Tuesday 6 September 2022

T Stands For....Taking To The Road

Hi everyone, I've been racing around so much that I forgot all about my calendar journal -I do write down what we do in my planner but hadn't got round to completing my page - lots of fussy cutting!

What's this I hear you say (well, maybe?)

My calendar has only one week stuck down....I am taking the rest with me to fill in while we are driving around in France.

The owls are Katzelkraft stamps and I love them. With all that's going on in the UK politics wise I thought a group of owls deserved they correct group name....although one owl is making his own political statement!

I'm joining in at Art Journal Journey and Neet's 'Fur and/or Feathers

Here is August filled in.

We haven't had much time for outings but we did get together with one of my sons and grandchildren at RHS Bridgewater - we had a lovely walk and chat in the sun!

Finally near the exit is this seat decorated by local schools
Sorry for the rushed visit!
For my T Stands For Tuesday pics this week and my chance to join Bleubeard and Elizabeth at The Altered Book Lover for a drink I have a photo of a decadent hot chocolate that hubby had at Fletcher Moss a while ago 

We shared some Date and walnut cake and I had an Americano.
Sorry if I have posted this before - no time to check!

I'll be scheduling some posts and taking lots of photos!  
See you soon

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Oh you are are off to France again, how lovely? Can you pick me up on the way (not really on the way lol) I love those owl stamps, they are so cute. Have a lovely time, and Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  2. I spied a sunflower in one of your photos. I didn't realize you had sunflowers over there. It is our state flower of Kansas. I really like your calendar journal page. Happy T Day, Chris.

  3. Even though your September calendar is only 1/4 filled in, it still puts mine to shame. Those are the most adorable owls. Sweet. As an aside, what do you think of your new PM? Thanks for sharing your calendar with us at AJJ using Net's theme.

    And the napkins didn't get lost. I grabbed the Portrait of the Lady in Gold, so now I know that was for me. Sharon said you sent four napkins each, but reading your message, you sent three.

    Lovely flowers and floral groupings. Looks like there is no shortage of water in the stream.

    That hot chocolate looks decadent. No way to get a lid on that! Thanks for sharing yor calendar, trip to Bridgewater, and your drinks with us fpr T this Tuesday, dear Chris.

  4. Love the owls - and... life is good, mostly, when you´re so busy :-)
    Also love the September-girl, so cute.
    And the seat - too beautiful to sit on.
    Fun times!

  5. I hope you will have a great time in France, take care! Lovely photos, as always. Your calendar journal will be lovely when it's finished. Hugsy, Valerie

  6. Hello sweet friend. Your new calendar with the owl is super fun and your August calendar looks so great completed and done. I love those images.

    How fun to craft running around France - you are blessed for sure.

    I love the pictures of your family outing. I tried to read a bit on John Dee - very interesting stuff! And we say our times are weird.

    Happy T-day and hugz - be careful galavanting around!

  7. The owls are so fun on your calendar. Looks like you had a beautiful spot for your family outing. Almost hot chocolate season here. The one your Hubby has looks awesome. Happy T Day and safe travels

  8. Driving around in France sounds lovely. I hope you’ll take us along through photos as you took us around an English town in this post!

    Best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  9. What beautiful scenes! The views across the water, the gardens, those flowers still looking pretty... Happy T Day!

  10. Busy busy Chris.. I'm so sorry my visit is so late... Sometimes i forget to check back to the T party list.. Lovely pictures... and who doesn't LOVE chocolate.. Enjoy your travels. Hugs! deb

  11. Your calendar journal looks lovely - I really love those owls! The whole journal is a beautiful idea. The crystal tree is very pretty. Enjoy France.

  12. My sincere condolences on the passing of your beloved Queen.

  13. Great calendar pages and lovely photos Chris!
