Tuesday 15 December 2020

T Stands for - Taking the tree by the branches!

 Hi everyone, I haven't been feeling so brilliant for a few days. I think part of it was the fact that we have had to amend orders for Christmas and all the scrolling up and down brought back my vertigo! 

I really couldn't cope so well with being on the computer and nothing much was happening in my craft room. I was determined that my Christmas tree was going to be up for my birthday on Saturday, so rather than take the 'bull by the horns' I grabbed the 'tree by it's branches'! 

I have gradually added more bits and pieces around the apartment and I'm pleased to say I'm also feeling a lot better!

This is the walkway to our door and it is where my sons (one with Granddaughter also) came to stand and talk on my birthday. It was so good to see them and I now have a house full of flowers!
As you can see our friend has decorated her balcony, as have a lot of us.

This candle not only lights up but also has swirly glitter in it!

We have lots of lights in the grounds too - I will go and take photos another day! 

Today has been a fun day, we had a visit from Santa this morning, he walked around the outside areas waving and smiling. 

Lunch was a Turkey and Tinsel affair that we had to book for and it is here where I will join Bleubeard and Elizabeth for T Stands for Tuesday,

We both have our Christmas tops on!
It was a lovely roast turkey dinner and we had some sparkling elderflower water to drink.

As you can see the jigsaw puzzle is still there - we have a problem with its size, even having bought a large fold up board so we are going to put what we have done back in the box and start a new one!

Last week we went to Notcutts garden centre, we were only there for about 30 minutes.  I bought the chocolate nuts we like along with some cheese, christmas decorations and a poinsettia (more on THAT in another post!)

The reindeer were singing Christmas songs but I'm not sure whether the video will work

I've started Kasia's Advent Calendar - late, but at least now I can enjoy it more! Day 1

Day 2

Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
I am enjoying using the prompts and Kasia's videos are brilliant!

This morning I also made a journal page.

The image is from a calendar, I tore it out  and added it to a page with some stencilled flowers on! Added gesso, paint, and stencilled and stamped some text in gold ink!

I reminds me of how I used to start my day at the caravan. Most mornings when I opened the curtains in Winter there were birds on the feeders. The blue tits were my favourites.

I am joining in at Art Journal Journey and Tracey's 'The Meaning Of' theme.

I hope that I can get to visit this week and hopefully catch up with what you have been doing!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Hi Chris, so glad to read you are feeling better. when I am on the computer too long I get a really stiff neck and a bit of vertigo too-I use an antique desk that my parents had so it is not the right height for a desk computer at all so you aren't the only one No fun.
    I love your tree and Christmas decorations. I think Eileen was doing the advent art too and I really love this last piece very much-beautiful!
    Your meal looks really delicious-Happy T hugs Kathy

  2. I'm glad you're feeling better. Your tree is lovely, and your community looks cheerful. The food looks delicious! Happy T Tuesday!

  3. Glad you are feeling much better- vertigo is an awful thing to get:( Your tree and decorations are so pretty - I love that special candle. So many joining in the advent challenge. Your pages are beautiful! And how nice to have a special meal decked in holiday attire:) Lovely garden center.
    Keep well, and happy T day!

  4. You have really showed us a wonderful selection of Christmas decorations, both yours, your neighbors' and the ones in the flower shop. Really nice! I hope you will feel better all during the holidays and enjoy yourselves.

    be safe... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  5. I'm glad you're feeling better and got your decorations up. It all looks lovely. So does your turkey dinner.

    You started Kasia's Advent calendar later and you're already way ahead of me. I'm stuck on day 3: What artist inspires me that I feel worthy to emulate?

    Your bird page is gorgeous!

