


Tuesday 22 March 2022

Say it with flowers at TIOT

I hope everyone is loving the lighter evenings as much as I am. Of course sunny days do make much more difference to everything too.

We noticed the traffic islands seem to have lots of flowers this year, but it could just be that for the past two years we didn't do that much driving at this time of year.

We have a brand new theme at Try It On Tuesday - 'Say It With Flowers'

The Design Team have made some fabulous examples to inspire you.

I made a journal page that reminded me of my Mum. It would have been her birthday yesterday(the first day of Spring) She loved Narcissi, although her favourites were the small yellow ones known as Cheerfulness.
Up to when I was about 10, most birthdays my Mum had began with me and my brother going to a neighbour who had a small holding (a small farm - mainly agricultural). He had an orchard that always had a carpet of snowdrops - some late flowering - we would pay him sixpence for as many snowdrops as we could pick - on years when they had past their best we could pick daffodils from his front garden. 

Used some Stamperia papers and a fussy cut Crafty Individuals trio of Daffodils onto a lightly stencilled page
With Mothering Sunday coming up in the UK next Sunday I chose this TH Paper Doll with a basket of flowers ready for her Mum.

I hope that you can join us this time - as usual the TIOT theme runs for two weeks.

 I am also joining in with Valerie's Art Journal Journey theme - 'Spring'

Thanks for Looking, Chris



CJ Kennedy said...

Sweet page and memory. Happy Birthday to your Mum. šŸ’

My name is Erika. said...

You always surprise me with your pages Chris-in a very good way of course. You are very clever at how you do a layout and how they are always different. I like how you stacked the the paper this time and then added those daffodils. This one is a beauty. hugs-Erika

Annie said...

Chris, what a sweet, sweet story of your Mum’s birthday memory. Your journal page does your memory great justice. Your page is a great stand alone page. ButwWe can see and feel more into the page with your story to go along with it.

Let's Art Journal said...

Such a beautiful page and a lovely way to remember your mum! Thanks for sharing your childhood memories too, you made me smile šŸ˜. Wishing you a wonderful week and enjoy the sunshine! Hugs Jo x

*Vicki* said...

What a really amazing AJ page with such a beautiful memory too! Love all of the details with your paper doll and basket of flowers! The quote and lace a very special here! Thanks for having me as your guest!

Divers and Sundry said...

Those special moments in memory are important. What a lovely way to bring it back :)

kathyinozarks said...

Lovely page Chris

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a stunning page and such a sweet back story to share with us, too. Lovely way to remember your mother's birthday in words and journal. Thanks also for sharing this with us using Valerie's theme at Art Journal Journey, dear.

Aimeslee Winans said...

Such a sweet looking page and lovely walk photos in previous post, much envied and enjoyed. xoxo

Helen said...

Gorgeous art journal page Chris! LOVE that htis was inspired by your Mum! Those flowers are gorgeous!!! LOVE it! Have a fantastic week! ((HUGS)) Helen

Valerie-Jael said...

Fabulous journal page Chris, and thanks so much for lnking to my challenge at AJJ! Hugs, Valerie

Meggymay said...

A beautiful inspiring page Chris and memories you shared. I love the quote and those lovely daffodils. A wonderful inspiration page for us at TioT's and at AJJ.
Yvonne xx

Neet said...

A delightful page Chris, I love the overall look of it with the script as the background and the yellow ribbon. Daffodils/narcissi always make one think of Spring don't they. A flower with special meaning for me.
Love the idea of the little girl clutching a basket of flowers for her mother on Mothering Sunday.
Hope you are well
Hugs, Neet xx

Joan said...

Love your page Chris and your story of picking flowers from a neighbour brought happy memories to me of doing the same, an elderly neighbour had a beautiful cottage garden and we could pick bunches of flowers for a few coppers, something I had forgotten about.

Joan x

craftytrog said...

A lovely memory and a beautiful page Chris!

Mrs.B said...

A lovely sweet page Chris, and I love your story of picking the flowers for your Mum, lovely memories.
Avril xx