Saturday 28 April 2018

A little bit of this (and that)!!!

Good Day to you all! The weather seems to be playing tricks on at the moment - when we went out shopping this morning there was definite chill in the air but this afternoon the sun came out and we had lovely walk - even found some wild blooms to pick!
I haven't picked wild flowers for ages, but, I watched a programme on TV recently, where a wild flower expert was talking about the fact that taking a few blooms from different plants actually strengthened the plants - well I'm happy to help! I'm not so sure about the blossom but it was overhanging the pathway so I counted it it as pruning!! 

I thought you might like to see what I took away with me to help me fill in my travel journal.
A Derwent pencil roll case with a selection of coloured pencils and Inktense pencils, gold, copper, white and black pens, drawing pencil, water brush, eraser, pencil sharpener and a small glue stick. I forgot my little glue pen so had to manage by using a coffee stirrer for smaller pieces - rubbing it across the glue stick! 
I have a journal cover that was once purple, bought in a sale and painted with DecoArt paint - it has little pockets in the front and back - my little journal is held in place with elastic.

Inside I have some papers where the diary used to be and in the pockets are bits and pieces from my scrap bags, some stamped images and  words, stickers, stamps,and then loose, but tucked in are washi tape and some TH words. Some more stickers extracted from sheets are stuck down on empty packaging from stamps.I also have a very small purse with a few small stamps and my scissors in.
They fit into my rather roomy handbag! 
When I started this page (in a new little journal I bought)all I knew I wanted to use were the macarons cut from a credit card style advert for one of the Grand magasins. Fortunately as we had a table to ourselves I was able to tip everything out to find that not only did I have some paper to match, I also had a French postage stamp and some washi tape! Only thing was I made a big smudge where the words are when I used part of a Dina Wakley stamp (behind the postage stamp)! I had to wait until I got home to add a star - will add some to my kit for another time ! 
This page will be linked to Alison's theme Recycle and Collage at Art Journal Journey! 

I had intended by now to show you my Kew Gardens photos, but I am going to add some of hubby's excellent pics too so I may be a little while longer! 

I am half way through my catch up now so if I haven't already visited...I'm on my way!! I started at the bottom of my blog favourite list so if you have published lately you will have moved farther up the list! 

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. I'm impressed with the roll case. I've never seen a case like that and am thinking it'd be a nice gift. Thanks for sharing that :) I'm looking forward to y'all's gardens photos.

  2. It is a super size travelling roll Chris and you seemed to have a good variety of contents to take on your travels.
    I love the page you shared with those delicious looking macarons.
    Yvonne xx

  3. what a great little travel art kit! Great page too.
    Eagerly waiting to see your Kew pics!

  4. Love your travelling kit, glad you had fun with it! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Your travelling kit is amazing - love the clever idea with the coffee stirrer! The journal is fantastic and this macron page is just DELICIOUS! I am looking forward to the Kew Gardens photos!
    Happy Sunday dear Chris!
    I want to say THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART♥♥♥ for all the support this month of Art Journal Journey again!
    Hugs, Susi

  6. What a great traveling kit. I'm super impressed with everything you can pack into that roller case. You can travel quite light with that awesome setup.

    I've never thought of a stirrer stick. I just press the tiny pieces to the top of the glue stick and hope for the best. You have such patience.

    Your latest collage is great and the colors of the macaroons fits perfectly with the other images and postage stamp you chose. It was great to see you linked to Art Journal Journey with this fun collage, too.

    As much as I want to see your Kew photos, I know waiting can be a good thing. So take your time, get it right, and share them when you can.

    BTW, thanks AGAIN for the b'day gifts. I'll share them in two weeks at T.

  7. Gorgeous wildflowers!
    Fun to see what you bring with you to create on the go. :)

  8. A super kit for your travels Chris, and another wonderful collage!
    Thanks for all of your entries this month!
    Alison xx
