Saturday 8 May 2021

Birds and Wanderlust

 Hi everyone, the weather forecast says it's going to get warmer - only slightly, but anything higher than recent temperatures will be welcome.

Meanwhile we have rain forecast for all day!

I have a new journal page for Elle of Language Of The Cat blog's theme at Art Journal Journey where we are focusing on 'Language' for the month of May.

Hubby and I did our Wanderlust class this week and really enjoyed it. Marta of Maremismallart was the teacher and she included birds and plants in her page - well for me that was just perfect.

The birds came from an old bird ID book, as did some of the plants, but there's also some die cuts and some cut from an advertising post card. I wasn't very happy with the napkin I chose and tried to cover as much as I could.

The birds seem to be turning to each other and saying 'What did you say'

I wonder whether birds do learn some of their language from other birds, certainly starlings and blackbirds can mimic other birds 

Hubby also stuck to the theme but as you can see a cheeky monkey got in there on a postage stamp! He used the only piece of Chinese writing I had but I haven't told him - I did offer my scrap box to him to choose!!

He is getting an eye for his pages and chose black and white images so that they would show on his fussy napkin.

As many folk have commented, yes it is great that hubby and I can do this together and we are both enjoying the classes so far.

A few pics from our walk yesterday - more to follow on Tuesday at TSFT.

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Good morning Chris, I love you and your husband's art pages. that is an interesting thought if the different birds understand each other-that would be cool.
    we have sunny skies today so far no rain as was predicted
    Happy weekend hugs Kathy

  2. These are terrific pages done by both of you. Each so different. I really like your white background with hints of text and maps and music. Sticking with mostly blues and browns for color looks so nice. I think the one bird is telling the other bird to mind his own branch. Ha!
    I like hubby’s page that he worked the opposite of you with a colorful background and muted images. Both spreads allow for the eye to see everything, all the details, on the pages.

  3. I love the pages you both made, really lovely. You make a good team. Beautiful photos, too. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  4. I had thought of bird language too, although no page made for me at least yet. I love yours and the hubby's pages Chris. I like your contrasting backgrounds. These are both such great pages. But definitely different. And looking forward to your walk photos. Your area has some beautiful places to walk. Hope you have a great rest of your weekend. hugs-Erika

  5. Gosh I adore these spreads. They're beautiful and I always love having tags and stuff added into mixed media art for some reason. I also enjoy your photos.

  6. You and T make great art together. He is really gaining confidence in his art and I suspect it has a lot to do with your encouragement, Chris. Thanks to both of you for two great spreads that meet Elle's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Great photos, too. Loved seeing the sheep in the field.


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  8. great pages again, and love the photos from your walk

  9. Lovely spreads made by you and yours. What a sweet couple you are.
    Happy Mother's Day 🌹

  10. Hi Chris, I love seeing the pages you and your husband do together, how naughty of him to use up your Chinese writing paper lol. I love the idea of the mimicking language of other birds. Thanks for joining us for the Language theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle xx

  11. You guys will never forget your Wanderlust year of doing art together! They are great spreads.

    What a beautiful, tranquil looking place to wander. Just lovely! :)

  12. Two lovely pages Chris, great that you can craft together. Now I've always taken it for granted that different species of birds understand each other !
    how else do they all arrive for the food together as soon as its put out ?
    and I'm sure crows, rooks and jackdaws do LOL

    Joan x

  13. Fantastic art pages from the class Chris. I'm sure birds can haver conversations. the noise they make at times sound like they are having arguments and discussing where they can go next to bother folk. I'm thinking of seagulls and pigeons for this.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  14. Beautiful pages from you both, and wonderful photos Chris! xx

  15. I always enjoy y'alls pages and also your photos. These I especially like. Think I'm going to enjoy your pics the warmer it gets there. Except for the type of grass, today's reminded me a bit of my area. xoxo

  16. These are beautiful parts of you and your husband. It always sucks what you see in it!
    Your walk was so nice to watch again!
    Have a happy day, hug Elke

  17. Chris, both your pages are awesome. So many great things to look at, wonderful backgrounds, and great color themes. Fun to see the differences in your work too. Love the birds.

    Great walk pictures too.


  18. I so wish I could get my other half interested in something other than a thing with a screen.
    Love your bird page Chris, great choice for you obviously from what you produced- it is lovely. Hubby is doing well too.
    Hugs, Neet xx
