Wednesday 27 June 2018

Just playing and being inspired!

Hello everybody! 
In between working in the garden at our caravan and preparing for our bedroom to be painted I found time to play in my journal so I have another page for Gill's theme - 'Inspired by' at Art Journal Journey

Hubby and I attend a gym (usually once a week)and each time we go we are given wrist bands in different colours each time (there is obviously a rotation system as we are now getting repeats of colours!) 
I was inspired by these bright colours to save them them until I had enough to fill a page in one of my large journals - not knowing what I was going to do!
I found this image in a magazine and I made a start. Wristbands were cut up and stuck down, the photo was mounted onto some scrap paper and part of a map and I used some AALL and create stamps along with a Visible Image quote.
I don't think I'll ever have legs like the model but I am getting better at walking faster without being out of breath! 

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. A unique idea to use those wristbands in such an artful way! I am impressed by this page ! Absolutely super dear Chris! Thank you for all your support of AJJ this month ! Even your last page ( or maybe you have even some more ) is just a wowser ! We appreciated this so much!Thank you!
    Your art always inspires me!
    Sleep well!
    Hugs, Susi

  2. what a great idea and it makes a fab background for your journal page!

  3. I was really impressed by those very colorful wrist bands. Of course, you had to stamp on them, too (GRIN). I'm in awe of your stamping. This is a fabulous entry for Art Journal Journey. I adore how you used a magazine image, too. My kind of art.

    BTW, I’ve been complaining about my gimpy keyboard for awhile, but my mouse has always worked great. That is, until today. I had to buy a new mouse just so I could maneuver between blogs. That’s why I’m really late visiting.

  4. Oh thats such a cool and stylish page Chris - love this very much.
    Gym ??? - I must look that up in dictionary :)
    Those bands are such pretty colours I can see why you were inspired by them - you must be super fit now too.
    Once again many thanks for sharing what inspired you and joining in at AJJ (and for all the other fabulous pages this month too).
    Hope you have a lovely day...
    Gill xx

  5. Those wrist bands make and excellent background for sure. ANd a good background really makes a great page. I like how you layered them Chris. Sounds like life is full of fun right now. Hugs-Erika

  6. I love your colourful wristband background Chris! It's a super page!
    Alison xxx

  7. Such a happy page with that brightly coloured wrist band background and the whole page looks amazing! I don't think I'll ever have those long legs either, being 5 foot nothing I'm just not tall enough 😉. It's been hot here so we've been walking in the shade of the trees at Lytham Hall this week. I hope you had a lovely week too! J 😊 x
