Tuesday 4 August 2015

T stands for …….time and Dragons!

Really, I don't know where the time is going to these days! It's probably got something to do with the fact that we are having quite a lot of time away from home lately - 'hubby-with-no-hobby' wants to be out and about but not on his own (although he has gone into town on an errand today!)Now, this makes me seem ungrateful, as I too love to be out and about, but also love to spend time in my craft room and I'm not good at speed crafting…
That said, this tag for Dragons Dream TIO - 196 - 'Eight' has only taken me an hour and that's including searching for a small playing card! I was determined to play along this time as I do love the challenges set here and the fabulous team inspiration.
The tag was spritzed and then 'Brushoed' with brown and ultramarine.
Stencilled TH clockwork with Aged Mahogany distress (and stamped some random dots too)
Archival Potting Soil to stamp the image three times - once onto dictionary paper, once onto some manilla paper (so that I could cut out the wings and the face) and once onto the tag itself to layer up.I used a Wendy Vecchi text for added background.
The card and ribbon coloured with Faded Jeans and Aged Mahogany.
I hadn't notice the 8 on the front of the dress until I was cutting out the wings.

Now, that is the first change I made to what I thought was going to be straightforward - a show and tell of something I was doing at the weekend. 

The second change is about what arrived at lunchtime in the late post

Oh yes, customs opened it alright…including what was inside!

Now I don't know what they thought of this but I gasped at it's beauty!!
Karla has sent me this…not only this, but three of the most beautiful ATC's I've seen..
 Wrapped up with a lovely note... 
Aren't these fabulous?!! I will e-mail you later Karla but Thank You so much for brightening my day!!

So, that was change two..

Now the reason I am here is to join Bleubeard and Elizabeth for T tands for Tuesday
I was going to show you some France photos but I will save those for another time..so what to show you..hold on…here comes change 3……I remembered our new mugs..
The first time we used them we had a 'posh' coffee - ok, it was only one of those packet Mochas but it tasted especially good from our new mugs!! I actually remembered to take a photo!!!

So, off now to get back into my craft room before hubby gets back - I think we may be going out tomorrow!!!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. Too funny about your hubby Chris. Thankfully both my hubby and I enjoy our alone time as he has hobbies he really enjoys too. I can't believe even your envie was opened! Glad the contents were all there-beautiful art!

  2. Wow, Chris. You should enter that tag in the TioT stencils post this week. It would also fit the Time theme at AJJ.

    But let's get to your wonderful mail, so ungraciously and unceremoniously opened by your Royal Mail. I've never had that happen to me before, but I guess it's because we are the land of the free. Karla definitely went above and BEYOND, didn't she?

    I'm rubbish at those timed entries, too. I know one blogging art friend (you know her, too: Massofhair) who creates timed themes all the time. I would never be able to do it on a consistent basis. It takes me forever to come up with a plan, then even longer to find the detritus I'll be using. You did good!

    Those are really lovely mugs. I'm so glad you shared them, along with your beautiful art for T this Tuesday.

  3. Gorgeous tag, thanks for dreaming with the dragons again (just in time, another one tomorrow!!) great mugs too..

  4. What an exciting day you've had. First I think your Time & Dragon tag is fantastic. Your little guy with the wings is really cute. I'm surprised you did it in an hour including finding stuff. Your happy mail is lovely. What great ATCs Karla has sent you and I like your "His" and "Hers" mugs very much. Well I'm guessing the bird is yours and the horse is hubby's. Barbxx

  5. I realy enjoyed reading your post Chris. Its a super tag, and your surprise package looks lovely. Hope you enjoyed the rest of your day.
    Yvonne xx

  6. A man without a hobby! He'll have to invent one so you can do some crafting.
    Your tag is gorgeous! And so are your new posh mugs.
    What a shame that your mail was opened. They do spot checks every now and then. Just a shame it had to be your mail... Luckily nothing was damaged. What beautiful ATCs. That certainly was happy mail!
    Have a good T for Tuesday,

  7. LOL - I'm not good at speed crafting either Chris. Love how your tag turned out. Lx

  8. Wow! Happy mail!! Always a treat. :)
    Sounds like hubby needs to find a hobby to keep busy. LOL! ;)
    A special cup always makes things taste better.
    Happy T-Day! :)

  9. I'm glad you liked them Chris. I thought they would get there by tomorrow. It's good to know a part of me is there with you!

    Much Love!


  10. Yes hubby needs to find a hobby! LOL! If mine wasn't remodeling the house he would need to do the same since he is new to retirement.. but he does love woodworking and metal working and fishing etc.... Hoping things slow down for you! Happy happy Tday! Hugs! deb

  11. Beautiful tag you've created! and quite lovely atc's that you received! I'm rather surprised customs felt the need to open your package...not sure I'd be ok with that....happy T day!

  12. What a really fun post and I can really relate to wanting to spend time at home "playing"!
    Happy for you that Karla's lovely art mail was delivered to you and the post office got a dose of nice art to enjoy as well ;-)
    Fab tag you created and your mugs are lovely.
    Happy T Day and Happy August too (I'm with you about time...where does it go!!!)
    p.s. thank you also for your visit to my Magpie's Nest and your kind words about my tea cup journal ♥

  13. I too love to take part in challenges. Your tag looks great. Love the three ATC s that Karla had sent.
    Have a great week

  14. WOW! What beautiful happy mail you received, I had to chuckle about the customs opening it.

    Love the new mugs.

    Thanks for coming to visit for T-day and for the lovely comment.

  15. Your tag is so beautiful and Karla's mail is it too- Happy T-Day dear Chris - I love those new mugs !

  16. What happy mail! Fabulous Karla's ATCs and beautiful envelope.
    Fantastic tag, Chris!
    Have a great day! Mar

  17. I really like your tag, glad you had some alone time to create. What fun to get mail, even if customs decided they had to look at it first.

    Pretty mugs!


  18. Stunning tag Chris, I love the whisper of the clock in the background, great effect! Love those mugs, the one with the pink flowers is right up my alley! hugs :)

  19. What a stunning tag, Chris - I'm absolutely in love with the soft subtle inky effects and colours. And the quirky butterfly child makes for a really haunting focal image - the whole thing is mystical and magical.

    What lovely happy mail, and I hope it made them happy in customs too, nosing around in it. What delights from Karla.
    Alison xx
