Friday 29 January 2021

Another shared art session

 Hi everyone! Hubby and I have had some more shared art time with week 4's Wanderlust class. We skipped some of the processes (to be honest I just couldn't cope with hubby and texture paste this week!)but some die cuts and punches saved the day!

The class was by Shay Michelle and we both quite like the finished result...although as you will see they are very much 'us'!

Mine is blue - no surprise here. Shay used lots of glittery bits but neither of us wanted that although I did decide to add a 'diamond' to mine as a reminder of a trip to France! 
Hubby loves green...and wild animals so they feature here and he had a look through my scraps for some collage material.

The words are what is important to reflect on after the year we have all had.

Under the paper on the right are our wishes for 2021, we are keeping those private but they were very similar even though we wrote them separately.

I am a bit under the weather (literally I think) so please forgive the lack of words here

I am entering both of our pages at Art Journal Journey and Erika's 'Favourite Things' theme. These shared art sessions are definitely one of my favourite things and of course you know I love blue!!

Stay safe and Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Wonderful journal pages, you are both doing so well! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. Both of your pages (you and Hubs) are wonderful. so happy you enjoy doing art together Hope you feel better soon Happy weekend

  3. These are wonderful diary pages for you two, because you can see how each of you has preferences!
    Have a beuatiful Weekend, hug Elke

  4. I love seeing how you both do the same art topic page Chris. And I see you had slightly different words. That is fun. Don't tell your husband but I can tell you have done a lot more art. Smile. Love your page Chris. And his too. Have a great weekend and thanks again for sharing with my challenge. Much appreciated. Hugs-Erika

  5. I am so loving seeing your hubby create with you (still jealous too). So cool to see side by side how two different people create after the same class and the same pool of supplies (except he is restricted from texture pastes - lol). Super well done pages by the both of you. Love this! You are so lucky, Chris. Hugz

  6. Oh these are marvelous! They tell you to use what you have and put your own spin on things so I think what you guys did is perfect. So fun to see the different results. Hubby might just catch the art bug and never be able to shake it. Looks like such fun to be doing these together! You have another jealous one over here--LOL! ;)

  7. What nice journal pages, love that your hubby plays along. Mine would do it too if I suggested it but I think I'll save that for a few years. Mine would take over my art supplies! haha I sure you get to feeling better, Chris, and I pray it isn't the big C from your temporary resettlement! Good thing y'all had your bloodwork done, hoping all is well with you. xoxo

  8. I’m leaving this generic message so you don’t think I’m a flake. I didn’t feel good Friday, and when I woke, the entire area around the eye that got damaged last summer had swollen so badly, I couldn’t open it. After speaking with the vision specialist, the soonest I can get in is Monday morning. I am not to wear the eye patch I was given in case it might exacerbate the swelling, but I am to take the eyedrops I was given from before. Thanks for understanding why I haven’t been to visit you.
