Monday 6 April 2020

T Stands for the scenic route

Hi Everyone! I hope you are OK and becoming used to staying at home!
We,like everyone else I'm sure, have good days and some not so good! 
We are blessed to have each other and believe me, I often give a thought for those that are on their own.
I am trying to ring folk that I know are on their own...and not talk too much about what we hear on the news!
We are endeavouring to stay cheerful, a face time chat with my exSIL and hubby this afternoon caused plenty of laughter!
They are under lockdown in France and pretty much restricted on their walks - no more than 1K away from home. 
We have abandoned any thoughts of walks by the river at the moment but may try if it rains - no one will be out then!!!

My thoughts have turned to the countryside with this new journal page! 

I have used all Crafty Individuals stamps and I can also remind you that the new stamps (some are on here) are going to be on sale at Hochanda TV Tuesday morning at 7.00a.m UK time(!!) and 1.00p.m. 
I love the new background stamps so much! They are perfect for Art Journaling and I have made a few pages in a journal I am keeping at home.This is for Valerie's 'Geometric shapes' at Art Journal Journey
I will be using the new stamps a lot as most of them are geometric shapes!
I'm missing going to Styall especially as the Gardens are  particularly beautiful at this time of year

In my new 'Stay At Home' mode I have a photo of my morning coffee, it was a bit chilly on the balcony today as we had rain for a while this morning.The large box that you can see is where I pop magazine recipes that I would like to try one day and the small one holds receipts - not much use for that these days!!

I had to go to the post box the other day to post of the last of my samples - as we are avoiding the river, we walked around one of the nearby housing estates - a short walk but lots of lovely gardens to see, hardly any people and enough space to cross over the road if they hadn't already!
We would have liked to walk this way but decided that if we met someone there was very little crossing space!

 No-one was here though and this could be a possibility another day
Some lovely gardens, but didn't want to intrude too much!

We love this bungalow! Right by the track too!

I still have photos on my computer of one of our outings before isolation started so maybe next week!

My middle son is working this week - he is a designated First Aider in his school and while many of the staff are off, he is taking turns to teach children of Key workers - which I suppose makes him a key worker...thankfully he isn't working every week but taking turns  with other first aiders.

Stay safe everyone, we were encouraged by a broadcast by our Queen, Elizabeth on Sunday evening!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. such beautiful layers of stamping on your journal page Chris!! Such lovely views of your walk and oh yes, that bungalow is darling. Happy T day!

  2. They showed us some of the queen's speech here in the US. They said she usually doesn't do addresses except at Christmas. And I love your beautiful spring art. Those flowers are so pretty and delicate. And what a nice place to walk. The days are better when you can get out for a little stroll though, doesn't it? Wishing you a happy T day Chris. Hugs-Erika

  3. Your journal page is so pretty. I really like the various colored stamping that you used to create the scene.
    The flowers are lovely. Your neighbors have some gorgeous gardens.
    Happy Tea Day,

  4. How wonderful that you got some new stamps and played with them. This spread is beautiful and it looks like you have found a garden in your art journal. You can keep the girl out of the garden, but you can't keep the garden out of the girl. Thanks also for sharing this beauty with us at Art Journal Journey using Valerie's theme.

    You found a great place to walk together. I love those yards and the bungalow is nice, too.

    I absolutely LOVE the mug you shared. I like that it has a clock face on it, and the other beautiful images on it. Of course, my eye went directly to the box with the Eiffel Tower on it. Great photo of your table with those boxes on it. Thanks for sharing your art, your walk, and your coffee with us for T this Tuesday, dear Chris.

  5. Love the beautiful journal page. And your morning coffee looks great. Glad you have been able to get out for some walks, it all looks good and fresh outside. Have a happy T Day, stay safe, hugs, Valerie

  6. Great page Chris. I am up already and resisting starting work (lots to do left from yesterday lol) but will wait a while. Take care and enjoy those walks whilst you can - I haven't been taking much exercise as it is obviously all built up streets here so not very encouraging!

