Saturday 5 December 2020

Run with the wind

Hi everyone!  I had hoped that by now I would have some Christmas decorations up but no motivation at all. Hubby has never been one for light and tinsel etc so he isn't pushing me!

I've made attempts at crafting and Mr Mojo isn't having any of it!

Even when I did make something I took some photos which when I came to put them on my computer I deleted and had to use my daylight lamps!

I also deleted my journal page so this also is taken with the aid of lamps.

It's for Tracey's 'The Meaning Of' theme at Art Journal Journey.

I have told you already that we grew up on a plant nursery in a tied cottage (owned by the nursery and rented to workers directly from their wages)

We had the run of the nursery after working hours and as my Dad was 'on the premises' it was his job to walk around and check that all was well at night. On lighter nights we would go with him occasionally and often we would take him a snack during the day too, although was always able to go home at lunchtime. His department was the herbaceous section and was at the very edge of the nursery with a row of poplar trees dividing it from an untidy area leading to the river bank. 

We would often spot wild animals but my favourite was always the hares, they would run so fast and in the Spring we would see them 'boxing'

I used this Hobbyarts set and one of Alison Bomber's (PaperArtsy) quote stamps.

I hope you liked this reminder of my youth!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. I have that hare stamp too 'Chris. Lucky you seeing hares boxing - I have only seen a video someone did of them and was so envious - I would love to witness that.
    Missed speaking with you today on zoom - saw you went to heat my bottle and you were gone. Seems ages since we met up.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  2. I do really like this page Chris. It's too bad you had problems getting it done and photographed, but worth the trouble to share with us. I love the hand carved look of these images and those book page trees. I enjoy animal watching also. Even the dogs as they often make me laugh. Hope you find your mojo. hugs-Erika

  3. Beautiful journal page Chris. Mojo is probably on holiday! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  4. Is 1961 random or was it special? Great page and memories.

  5. I'm trying to find my mojo, too. You are having better luck than I am--LOL!

    We had cottontail rabbits around growing up in Minneapolis Minnesota. But up here in Fargo we have arctic hares or jackrabbits. They do a lot of racing about and boxing. ;) Wonderful memories you have.

  6. I haven't even started my Christmas tip-ins, so you can see why I have no initiative. I love those stamps and the hare is SO much nicer than the "bunnies" we see at Easter here.

    I wish I could have actually talked to you yesterday, but it was great that Julia found a way to get me into the two group sessions since I don't really have the equipment. You have lost a ton of weight, or at least it appears so to me.

  7. Chris this is a lovely piece of mixed media, it really needs to be framed and not hidden in your journal. I loved how you walked us through more memories, |I can imagine like that hoppy hare you enjoyed the freedom when the working day was done. I love it please don't hide it away.. it's meaning deserves to be shared. Hugs Tracey xx

  8. A nice memory as a child with the father and living in the nursery with the rabbit and it looks so cute on your journal page.
    Take care of yourself, hugs Elke

  9. Fab stamps and theme on this. I see MOJO all over this! Love the look and feel of it and that it ties to your childhood. So lovely and so fun to look at this morning with my coffee! Hugz

  10. I always enjoy your childhood memories of the nursery, Chris. I've never seen hares box - even in a video. The hare stamp is wonderful and I love your page and quote. Hugs, Eileen
