatic doors and getting where it needed to go. Happy Second on the Second! Elle/EOTC xx

  13. Another super calendar ready for the next months activities. So great to be able to look back on them all. I do love your bird page, maybe she's thinking of flying to warmer climates as it's gone very cold again in the UK.
    Luckily I know my comments do post on your blog Chris but I too have to check when I can. Happy week ahead Hugs Tracey xx

  14. My apologies for not visiting sooner. I was called out of town suddenly to spend time with a dying friend, I just returned this morning. Like you, I am in catch up mode. The only blog where my comments disappear is Jo's and it's not even a blogger blog.

    As usual, your calendar pages put mine to shame. Real shame! I love what you did for March because it is so different from most pages like that you create. Thanks for this beauty using Valerie's theme at AJJ.

    I absolutely adore your second look. I remember this from when you visited the caravan you owned. It is an adorable bird and a really great way to bring this sweet bird back for a second visit. Thanks for sharing it, dear Chris.

  15. Hi, you created a beautiful calendar :)

  16. Dear Chris,
    oh yes, commenting is currently quite problematic - I hope everything will work smoothly again soon!
    I really like your calendar pages - and I find the little bird "story" and picture adorable! ❤️
    Hugs & happy March days!
    PS: You wrote me "I don't think I would be happy with so many frogs around;-D" Do you mean because of the croaking? The Costa Rican frogs obviously knew how to behave - at least they weren't loud.