  7. Yes, those who are on their own... hard times. And no,no more talking about the news, it´s the same every time anyways.
    Beautiful page. Love the box and mug, too.
    Beautifulpics. Hubby has to stay home now. He´s not happy. Well. That might also be due to the visit to the dentist. It will hurt...
    Happy T-Day to you! xx

  8. Oooops! Thanks for linking to AJJ, too, I forgot my manners. Or perhaps I never had any....Hugs, Valerie

  9. Its a fabulous journal page and those new stamps look great, I will have to watch the program on catch up later today.
    On and many thanks for linking your page to Valerie's Art Journal Journey theme.
    You are lucky to have a nice area to walk close by and not many folk around. The river walks near us now have police regularly on patrol in the car park areas.
    Stay safe and well.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Beautiful art piece. Wonderful photos. Happy T-Day!

  11. I love your newest art page. Looks like you were still able to take a pretty walk-things are just starting to really bloom here.
    I am thankful too that and Larry and I are still together as we don't have family really and now we can't visit our friends.
    take care and Happy T hugs Kathy

  12. Hi Chris, You have some lovely places to walk, very colourful too.
    I like your Artwork, love the flowers and the colour and also the shapes in the background.
    I've been busy making masks this morning!
    Happy T Day
    Jan x

  13. Hi! I love the colors that you chose for your page ~ very peaceful. Your photos are wonderful, I would love to explore that path today ~ sigh

  14. What a lovely area you live in. All those gardens! I agree, that bungalow is beautiful. The magnolia tree is a stunner.
    I didn't hear the queen's speech as we don't have a telly, but at some stage we might be able to find it on YouTube (i haven't really looked yet).
    I love that large box to put magazines in. I remember when I lived in the UK, I never knew where to put my old magazines (apart from taking them to the health centre.)
    Happy T-Day and
    take care,

  15. Such a beautiful journal page! The stamps look perfect, I love all the layers that you created - gorgeous 😁. It looks like you had a lovely walk too, it looks peaceful and tranquil just like your page. Sending you Happy T Day wishes! Stay safe and well! Hugs, Jo x

  16. Your Peace and Tranquiliity page is lovely, Chris. The new stamps look fun and versatile.

    I wonder what you'll do with your spare time now that the Horchanda show is over. I hope it went well.

    God save the Queen! Her speech energized the whole world.

    Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

  17. I just love botanical stamps like that! Pretty page. A solitary walk on that path looks so inviting! Stay safe and well! :)

  18. I love the stamping, and your design and the words "peace and tranquility" go well together. That walk is lovely. I'm glad people are limiting their time in these spaces so others can enjoy them, too. I hope you and yours stay well. Happy T Tuesday!

  19. It looks like you are off to a great start with your new pages. I enjoyed the photos taken on your walk. I've only been on one walk since March 8 (when our shelter in place orders were announced). The orders do allow for walking. I do miss walking every morning but we have been having some much need rain so I've been staying in.

  20. Your page is beautiful, Chris. Can almost imagine a walk and find wild flowers. Hopefully not too long from now. Your walk to the post office was very pretty. Spring is further along where you are than here. I wish we had a leader ad intelligent and inspiring as the Queen. Take care and Happy T Day

  21. Your Art journal page is really Wonderful Chris !! I love your new stamps, and the beautiful colours you have used, Great ! Wish you spent a nice T-day.
    I like very much the photographs from your walks, and the bungalow too.
    Stay safe and well dear friend, take care, and big big hugs,

  22. Wonderful page, i love this sentence included!
    A nice walk with all the flowers and courageous with this helper and thanks to such people!
    Stay safe and well! Hugs,Elke

  23. New stamps are always fun and you did a fab job creating your page with them. It is lovely and happy and peaceful. Seems to reflect your current life as well - you seem very at peace and very sweet to reach out to others. Your walk seems lovely too. TFS the pictures! So cool to see things in other places, I may do that today.

  24. You are lucky to have such a lovely walk close to home in this time of self-isolation. Fab journal page and thank you so much for your visit to my blog today

    Wishing you a Happy Easter - stay well


  25. A gorgeous nature based page, love those stamps.
    Stay safe, Wendy xx
