Monday 5 February 2018

T Stands for ......two or three things!

First of all I will solve the mystery of what hubby wanted to show me when we went into town!
If I tell you that I am a Leo Sayer fan it may be a clue!
Yes! A One Man Band! He was really good! When we got back to where hubby had seen him playing he had stopped and I feared he was going to leave so I went and spoke to him. He is Swedish and lives in Liverpool. He had to stop to replace some batteries! I hope this video works...
...I won't know as I have to schedule this post and I won't be around until later!
I was really touched that hubby knew I would love this!

We went for a walk the other day at Styal Mill - it was a lovely sunny day for once so we decided to leave everything and go out!

 Lots of bulbs coming up and some Winter Iris.
 Primula beds
A Camellia tree already blooming!
Snowdrops, Cyclamen and the daffodils are on their way!!

 The steep path...
...back to the new visitor centre and......
...past the pond back to the car park.
All of the car park was fields and brush, up until a couple of years ago, it is finally open and a lot better than the old car park, which is now an overspill!

Now, I have bought some new Alstroemerias, although the old ones are still around too!
The daffodils are about 10 days old so I don't expect them to last much longer and my hyacinths are smelling gorgeous now, although they have to stay on the balcony as they make hubby sneeze!

Finally, we have discovered a new kind of breakfast (it's been around for years but us it's a great discovery)- overnight oats.
We use couple of jars wth clip on lids but I don't think it matters that much.
So far we have tried it with banana, strawberries, grapes blueberries (in various combinations - depending on what's on offer at the local shop at the end of the day!!)
Mine is on the left - oats, coconut, chia seeds, plain yogurt, mashed banana, half a teaspoon each of Nutella and peanut butter topped with milk and stirred and left in the fridge overnight. I added the blueberries this morning.
Hubby added Turmeric powder and honey instead of the peanut and Nuttella - he always adds extra milk in the mornings.

Time to join Bleubeard and Elizabeth.
For those wanting a hubby shot, my T Stands for Tuesday is from our trip to France last year.
 This was at a Relais Routier on our way to the Station, on our last day with our friends(my ex SIL and hubby)He was asking did I want a shot of the potato dish!!!
We indulged in some cider which was included in the bargain price!

I have hope to get connection so I can visit - we'll see!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Just found video doesn't work - any ideas any one? I will be home tomorrow so may be able to fix it then!Chrisx

  2. Sorry-unable to see the video, but what a lovely treat for you!! So happy to see you both really enjoying your retirement and traveling to so many wonderful places. Your overnight breakfasts both sound wonderful to me-something I have yet to try. Hi there hubby! Please pass those potatoes to my hubby :) Happy T day and happy travels!

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed your post! I am sorry the video didn't work, but it is lovely that your husband knew you would love seeing and hearing him. As for your other photos, I am very envious as here we are supposedly in for 6 more weeks of winter according to the ground hog. LOL Thanks for sharing your photos and even the hubby photo. Happy T Day!

  4. What a fabulous day out you had. It is a beautiful walk at Styal Mill. I am in love with all the snowdrops I am seeing on all the European blogs. I swear I don't believe they grow around here. They are beautiful and so dainty. The blooms are starting to show, but the river looks very high.

    T looks so sweet asking if you want a potato. I would gladly eat any that are left over. I have a weakness for any type of potato.

    Thanks for sharing your lovely walk around Styal Mill and your water and cider, along with your overnight breakfast with us for T this Tuesday.

    To answer your questions, buttermilk biscuits are biscuits made with buttermilk instead of regular milk or water. Grits are ground hominy that is then cooked, and hominy is a large corn type product that tastes nothing like corn. Hope that helps.

  5. The video did not play for me but sometimes that is an international copyright thing. I loved all the photos along your walk, and your hubby was awesome to surprise you! Your overnight oats looks delicious-I have never done that but always thought it was a good idea-breakfast ready in the morning.
    always enjoy your posts Happy T Day Kathy

  6. So sorry your video didn't work Chris, I was really looking forward to seeing it but it left a great shot of him dressed in his coat of many instruments. A real treat for you, what a great hubby.
    Lots of super photographs as we tag alongside you on your rambles.
    Love the idea of over night oats myself but have never tried them either, micro porridge and grapes is as adventurous as I get!!
    Warmest of wishes Tracey xx

  7. great photos from your walk, and some lovely colourful flowers too; I am amazed those daffodils are still going strong. I am with T on the hyacinth, I don't like the smell at all.
    I am afraid your breakfast sounds dreadful to me (cannot stand peanut butter!) but I hope you enjoyed it... it sounds packed full of calories!

