


Sunday 15 May 2016

Birthday Birds

When I needed to make card for I knew I wanted something bright to for this time of year! What better that Paper Artsy Fresco paints…and my Gelli plate.

I used Bora Bora, Limelight and Bougainvillea and 'blobbed' them over my Gelli plate and used my brayer to blend them….used a circle stencil and then stamped into the paint with some of Emma Godfrey's French set EEG07, pulled off my print….then we went away!
 With the birthday looming ever closer when we came back I cut out a square and stamped around the edge with another stamp from EEG07 using Picked Raspberry DI.
I stamped two of my favourite birds by Jo Firth Young (JM20) into two of the circles and a sentiment (EM 22) in another circle.
I added some little random doodles from Jo's JOFY25 and some of the circles from Emma's french set and I was almost ready! 
I coloured the birds and the doodles with Distress markers and inked around the edge with Peacock feathers DI before mounting the print. 

It has now been popped into envelope ready for the post tomorrow!

I hope I am not too late to get this into the Mono Printing Challenge at Paper Artsy

I'll be catching up on some blog hopping tonight I hope!

Thanks for looking, Chris


Helen said...

nothing like last minute, but what a fabulous card you made!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris, what a fabulous, cheery card. Loving the birds :) xxx

Mrs.B said...

Fab fun card Chris, love the birds on your colourful background.
Avril xx

My name is Erika. said...

This is so bright and cheery and lots of fun! Someone is getting a great birthday card. Happy new week. Erika

Etsuko said...

Beautiful card and great result. xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Golly Chris, seems like everyone is focusing on monoprints this week. Very impressive card. I never seem to get the gelli prints right. Yours turned out fantastic. I suspect I stop too soon. You added just the right number of layers and stencils to turn this into a colorful and fun birthday card. Gotta love the adorable birds, too.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I just followed the link to the Paper Artsy blog and must congratulate you on your win. OK, I know it's a random number, but it's got to be a great win, regardless. And 50 pounds is no small amount, either! You go, girl!

Brenda Brown said...

An utterly delightful card Chris, beautiful colours and design love as I am sure your friend will xxx

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful card, love the colours and style, really great! Hugs, Valerie

chrissie said...

Terrific card for male or female will make them happy for sure

Love Chrissie xx

Redanne said...

Your Gelli plate background is superb, I love the colours and those little birdies are just delightful! Lovely work Chris... Hugs, Anne xx

Anonymous said...

What a great card! Catherine x

SewPaperPaint said...

Woo hoo Chris! Way to go on winning some PaperArtsy loot! So happy to see you as the winner this time. Yippee!!!

Pamellia said...

This is so much fun Chris, can't help but smile at those bright and cheery colours and quirky birds! hugs :)

Sandy said...

Absolutely delightful - the back ground could not be better and goes with your foreground perfectly. Love the colors and your birds!
sandy xx

sheila 77 said...

Super work, Chris, I loved the background you made (more a lovely abstract painting than a background) and then I loved the picture you made with these sweet birds and all the extras even more. It's a great card.

Meggymay said...

A super background for your fun card Chris, it looks great.
Yvonne xx

Rita said...

Lovely gelli print and cute, cheery card. :)

hazel said...

A wonderful fun and happy card.
xxx Hazel.

Anonymous said...

This is fabulous Chris and so loving the use of the gelli plate for it.the colours are just beautiful.sorry for not having been around for a bit and hope everything is ok with you
X catherine

Ruth said...

Cheery paints and cheery birds equal cheery card! Fab work....Ruth xx