Tuesday 18 May 2021

T Stands for The Mill

 Hi everyone, we have had some luck with the weather recently and managed a few visits between the heavy showers we have been having ...even got some sunshine!!

Last week we went to Styal Mill, our first visit since last October.

I think I may have taken a few photos!!!!

The walk from the carpark to the entrance 
I love to see Hawthorn Blossom (or May as my Mum used to call it) I used to walk home from school by huge hedges of this - the smell was amazing. In early Spring when the leaf shoots were just forming my brother and I would eat the very young shoots as 'Bread and Cheese'(another name for this plant)

We are still not allowed access to the greenhouses
It's here where we stopped to drink the coffee we bought at the cafe and where I will link to 'The Altered Book Lover' blog where Bleubeard and Elizabeth welcome you and invite you to share something drink related for 'T Stands For Tuesday'.

Looking forward to seeing the Sweet Peas grow

The path to the steps is still closed

The Iris will be flowering soon
Some gates to the lower garden are open - here the cafe is in the background
We still took the longer route..
....to see these views

I have seen Pink Bleeding Hearts but never seen these white ones.
The ropes have gone!!!
This has roots going into the rock..
....and is smiling about it!

More steps open

There weren't many folk around at all....
...but there was a group of people on our favourite seat

Pan playing his pipes

Standing almost inside this Rhododendron

Sorry, I am slightly obsessed by it! 

Heading back to the car - the walk way is the entrance to the Mill
From the top - I am getting up these much more quickly these days.

The rusty mill shaft is still there
The pond by the carpark.

Finally I have an answer about the pic hubby took at Lyme Park(in my previous post to this one)
It is Manchester, the tall buildings (Deansgate Square) in the centre are now some of the tallest (more are being built that will go higher) The tall building on the right is the Beetham Tower, once the tallest in Manchester and houses the Hilton Hotel on the lower half of the building.
So far these are the only ones I can identify.

Thanks for looking. 
I'll be back with a Wanderlust catch up soon.


  1. Hi Chris, thank you for sharing all of these lovely photos-beautiful spring blooms a favorite time of year for a walk. must have been a surprise to see more areas opened up. I enjoyed the walk with you in this pretty place Happy T wishes Kathy

  2. I loved visiting the Mill with you today! The views and flowers look so amazing, those azaleas and rhododendrons blossoms are beautiful 😁. So lovely to get out and about again and this is always a wonderful place to visit, glad you shared it with us - Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  3. I love it when you take us to Styal Mill. You always get such great photos of the plants and walkways there. I've only seen Bleeding Hearts in photos and never white ones. These are unique. I see the hostas are out in full force, and the paths are beautiful and well taken care of. Beautiful photos of Styal Mill.

    T looks like he is enjoying his coffee. Thanks for sharing your take out coffee and Styal Mill with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  4. You have the most wonderful places to walk Chris. The flowering trees and shrubs are gorgeous. My azalea is just starting to bloom and is the same color as one in of your photos. So many beautiful plants. And thanks for explain that that photo was Manchester. Our biggest city in New Hampshire is also called Manchester, but it is not quite that big. Hope it was a great T day. Hugs-Erika

  5. Wonderful photos. I know what you mean about hawthorne, I love how its scent is everywhere just now. I used to love having a trip to Manchester when I was living in St Helens - long, long ago! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. Great photos, Chris. Beautiful places! Fun outings you have with your sweet hubby. Great picture of your coffee too - happy T-day! I would love to visit these places you visit! Hugz

  7. Such a lovely walk. My parents used to have a Hawthorn tree in the front yard. Beautiful clusters of pink flowers until it split during an ice storm. Take care. Happy T Day

  8. I love these outings! Thank you for letting us join you :) It's so nice to see things gradually opening back up. Happy T Day

  9. How exciting that you could walk the forbidden pathways this time! How beautiful!! :)

  10. Lovely photos Chris and a lovely walk. I thought I was the only one who could remember eating Hawthorne shoots,!

    Joan x

  11. Thank you so much for sharing your photos. I love Styal Mill and gardens. I have been many times when we had our NT membership.
    The flowers are gorgeous. Love the rododendron.
    I remember the fragrance of the hawthorn bush. I have never forgotten it. When I smelled it for the first time I had to ask someone what it was. (That was at Styal)
    Belated happy T-Day,

  12. Great photos Chris! We must get our act together and visit some gardens this year. Our new NT cards arrived yesterday, and we haven't visited anywhere since 2019!
    Great view of Manchester too. We'll be heading up some time, as our son is buying a house in Eccles, and he'll need assistance moving in.
    Alison xx

  13. Nice photos! Glad y'all had fun, xox

  14. Wonderful photos, fantastic garden!Hug, Elke

  15. Such a beautiful landscape photos. Thanks for the review. Greetings from Turkey.
