Wednesday 22 July 2015


What's on my desk? Not a lot to show…a combination of things to cut and things that have been sorted to use! 
Julia at The Stamping Ground invites you to show all for 'Whats On Your Workdesk Wednesday', come rain, hail or shine!
I have something going around in my head so I'll see what happens!!

We have been quite busy following our few days away at our caravan over the weekend and still have some more appointments over this week and next! The highlight of our week is going to be a workshop with Lindsay Mason on Saturday. Hubby liked what she demo-ed some time ago and this is the first opportunity we have had to go together! I hope he will be okay though- he is having a wisdom tooth out tomorrow!!

We have a couple of things to do today…pick up GD from school and go to pick up our car - hubby took it in this morning for something minor….I think you can guess the rest!!! Fortunately he got a courtesy car for free!!

Thanks for looking, Chris 


  1. Ah yes, car repairs are sometimes the never ending story! Hope the extraction goes well! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Hi Chris. Good luck with the project that you're working on.....I have lots of projects in my head but many of them will have to wait til my new sewing room is's all go here today with developments so it's getting exciting :-)
    Hope hubby's trip to the dentist goes well and the car gets sorted ASAP.
    Annie x # 15

  3. I love it when there's a new project idea swirling around in my head, have fun with it! Your travels sound fun too. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #38

  4. Hi Chris, isn't that cars all over? A minor thing practically becomes a full rebuild! Hope the project comes out as you plan. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #11 xxx

  5. Hi Chris, cars have a habit of doing that, don't they? Hope the project goes as planned. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #11 xxx

  6. Cutting and sorting is still important (sorting is becoming very necessary round my way, but who wants to do that in the limited time available?!)... lots of lovely looking bits here. Hope you both have a great time at the Lindsay Mason workshop - looking forward to seeing what you get up to there.
    Alison xx

  7. The workshop sounds interesting! What will you be doing on the day?
    I have too many projects on the go too....lots of ideas and not enough time. Hope your hubby is ok after having his wisdom tooth out.....
    Hugs, LLJ 4 xx

  8. hope the car gets better soon! good job they've given you a replacement. Enjoy your joint workshop, look forward to pictures of the finished projects!! Helen 2

  9. Do you mean your hubby is going to do the workshop? How lucky to have a man share your hobby so much.
    Wish him luck at the dentists - I hate going there.
    Hugs, Neet 8 xx
    ps glad to hear you know of the BP's - I loved them.

  10. I'm not playing this week. I'm trying to catch my breath and can't seem to slow down. I hope hubby's extraction goes well and the pain subsides before the sedative wears off.

    I wanted you to know, I am fairly certain Krisha is your PIF partner. She sent a comment, so I added her name to the list. The link goes directly to her blog, but I knew she wanted to play, so unless there is someone else who joins, which I doubt, since it's late Wed night here, she will be the one you contact. I left a comment on her blog letting her know if she needed me to, I could get her address to you, since she used her cell phone to leave comments.

  11. A workshop! That sounds interesting! I hope you and the hubby enjoy it! How nice for you to have your hubby also interested in the workshop! Thank you for sharing!
    Happy WOYWW and thanks for dropping by!
    Hugs, peggy aplSEEDS@3

  12. ohh enjoy the workshop together - how lovely - hope hubby is ok , as least he will be quiet ;) Hope you get your car back soon, dont they just drain money! Have a great week and really do hope hubby is not in any pain x Soojay 14

  13. Have fun at the workshop, how brilliant that you go together, now that's what I call a dedicated hubby.
    Hugs Lisax #33

  14. Enjoy the workshop and thanks for showing a pic of your brilliantly busy desk.

  15. It sounds as if you've got a lot going on in your life at the moment, Chris. I hope your hubby is OK with his wisdom tooth and that you both manage to get to the workshop and have a wonderful time together! It sounds great fun. Sorry you've had car problems - everything always turns out more expensive than you thought unfortunately...

    Thanks for your lovely comments and I'm so glad you are going to try the faux leather! It's a huge amount of fun to do, and the results are spectacular! Have a good look on Youtube etc. because there are lots of different approaches - distress inks etc. as well as paints. You will find the best way to suit what you like doing, and what materials you have to hand. Thank you for your good wishes for tomorrow. I saw the oncologist today and they are leaving the dose as it was last time, but if I am knocked off my perch this time they can reduce it some more next time. After tomorrow's treatment I'll be half way through! Yaayyy!!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #39

  16. what a nice workshop!
    Herzlich Pippa
