Tuesday 5 July 2022

T Stands for.....the Tour of North Yorkshire

Hi everyone, before I  start to show you our holiday photos I am including my Calendar journal pages here.

I painted the background, adding a few fluffy clouds and birds and then added some coloured and cut stamped images using some Carabelle Studio stamps designed by Kate Crane.

I am joining in at Art Journal Journey with Wendy's 'Doors and/or Arches' theme

Here is last month's pages, with a few additions to the fish.

As I said yesterday - we were about 'Ruined out', but the East coast of Northen England has so many lovely ruined buildings.

On our first day of staying in Pickering we visited the castle

There were some great views over the countryside.

Next we went to the Parish Church, one of the highlights of our holiday.
There are original Mediaeval paintings on the walls 

I  had hoped we would get back there again later in the week but alas no!
The next day we visited Rivaulx Abbey - one of the best preserved in Europe

The next day we went to Whitby, via Robin Hoods Bay.

We put our raincoats on but luckily it didn't rain!

There was a school field trip going on.
Whitby was as I remembered it from forty years ago.

We could see famous Whitby Abbey on the other side of the bay, but first ....

...something else that Whitby is famous for..
Hubby told me that I should be drinking tea with my Fish, Chips and Mushy peas but I stuck to water!
Of course I am joining Bleubeard and Elizabeth for T stands For Tuesday before going to the Abbey.

Those of you that are into horror stories and movies may know that Bram Stoker got his inspiration for 'Dracula' here. You can read more on this English Heritage page

I will post more later this week and next TFST...but ...I won't be here on Tuesday..I will be on a train headed for Paris with my granddaughter!
Yes, she and I are having a few days away in my favourite city and hubby will be home alone.

I'm sure the photos I take will have more of a traditional view of Paris - we'll be visiting landmarks and shopping!!!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Hi Chris, your post was interesting, I enjoyed everything. Loved the castle and the abbey, and the church with the medieval paintings.
    thanks so much for all the photos-hugs Happy T

  2. Cistercian abbeys are a favorite of mine. I think some of the ruins were helped along by the medieval fans in around the time of Sir Walter Scott -- they did a bit of rearranging and even took down some walls if they thought the ruins weren't ruined enough! I know I have been to some of them but I'm not sure which ones. I love your photos.

    Have a great time in Paris AGAIN!!

    best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  3. Your photos and descriptions thrill the imagination. Wonderful capture of the seagull posing for you. Now. I'm looking forward to your Paris pictures! THANK you

  4. I have to admit, your July calendar looks a LOT better than mine. Really well done. I like those clouds, too. Thannks for this great entry for Wendy's theme at AJJ.

    I am in awe of all the ruins in your country. I know I read somewhere that Henry VII had a lot to do with tearing down churches and abbeys because of his new religion. Your churches are SO different from those in the states.

    Your fish, chips, and mushy peas look fabulous. I would love to try one that looked as good as yours. Thanks for sharing your calendar pages, the ruins, the medieval wall paintings, the church, and your meal, tea, and water with us for T this Tuesday, dear.

  5. What a fabulous trip you had, and I love all the abbeys. the fish and chips look good (you can keep the mushy peas!) Have fun i Paris, I look forward to the photos.

  6. Lovely photos - make me want to come visit, Chris. Especially love the beach scenes and that gorgeous coastal town. Yummy looking food! Paris again? Wow! You are so lucky.

    Love the houses on the bottom of your calendar!

    Wonderful post!

    Happy T-day and hugz

  7. I enjoyed this trip to Whitby. So much to see! The Medieval frescoes are awesome and I was charmed with the story of St. Christopher carrying the Christ Child. At least, I think it was St. Christopher. Have a wonderful time with your granddaughter in Paris.

  8. I'm awed by the church and overwhelmed by all the joy of having buildings that old. This sounds like a wonderful place to visit.

    I'd love to join you for fish and chips anywhere, but that place looks particularly delicious.

    Happy T Day!

  9. WOW, Chris!!!! What gorgeous photos!!! I enjoyed seeing every single one of them! And I really like your July calendar with the pretty houses and clouds! And your fish June calendar is awesome, too. Thank you!

  10. What a fantastic holiday you have had! Henry the 8th has a lot to answer for. I loved the medieval paintings on the church wall. Amazing! I tried to figure out what the scenes were. I think I recognized St Christopher, and St Sebastian, who is the saint killed by lots of arrows, as he is the patron saint of our village. (Actually Sebastian had converted some Roman soldiers to Christianity and as punishment he was used as target practice for Mauretanian archers. He was not killed but left for dead. A kind lady helped him and he recovered. After his recovery he went to Diocletian to warn him about his sins, and as a result was clubbed to death.)

  11. Great entry Chris and those photos are fabulous. I love that part of Yorkshire.

  12. More super photos Chris, I think the weather has been kind for you as well.
    Yvonne xx
