Friday 2 February 2018

Second on the 2nd..and a few stripes!

It's the 2nd of February so a good day to join Bleubeard and Elizabeth for a Second on the 2nd post!
I like to look back through previous posts from the month we are presently in. I found this post for the 10th February 2013, coincidentally it has a cat on it! 
I had two trips to the Manchester craft show this week - once when I spent far too much and another when I didn't spend much at all. Both trips were great because I met up with friends and crafting acquaintances too! 
Suffice to say I was quite weary by the time last night came as I had also done a 'big shop' on Friday!
Eager as I was to play with my new goodies I sat and did some doodling while on the settee watching tv!
The background had been painted and inked some time ago and was waiting for me!
This is what I came up with
Well, I drew the little cat and the branches - but didn't really have anything in mind - until this morning - so I had a little heart from Tim's Heartwings die which I bought on Thursday, along with some fresco paints so I used the heart and painted on some green paint. Stamped Lindsay's little cat without her ball of wool, used letters from one of my little boxes and doodled the edge and some little hearts! Last thing to be done were the butterflies from a box of Cavellini stamps.
I hope you like it! 

So, back to today! 
We 'nipped' into town took 5 hours!!! I had been hoping for a walk in my favourite garden but hubby needed to go in to pick something up so I went with him! It took us 50 minutes by bus then metro. We went our own way with a plan to meet up within the hour. When we did meet up hubby said there was something I must see(all will be explained on T Day!)By this time I was in need of a coffee but hubby said there was somewhere he needed to pop into so off I went in the opposite direction to Paperchase.
By the time we met up I needed not only coffee but something to eat so we headed off for a sandwich before catching the metro and bus back home

While in Paperchase I found some fabulous washi tape to go with some stickers that came in a pack I bought in last year's sale!
My page had some green paint wiped on to it so I added some zig zag stamping then the washi tape and some black washi too. 
I stamped the word from one of my favourite word sets but can't remember where it is from! 

I would like to enter in Rike's theme - 'Animals from A to Z' at Art Journal Journey
I hope you like my second look cat and my zebras!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Hello, I loved your cat in the second look. Sounds like an adventure to read about on Tuesday.
    and I really love your zebra page-very awesome!
    Have a good weekend Kathy

  2. Your cat picture is terrific. Love the little cat in the heart and the background is so pretty too.
    The zebras (and zebra bits!) look great. I must have a look in Paperchase to see if they have any new washi tape.

  3. Love your doodle cat, that made a great page. The zebra page is fantastic. I don't know paper Chase, but all stationery shops are dangerous. Have a nice evening, hugs, Valerie

  4. I loved the second look at your page with the cat Chris.
    The page with the zebra's looks fantastic, the washi tape was a super find.
    The shade of green you used was great for the background.
    Yvonne xx

  5. A cat and a zebra. What a great post! I love your doodled cat-with-a-heart. So appropriate for the time of year (Feb...Valentine's day)
    You are keeping us in suspense as to what happened on Tues. I'll just have to be patient and wait.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  6. I apologize for not visiting sooner. My internet (and phone) has been offline for over 14 hours.

    Your adorable look back at your cat in a journal page made both Bleubeard and me so happy. You doodle so well. It's a lovely entry. I am extremely grateful you shared this second look back on the 2nd.

    Of course, I was simply thrilled to see the zebra washi tape. What an amazing find. Looks like you like Rike's theme at AJJ, too. It's a beautiful zebra inspired page. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey.

  7. I love the kitty page and shopping story for the Second on the Second. And I really love the zebra washi tape and that cool page you made for AJJ. It was the perfect find! Can't wait until T Day to hear about your trip into town. Hugs-Erika

  8. I love the second look cat page and I adore the first look zebra page Chris - nearly abract - so clever made! Amazing!
    Thanks a lot for instantly hop on the new theme with us!
    Happy weekend my friend!

  9. abstract--- lol always little mistakes when I use my tablet keyboard.

  10. I am really in love with your cute cat (great doodling!) and the second little cat in the heart, and of course the butterflies! The background is fabulous too!
    Washi tapes with zebra patterns - what a great find! You created a beautiful page with these abstract stripes, zig zag stamping, the green colour and the zebra heads - yes, the page is unique!
    Thank you for such a fantastic entry linked to Art Journal Journey!
    Rike x

  11. nice to see the Cat for a second look - and i like the Zebra page, too. i wouldn´t have resisted this washi tape also, cool!
    have a nice Weekend:)

  12. I enjoyed the cat and zebra and look forward to Tuesday :) Sounds like y'all had a full day!

  13. Both pages are wonderful Chris! I especially love the zebras

  14. Your 2013 doodle cat is darling and the zebra page is quite unique ;-)
