Saturday 23 November 2019

Apples are good!!

I've been away from the computer again...but.... we have new radiators that are giving out so much heat that we have turned the thermostat down!
I have also been for my Diabetes 2 review and it's looking as though my medication will have to be changed! I'm monitoring levels for a week and then a decision will be made as to what!
Having talked to the nurse it seems that most fruits and some veggies are to be off limits(which I kind of knew!!)'s a green regime for me and apples...apples are good!!
I found this image in a magazine with quite thin pages but decided to give an image transfer a go - I am happy to say it worked. It was onto a page that I brayered several fruity colours onto. Once the transfer was dry I added some leaves and a TH sticker. 
I am looking on the bright side, my levels are already going down!

This is for Art Journal Journey and Rike's  Fruit and Veggies theme...
It is also for AEDM  day 23

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Great thought of you and it looks very nice from the picture with the apple!
    Have a nice Day
    Greetings Elke

  2. I love your page-My husband has had diabetis for many many years now-he never tests-I just watch the sugars-they are in allot of veggies too-potatoes, corn, peas etc good luck

  3. Your image transfer worked very well (I have never tried a transfer), it fits perfect to the background colors! Beautiful leaves and a clever quote!
    Thank you for linking your wonderful page to my theme at AJJ!

  4. Apples are the best, so that's a good diet to be on! Especially at this time of year, when they're so plentiful. My favourite dessert of the moment is stewed apple and natural yogurt - just enough to give a sweet fix, lol. The image transfer worked brilliantly - I'm impressed. Another thing I haven't done for years...
    Happy weekend!
    Cath x

  5. Great page Chris! Speaks to my as my diet is restricted due to gallstones now. No dairy, and I really miss my cheese! Hope you get used to your new diet and medication soon.
    Alison xx

  6. Glad to hear you are cosy and warm, but sad to hear that your diet is shrinking. Still, most of my favourite vegetables are very green, so I hope you find plenty of ways to enjoy them. I love your apple page - a great image transfer onto those lovely warm paint colours.
    Alison x

  7. Oh I really like this apple page. I like how you covered it over a bit-it does make it feel like some foods are being taken away. Sorry to hear about the new diabetes regime. That has to be tough to deal with because there is so much tempting food out there. Hope you cope well with it and it helps bring your glucose levels back down to more normal levels. Hugs-Erika

  8. Lovely page. We were in Holland today and I came back with a huge bag of apples from the market! Happy weekend, hugs, Valerie

  9. hope you manage to control your diabetes and your diet, it is surprising how much sugar there is in things like fruit Great page though. (guess where I went today......)

  10. I hope they can help you get things figured out soon. I'm surprised at what contains sugar/carbs now that I am on a very low carb diet. Enjoy your apples, my friend. Lovely page. :)

  11. I hope all will go well with your diet changes and the sugar levels will come down. There seems to be sugar in everything these days, even things that are supposed to be good for us.
    Its a fantastic journal page, a great image transfer and a super message quote.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Sorry to read about your dietary changes. I knew fruit had lots of sugar, but veggies surprised me. Does this mean no more poached pears?

    I absolutely adore your transfer. It turned out super. I really love what you created and it's so perfect for Rike's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

  13. I am so sorry to read all that you are going through. Sending healing energy your way. The art piece is beautiful.

  14. A wonderful image transfer Chris
    Superb. Another wonderful entry for AJJ dear friend.
    Thank you beyond belief for supporting AJJ so well.
    Susi xxx

  15. Beautiful page! I have always wanted to try this image transfer technique so may give this a go, thanks for the inspiration ��. I do hope that your diet helps with your sugar levels, my dad has diabetes so I know how hard it can be to regulate. Take care and happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x
