Tuesday 8 December 2020

T Stands for - Trip out at last...

 Hi everyone, yes we've been out, not just on an errand to post letters or to the Pharmacy but a proper, booked visit to Dunham Massey!

We knew we would be going out for our Click and Collect groceries, our only one since 20th October, the rest have been delivered to our door, so booked the visit and decided we would go whatever the weather!

As it happens it rained pretty well all of the way round and it was 5•c on the dashboard in the car!

The best thing was that during the evenings in December the Christmas light shows are on so we got to see the installations which were interesting even though they weren't lit.

We saw a notice that said that the car park shut at 4.15 which presumably gives them enough time to open up the food huts and get the guides in place before the evening crowds arrive. We said last year that we would be going this year but we're not ready for mingling with large gatherings of strangers!

The photos show the lights and some of the usual views and if you look closely raindrops in the puddles!

I remember this from we went for my 70th birthday, there are little buckets with fires in amongst the crystals

We were pleased to get back to the car, although I did have a little trip into the shop for some goodies, ssshhh! hubby doesn't know what I bought! There weren't many in so I felt quite safe! 

All the photos in this post are courtesy of my lovely hubby Tony, except the next one which is my ticket to Bleubeard and Elizabeth's T Stands For Tuesday where everyone is invited to share something drink related every Tuesday.

We have our Christmas mugs out now containing coffee from our thermos flask and we also took a small packet of gluten free, low sugar biscuits to share!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Elaborate decorations! The Christmas mugs get me in the spirit of the season :) Happy T Tuesday!

  2. Wow Chris, what a magical place this would be really stunning in the dark-thanks for sharing all the photos. glad you were able to get out. Love your mugs Happy T hugs Kathy

  3. What a fabulous walk round, even in the rain! Your mugs are gorgeous.

  4. Such a pretty place to visit, happy T Day,the mugs are lovely! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Great decorations. I'm sorry it was raining when you were there. I love your bird mug. Happy T-Day!

  6. That looks like a wonderful day out. Good for you. I bet it is pretty with the lights but it is even pretty seeing where the lights would be. Looks like a well needed boost of holiday spirit or just everyday good mood spirit too. We can all use that right now I think. Will you be getting the vaccine soon? Hope it was a great T day. Hugs-Erika

  7. What a lovely outing. I loved seeing all the decorations especially those red poppies. Is everything made out of paper? I bet is looks amazing at night with the lights.
    Happy Tea Day,

  8. These were wonderful even without the lights on. Some of those displays were great even without the lighting. In fact, I really like the way some of them look without any lights on them, like the stars and the poppies.

    You got all festive for Christmas with your adorable mugs and cookies you brought to share. Thanks so much for taking us to Dunham Massey and sharing your coffee and cookies (biscuits) with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  9. Beautiful places are beautiful under any circumstance.
    Thanks for sharing the pictures. The cups are ideal.
    Hugs from Spain

  10. Wow, what fabulous decorations! I loved seeing them in the daylight, they look stunning 😀. Thanks so much for sharing and of course that pretty robin mug caught my eye - beautiful! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  11. Too bad you didn't get to see them lit up, but you could still get a good idea and it is very wise to avoid the crowds. Nice to get out and about, I bet. Pretty mugs. :)

  12. The light walk was fabulous. I can just imagine it lit. The snowdrops were stunning! Cute Christmas mugs. Happy T Day

  13. It's all so uplifting and beautiful despite gloomy skies and rain! Glad you were able to have an outing with fresh air and festive surroundings.
    Thanks to Tony for the pics, and love your holiday mugs! Happy belated T Day!

  14. The caretakers at Dunham Massey really do a terrific job decorating. The gardens look lovely all year long. No wonder it's one of your favorites jaunts. That walkway tunnel strung with lights must be beautiful at night. The huge reindeer - wow!

    I love your Christmas mugs.

    Happy T-day! Stay safe and well. Hugs, Eileen