    Belated Happy Birthday and Happy T-day! Stay safe and well. Hugs, Eileen

  6. How wonderful to be celebrating Christmas and your tree looks so lovely, I'm sure your friends enjoy seeing it through the window too 😀. Your meal looks so delicious and I hope you enjoyed the visit from Santa; those robins on your hubbys shirt are perfect - love it! Looks like you've been having lots of crafting fun creating your beautiful festive calender pages. Those singing reindeer are fabulous too! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  7. Terrific pages ~ I got the video to play and they made me smile! Your little tree is sweet and I love all your decorations! The candle that's a snow globe would make the perfect gift for someone I know, if you think they still make it can you send me the name or link?? Your meal looks yummy ~ I'm craving stew now that it's cold here, and I'm admiring your plate of goodness! ~ Enjoy!

  8. Glad to hear you are feeling better Chris. And your tree looks great. I always love seeing British garden centers as they are so much more than we have here, especially at Christmas. And nice to see your advent calendar art. I love the bird page. Hope it was a wonderful T day and you have a nice week ahead. Hugs-Erika

  9. What a fun post, except for the vertigo. I've had it, too, and it's no fun. In fact, I was on an escalator the first time it happened. Talk about an accident in the making.

    Loved the tree and your pears. They go so well in your home. Beautiful and I swear, I didn't realize I forgot your birthday this year. I haven't even sent my tip-ins out yet.

    I was late trying to sign up for Kasia's Advent Calendar. When I did, I learned I was too late to sign up, I love what you have done. I wish I'd been on the ball sooner, but now all I can do is watch as others make their calendars. Yours is fabulous and several of the pages fit nicely with Tracey's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    Your turkey dinner looks wonderful. Do I see some brussels sprouts? I love them. And how nice to have elderflower water to drink. Even the name sounds elegant. Thanks for sharing your art, your Christmas tree and decorations, your trip to the nursery (love those singing reindeer), and your Christmas-y dinner with elderflower water for T this Tuesday, dear friend. Happy Birthday, belated though it may be.

  10. Glad you are feeling better - the roast turkey looks gorgeous. Great pics of your apartment and outside. happy belated birthday

  11. Your Christmas tree looks beautiful by the window.
    Happy belated birthday.
    Hugs from Spain

  12. Your Christmas tree and decorations look lovely. That garden center has some nice stuff. Your artwork is beautiful, especially the blue birds. Happy belated birthday and T-Day!

  13. Glad to hear you're feeling better Chris!
    Lunch looks delicious, and your pages are beautiful.
    Have a good evening,
    Alison xx

  14. Delightful post and I'm glad your feeling better. Love your tree and the Nativity in the pear is adorable. I really enjoyed the trip to the garden center. The video works and the singing reindeer really brightened by day. Happy T Day.

  15. I have had little energy for extra anything, but hope to finally get to the advent prompts soon here. I'll have to do many in a day--LOL! So fun to see what you have made.

    Those singing reindeer are both fun and a bit creepy--LOL! Your home looks very festive! Happy belated birthday! :)

  16. Your Advent class with Kasia is wonderful! I wanted to join in but I haven't had time. Your pages make me want to give it a go.
    Love your tree and Christmas decoratiions.
    Happy Tea Day,

  17. Belated happy birthday to you and good that you are better again and your posting is so great with the beautiful journal page! You have a beautiful Christmas tree and decorations. Visiting the garden center is always something nice ... thanks for the photos.
    Have a nice Christmas time, hug Elke

  18. Chris i'm sorry to read you have not been too good but happy to read further on that things are brighter now, i'm sure the family visit and treats on your birthday helped lift your spirits. You home looks very festive.
    Love the journal page with the two birds, a delicate creation and words we should all strive towards. Perfect for my theme Thank YOU. I'm dipping in and out of Kasia advent, it's been a busy few days with extra care duties and helping get those Christmas bits for the Mum's but the weekend is mine YAY!!
    Take care Hugs Tracey xx

  19. Waving and smiling is the best!!! Sorry I´m late.
    Love how your Hubby is like mine. They don´t blog (or does yours?) but they "play the game" with us.
    Love, that´s what it´s also about, huh.

  20. Glad your vertigo is better, I know it's awful stuff. Love the art you made, and the singing reindeer!
