Tuesday 3 April 2018

Recycle Something for us at TIOT

Hi everyone! Our new theme at Try It On Tuesday is 'Recycle Something' but for me it could easily be - 'Confessions of a Hoarder'!
Hubby often comes to me before putting something in the bin and even my grown up children pass on things they know I will class as useful not junk!!

I have been taking part in Brigit Koopsen's Gelli Plate challenge during March and have a lot of prints to use in my crafting! The larger ones are no problem - they go into a plastic box with other large prints, but the small ones were in danger of getting lost amongst my scraps.
I am sure that some of you will spot what I have chosen for my recycle makeover!
We seem to have a lot of these packets arrive!!! I realised that one of them would be an ideal size to hold my small gelli-prints.

While I was using up some of the gelli prints (some are rejects - but hey, guess what - I just couldn't throw them away!)I decided to make a container for my scissors too.
I collaged pieces straight onto the packet but measured out a piece of paper to collage onto for the coffee container.
I used my AALL and Create Scissor stamp that I bought at Rowan Tree Crafts the other week.
I stamped them onto thick paper and fussy cut them - this is the same stamp cut down although I do have my eyes on a smaller set!
The cutting words are printed out on my computer.
On the back I masked off the scissors to stamp them.

For the pot I sprinkled on some silver embossing powder as randomly as I could as I still wanted some black showing....and then stuck the paper onto the tin. 

....and I used the rest of the words.
Finally I punched a couple of holes to thread some sari silk through.

The DT have been really creative with their projects so I hope you will take a look here.

As usual the TIOT challenge runs for two weeks so this will close on  16th April. I am already wondering what you will choose to recycle!

My good friend Elizabeth will also be recycling her way towards (B)Earthday on the 22nd April!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Fabulous recycling Chris. Its a wonderful container for your scissors and a super way to store your gelli plate prints as well.
    Yvonne xx

  2. First of all I really love how you have patchworked your gelli prints together. I would have filed that under "too good to use" but how marvellous to turn it into a useful large envelope, a much better idea. I'm also mega-impressed by the now wonderful scissors tin.

  3. Fabulous project Chris - really love what you did. Especially love the colour and that great scissors stamp. And you created something very useful as well - brilliant!
    Gill x

  4. Lovely and creative projects! High marks to you for fussy cutting those scissors. And nice use of your prints. Well done.

  5. Great recycling Chris, great container for your scissors and I love the envelope for your prints


  6. Fabulous recycling with the folder and the tin for your scissors looks fabulous.
    Avril xx

  7. What a beautiful set of recycled items Chris! Love your gelli prints ( mine aren't so good yet). They are really great base for backgrounds!
    The scissors stamp is adorable!
    Lula oxo

  8. Wow, what amazing makes, you really transformed these items beautifully! I love how you used your amazing gelli prints and the scissor stamp is so pretty 😁. Wishing you a happy and creative week! J 😊 x

  9. Great way to display those fabulous Gelli Prints Chris, love that aged silver embossing it really compliments those rich blues. Thank you for sharing you recycled projects..
    Creative wishes Tracey x

  10. Nice collaging with your Gelli print scraps, and what a clever way to recycle using them. Your scissor older looks great with your images added on there. :) Love the blues. Hugs-Erika

  11. Great way to recycle, Your can came out beautifully.
    psst: I'm a hoarder too. LOL
    Hugs Lynn

  12. Amazing recycling Chris and wow - what a fab trip with the new car to Sizergh Castle-
    Happy belated T-Day and Happy Tiot at once today from me and congrats on the new lovely Panda!!

    Hugs, Susi

  13. A Lavazza coffee can! Cool. And what a nice desk accessory you made with it :)

  14. Both pieces are amazing and look terrific with the beautiful designs.

    Love Chrissie xx

  15. I only saw this after I went to the TioT blog today. I had no idea you had created this, because it, like so many other things this week (like completely missing Sally's birthday), fell through the cracks while I was trying to get my now broken keyboard to work. This is an amazing recycle project. It is perfect for those small gelli prints I have seen you create this month.

    I was going to ask you about those stamped scissors, because as soon as I saw them, I fell in love with them. So glad you explained where you got them, because they really caught my eye. I am in awe of this project and you have put my recycling efforts to shame. This is a special and well crafted project, dear friend.

  16. Beautiful and practical set for your scraps and scissors, Chris. I love that scissors stamp and how you've used it repeatedly on the set. Great recycling and a great way to corral all those lovely scraps. I'm with you - there's no such thing as an ugly scrap ;-)
