


Tuesday 28 June 2022

Seaside at Try It OnTuesday

Hi everyone, it's time for a new topic at Try It On Tuesday - I think we can definitely say now 'Here Comes Summer'

Please pop along to the TIOT blog and see how my teamies are looking forward to Summer.

I made a journal page with a very old scene stamp and some seaside items. The background is made with an Aall and Create Stencil, paint and water colour.
The sentiment is by Lavinia stamps. 

I hope you will join us at TIOT this time with your take on Summer.

Thanks for looking, Chris 


Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely page, I have that stamp, too, must look for it! Hugs, Valerie

CJ Kennedy said...

Love your page. I hope to get to the beach this year.

My name is Erika. said...

I love this beach scene Chris. The squares work really well with this page, and I like how you added the beach paraphernalia around the beach scene. This is such a fun summer page. hugs-Erika

Helen said...

LOVE your Summer Scene Chris! That city stamp is awesome! And your background is perfect!! Have a great summer! ((HUGS)) Helen

Meggymay said...

Its a fantastic seaside stamp Chris and journal page Chris, great inspiration for our nre TioT's theme.
Yvonne xx

Let's Art Journal said...

Such a fabulous page! The abstract background is perfect with all those seaside items šŸ˜. Wishing you a happy week! Hugs Jo x

Joan said...

Lovely page Chris, think I have that beach scene somewhere too

Joan x

Mrs.B said...

A fabulous page Chris, I love the seaside scene, great background too. The little seaside items really make this page perfect.
Avril xx