Thursday 2 July 2020

First and Second!

Hi everyone,I have my first page for Art Journal Journey, where Erika of Bio Art Girl blog has chosen 'When It's Hot' for her theme. A brilliant theme with lots of scope!

I used a few hot colours through a stencil for my background.
I no longer have a garden to sit in but we are surrounded by gardens here, and as you know I love to visit public gardens.
Butterflies and bees are attracted to flowers so they are here along the bottom of my page and on the fabulous Aall and Create butterfly stamp. 
We saw this on Tuesday, it was warm but not sunny but the bees were loving the hosta flowers.
Here is June's page all filled in!

It is also the second of the month so I have a previous post here for Elizabeth's Second Look On The 2nd at The Altered Book Lover.

I have gone back to July 26th 2016 
    -------------------------------------------------------------I promised more photos of the nostalgia trip we took last week. From Nottingham we took a familiar road(to me)to Southwell near Newark.

This is where Richard 1st had his last night of freedom before surrendering to the Scots at Newark.
Southwell has changed greatly since I was there last - quite a few 'posh' shops and lots of eating places! 

I have never seen so many hanging baskets in one small area - very pretty indeed

We had our lunch in the Minster cafe but I forgot to take a photo!(again!)
A wedding had just taken place while we were eating so we were able to go inside! There was a notice saying permission had to be given for taking photos, luckily someone was there to do just that!

The seats all had names on them.
I remember that as a child the carvings here always fascinated me(and still do)

Hubby took this photo during a short shower while we walked round to  the Bishop's garden. 

 I do love a blue and white garden!

 There were lovely cool green areas too - and bees!!
 This is the very end of the ruined palace- the door leads to the private part of the garden
 We both loved this place and we will be back!

As I am here for 
at The Altered Booklover blog where Elizabeth, Bleubeard and Squiggles are sharing a drink related post I had better show you where we had a coffee later in the afternoon.
My Dad used to work for this company, although not at the site where this Garden Centre is. I remember the two men at the bottom right, they were the owners and such lovely bosses! 
This is the bottom end of the cafe and was sectioned off but I just had to go in….
…that's my Dad's name there - Ken Donson - he had a clematis named after him years ago - it is not readily available here but apparently grows well in the US and Canada. I confess to getting tearful seeing this!
We enjoyed our coffee..

..and had a little look around. 
there were lots of old photos on the walls and this one is certainly a view I recognise!
This one too - again at the nursery where I grew up, walked my dogs, played with my cats and rabbits, climbed trees, drove a tractor, saw a baby cuckoo in a nest, learned to ride my bike and of course got my love for gardens! 

Oh! What is it with me? Blurry eyed again


I have no idea what drew me to this date, but the strangest thing is, this afternoon I have been trying to source some of the Ken Donson Clematis as gifts for my three boys! It was the first date I clicked on......serendipity!

Sorry this was longer than I expected but it just had to be!

Thanks for looking, Chrisx


  1. Hi Chris, pretty new journal page-great way to use the new theme.
    I enjoyed the second look very much-gorgeous flowers everywhere. and enjoyed the architectures too Happy second on the 2nd Kathy

  2. Great page for the theme, very colorful. I really enjoyed your 2nd on the 2nd post. All those baskets hanging at windows are so pretty as are the rest of the gardens you visited.

  3. Both calendar pages are great! I loved the photos, especially Southwell. The cafe where you had your coffee looks good. Happy July, happy 2nd on the 2nd, happy T Day and have a great weekend! Look after yourself, hugs, Valerie

  4. I loved your calendar page for July. It is HOT, HOT, and puts my calendar to shame. I loved the flowers you chose to stamp, too. BTW, none of my hostas have bloomed this year, so that photo made me smile.

    I remember that Second Look post. I remember looking up and learning even more about Richard 1, even after I made that Kings and Queens book for my friend Kathy.

    I also remember the beautiful photos you took in the church and the seats with names I'd not heard of before. But most of all, I remember learning more about your father and the place where you grew up. It was a fabulous second look back at a beautiful memory, dear Chris and I'm thrilled you shared it with us as your second on the 2nd, dear friend.

  5. Both calendar pages are so beautiful!
    The photos are very nice and interesting to look at with the wedding and the church!
    Greetings Elke

  6. Your calendar page is great Chris. Not only does it have hot colors but the background designs could be abstract sun shapes. Thanks so much for joining the new challenge. And I enjoyed that visit back in 2016. It is nice to take some armchair trips to places we can't go to right now. You do have the most interesting places to visit! Happy July. Hugs-Erika

  7. great calendar pages! I don't remember seeing this post before (although I am sure I did!) - what a treat to share it again.

  8. Beautiful calender pages! Your July design looks so hot and summery - perfect 😀. Fabulous photos of Nottingham too! Wishing you a happy Friday and weekend! Take care and sending hugs, Jo x

  9. I remember Rob from Once Upon a Stamp had his coffin in the Minster. I didn't go, it was 8 years ago this month - I was having a pacemaker fitted at the time which is how I know.
    Lovely photos and I love Newark, especially the market in the square, it is so pretty, or it was. Lots of happy memories of there.
    Love your July page for your diary, it certainly looks like summer has arrived on it with all those lovely flowers and butterflies - the colours are perfect.
    Nice to see and thanks for the reminisce.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  10. Lovely photos Chris and calendar pages.
    The page you are linking to Erika's AJJ theme looks beautiful. Its a super butterfly image and that seems a very useful stencil you used. I loved the warm colours.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  11. I like your journal pages very much! And wow, what a wonderful trip.
    Also down memory lane. Beautiful to have that...

  12. Hi, Chris. Love your 2 calendar journal spreads! And oh, those church photos, I love them. I'm American but was christened and confirmed an Episcopalian. Anglican churches are so gorgeous to me. Wow, your dad made a lasting contribution to horticulture! I googled Ken Donson clematis and you are right, multiple sources over here, but not cheap! One nursery in Oregon sells 2-year-old plants for $25-30 USD. Wish I had a green thumb and a bigger money stash! Hugs and stay well and safe, dear! XOX

  13. Gorgeous July calendar page for Erika's. June's was beautiful too. You make beautifu backgrounds, Chris. Hugs, Eileen

  14. A beautiful calendar spread Chris, I love the butterflies! xx
