Tuesday 14 January 2020

T stands for...three cheers!!!

Hi everyone!  That's what we gave yesterday...we tackled the cupboards, made room for putting  most things away  or  managed to get them into bags to go to the charity shop or tip! 

It took most of the day so we rewarded ourselves by going to see '1917' at the cinema today. I must say at times it was a very harrowing watch but overall deserves all the good reviews we had read! It certainly has lots of awards nominations and I will be surprised if it doesn't win some!

Yesterday after all the efforts with the tidying operation I received an e-mail with this attachment in it!
We bought fitbit watches in the sales after Christmas and what with outings and walking around the apartment I have walked 26 miles! It gave me a lift for sure, and when I got on the scales this morning I had another lovely surprise - I have lost 14lb(6.3kg)since we sold our caravan before Christmas!

We have been out walking a few times and my medication has been changed but maybe it's less of what is in my T Stands For Tuesday photo, as it is now time to join Bleubeard and Elizabeth for our regular Tuesday meet up with the TSFT gang

This was our last full day and we went for coffee and a shared toasted teacake at Booths after taking some things to the charity shop around the corner!

I have a few photos of Styall/Quarry Bank Mill to show you too!
We took a walk here just after Christmas!
The Mill owner's house was open and had been decorated for Christmas..

...but we only took a few photos outside..it was quite cold!!

Keeping it short today, Midsummer Murders is back on TV so off to put my feet up! 

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Glad you have got so much tidied away- Congrats on your weight loss and walking, that's great! Lovely photos, thanks for sharing, hugs, Valerie

  2. Wow big congratulations on all those miles walked and loss of weight. sadly I have gained back some of the weight I lost-so I am watching those carbs again and walking-I just came in from a 2 plus mile walk and the air was heavy-and I made it up and down those steep hills-so I am feeling good about that.
    You are doing good get things set up-I went through allot of boxes last weekend-found spots for allot of it and will have to sell some too-no room in this smaller home. but Larry has been wanting to downsize so we are.
    Happy T wishes Kathy

  3. Hooray for you Chris- well done!! I'm sure you feel much better too(outside of being tired:) A lovely coffee break- and yes, keep smilin! Beautiful photos in and about the mill. Happy T day!

  4. Hooray for you and the weight loss as well as the miles on your fitbit. What a great way to start the new year. And hurrah too for getting through those boxes. You have been a busy lady. Hope it was a great T day. Hugs-Erika

  5. Congratulations on tidying up and losing weight. The Christmas decorations look fantastic. I like the steps in that outdoor garden. Happy T-Day!

  6. Congrats to all!
    I´m trying my best, too - so much stuff in here and Hubby keeps adding more and more! Whilst I declutter. Surprisingly no sore muscles, so no excuse - work out again ;-) Happy belated T-day.

  7. well done on the walking and weightloss! I haven't started a declutter yet... nor watched Midsummr Murders, taped that whilst watching the footie!

  8. Well done Chris for loosing that amount of weight and walking all those miles.
    It sounds like all is going well on your declutter and storage as well.
    I really enjoyed seeing your photos as well.
    Belated T day wishes
    Yvonne xx

  9. Glad you got more put away or ready to give away.
    I have heard that is quite the movie! I'll have to wait until it comes on Netflix which won't be like on the big screen, though.
    Congrats on losing the weight!
    The Mill looked lovely for Christmas.
    Have a great day! :)

  10. Wow! That's a lot of walking! The coffee and teacake look tasty :) They did a lovely job with the decorations, didn't they! Pretty!

    I love Midsomer Murders but haven't seen the latest season yet. Happy T Day :)

  11. Congratulations of completing a marathon, Chris - lol - and on your weight loss. I get a kick out of those Fitbit awards. It must feel good to have all you stuff sorted. The Mill house decorations are lovely. I wouldn't mind having Christmas all year long (no the commercial part, but the beauty and good cheer).

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  12. Congratulations on the tidy up. I'm going through that here, too. And a bigger congratulations on your weightloss. Good for you! The Mill owner's house is beautiful. What a lovely dining room service. Himself and I enjoy Midsomer Murder's too. Happy T Day

  13. OOH YOU walk a lot Chris !! That´s fabulous you lost weight, Congratulations! What a lovely house ! Wish you spent a very nice T-day.
    Have a great Friday, and I send you big hugs,

  14. Wow, you have been busy! And well done for doing all those steps! And for the weight loss of course. Not many people can say they lost weight since before Christmas!
    Quarry bank mill is great. We have been there twice when we had NT membership.My sister lives in Cheshire so when we were up there we would visit as many NT places as possible. Quarry banks is one of my favorites. I don't remember having been inside the owner's house though. It is beautiful I must say.
    A toasted tea cake! Sometimes I just hanker after one of those (with butter!). Used to get them at the Little Chefs along the A roads back in the day. Little Chefs are no more....
    Sorry for the late comment. We have been helping friends move house (They are now living within walking distance)
    Belated happy T-Day,

  15. That's a great result on the walking and weightloss - what a happy feeling to lift you through January's damp days. Good to hear you're doing well on the sorting front too - it's an excellent bonus that it's keeping you fit!

    Another great outing - and those festive decorations are lovely. I do like the deer in the garden.
    Alison x
