Wednesday 15 July 2020


Hello everyone really is an age since I popped along to Julia's Stamping Ground blog to join in with Whats On Your Workdesk Wednesday.
I do hope everyone is well and getting out at least a little bit!

My desk is ever so slightly doctored - I had to cover a sample I am making for Crafty Individual's Hochanda shows next month, although I realise that there are some clues here.

The stamps at the front of my desk are about to put back in their boxes. They are bird stamps as I have just completed an Instagram 100 day project making mail art with birds on.

I will do my best to visit everyone by the weekend - I'm looking forward to having a peep at what you have been up to!

As for New Blogger....I'm a bit lost at the moment, but I suppose my old brain will eventually work it out!!!
Is it our internet connection playing up again or is it just incredibly slow?

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Chris! How lovely to see you on the desks again, we've missed you x. Your desk does look as if you've been having a lovely inky time! I think your internet connection must be slow as I had no trouble with the new blogger, I've used it for a couple of weeks now and am getting quicker.
    Hugs LLJ 3 xxx

  2. Hello Chris, good to see you and your desk. I’ve no idea about the new blogger thing as I’ve got used to using the Blog Touch app. I’ll be snookered of that gets changed.
    Anyway hope you are keeping well. Take care and stay safe.
    Lynn xx

  3. Hi Chris, lovely to see you. I've seen a lot of your 'bird' themed stuff on Instagram. Fabulous. It's most odd, even though I'm on the new Blogger, I've not noticed any difference at all, everything seems exactly the same. Could be different for different devices, I suppose. Stay Safe, have a lovely week, hugs, Shaz #7 X

  4. Hi Chris! I have enjoyed seeing your bird themed stuff on instagram. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#1)

  5. New Blogger is slow, everything takes longer. Have a great evening, hugs, Valerie

  6. well hello you!! glad to see you joining us again. I am still on old blogger and will until I have to not be! great desk. Helen #17

  7. Your old brain is in better shape than my old brain Chris - I thought I was on new blogger but it looks as if I am still on the old one. When is the change over taking place when I will be forced to change? I need to find out how to try out the new one before the final curtain.
    Gosh, I don't know how you do a 100 day project. I am struggling now with the two month one. Was fine for the first month but then .... I kind of got lost a bit. Catching up nicely now - don't tell anyone else.
    Hugs, Neet 4 xx

  8. Hiya Chris! I think I've got this blogger sorted but don't seem to have a lot of choice with my photos any more. Still at least they are uploading, I did have a ti,e when it refused to do that! My FB has changed as well, can't make head or tail of that - really wish they would leave well enough alone. 100 day project sounds like a mega commitment - well done! Happy WOYWW, stay well, stay safe, Cindy #11xx

  9. What an interesting desk - would love to peer a little closer!
    And then today new blogger had changed some things...
    Stay safe and keep well! Happy woyww! Susan #15

  10. Oh you tease... looking forward to the reveal. I've been enjoying your birdart very much over at "the other place".

    Yup, I've found New Blogger very slow and cumbersome when I've tried it (briefly before giving up in disgust). They say it's designed to work better for those blogging from phones, but who blogs from a phone? I think they're trying to be like "the other place" rather than embracing the fact that this is a different kind of platform and letting it be what it is. Grrr!
    Alison xx

  11. I am sticking with the old blogger for as long as I can get to it Chris. Can't stand the new one. I know what you mean about having to stage desks and sample making lol. I shall look out for the shows. Stay safe and happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #5

  12. Hi Chris, nice to see you again. I'm late getting round this week as I got otherwise distracted with stuff. I've given up with the new blogger as I have more important things in life to deal with than an interface that doesn't work efficiently and I'm not the only one. I've been on their forum and there are complaints about it every day in fact several times a day! Have a lovely crafty weekend and a happy belated WOYWW, Angela x14x

  13. Welcome back Chris. I'm not on instagram so haven't seen your bird projects but the stamps look fun. Sorry you are another one struggling with the new Blogger. I'm really glad I abandoned Blogger last year in favour of Wordpress which I like a lot better! Blogger was nothing but trouble.

    Sorry for the late visit. My latest addiction (cross stitch project) has taken over my life this week and I've got all behind with everything else!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #8