  8. What a lovely place you walked, great to see the flowers blooming. Lovely to see the indoor flowers, too. Your breakfast sounds great, I love peanut butter. Glad you got to see a one man band, and hope you are enjoying wherever you are now. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  9. Glad you got to see the one man band, but as the others have mentioned, he has gone into hiding for the rest of us.
    The photos from your walk look lovely, its good to see the spring flowers and the trees in bud.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  10. oh yes, spring seems to be in the starting blocks! you always find the best parks and gardens...
    i also love overnight oaks, they are so easy to make and you can put in whatever you like (bananas are my only no-go, i only like them "pure from the Skin";). sounds absolutely deli!!
    happy t-day, Chris!

  11. Oh, how wonderful, I bet the one man band was amazing to watch live 😁. It looks like you had such a lovely walk too and your breakfast looks delicious 😀. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊
    p.s. For the video you normally have to download it to somewhere like YouTube then link to your post, I know it's not quite the same but I did look him up on YouTube (Swedish One Man Band) and there are quite a few videos there to watch which you could link to instead if it's easier - he is so brilliant! Thanks J x

  12. love the photos and bet we are all humming that song now

  13. Oh what alovely surprise your hubby had! I would have liked to see him too! I like Leo Sayer too! But unfortunately the video doesn't work and I can't find this man on YouTube as i don't know what he calls himself. But thanks for showing us.
    Your walk was beautiful. So much new growth. Spring is on its way.
    Yes, I do overnight oats. I use oats and oat bran and also flakes of beer yeast together with soya milk and whatever fruit I have at hand. Usually I use frozen Fruis Of the Forest in winter. I put them in frozen and they thaw overnight. In the morning I add a dollop of thick greek yoghurt. Yumm! (Because we use soya milk we don't need sugar, but we could always add some honey)
    Happy T-Day,

  14. Just found your man! Your One man band. His name is Anders Flanderz. Brill!

  15. stunning photos of hope for Spring! love your flowers in vases...and what a fun surprise from your hubby. couldn't get the clip to work, but the photo is great-love the helmet and symbols on his head! have not tried overnight oats myself either...always nice to discover a new meal idea! Will be expecting photos of your current H
    adventure! Happy Tea Day!

  16. I've always had to upload videos to youtube and then embed them on my blog from there. If you figure out how to do it more directly I'd love to hear. Your one-man band was a treat to see. he must have fun :) The photos are gorgeous, such beautiful scenes. I eat my oats dry lol Happy T Tuesday!

  17. One man band reminds me of Bert from the book Mary Poppins. Yours appears to be a modern one man band. The garden from your walk are beautiful! What a lovely place to visit.
    Happy Tea Day,

  18. Too bad about the video, Chris. I would love to hear your one-man band. They're are a lot of fun to watch/listen to. The coordination required is pretty amazing. That was very thoughtful of your hubby.

    I don't know how you manage to keep cut flowers looking so lovely and fresh for so long. Do you have tips to share? Or is it witchcraft? ;-)

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  19. Ok, I definitely live in the wrong part of the world. Your walk on the sunny day was so beautiful and spring-like. Bulbs growing. Wow. I won't see those for 2 months unless for some reason we had an abnormally warm March. And too bad about the one man band video. I would have loved to hear one as I have never heard one before. Hope you are/were off having some fun on this T Day. Hugs-Erika

  20. How thoughtful of your hubby to know exactly what you would like to see and do. And he's such a good sport about being photographed for you blog. I get THE FACE when I go to take blog pictures with Himself when out and about. :-D I didn't see a video of the one man band guy, just a slide show of your images. Stil, looks like he must have been fun to watch and listen. Flowers! Oh, we won't see those for another month or two. Even if shoots were coming up through the ground, they would be buried with more snow today. Have a happy T Day
