Wednesday 15 July 2015


I don't seem to have been here at Julia's Stamping Ground for a while but I think it is because time is moving so fast! 
My desk with work in progress…if you came by yesterday you will have seen the little pile of papers spread out drying, they are now waiting for the next stage!
The paints are still there because I need those colours again…so…what else to see? My overflowing jelly carton desk bin,script stamps,(also one of the few Stampotique stamps I own),two packs of gel pens - different makes,two little punches I bought on holiday. You will also see my favourite photo of my GD(the one she doesn't like!)other than that I would prefer that you do not look too long and hard at the chaos around!!

Hmm! Seven hours later….had to pop and lend someone a hand, then it was GD pick up time!

I am sure that by now there are many tales of dear Eliza, such a lovely lady whose comments always cheered! We remember Yoda when she first got him and followed his progress with cheers every time he made an appearance! I am sure the news affected us all and our thoughts will be with her family and of course DeDe. It was Eliza who requested that I get an e-mail link put on. At the beginning of this year she had a rare visit to the cinema (claimed she had sent her family into shock!)and I know she enjoyed my film reviews. 

Film Review!
I thought there would be no more, but last Thursday Hubby and I, having found that our local Odeon has a 'Silver Screen' showing of recent films we decided to give it a try! For £3 pounds each we saw the film and had a free cup of coffee and a biscuit. There were eighteen people in, mostly over 60's (the 'Silver' part, he! he!)although the screenings are available for all ages. 
We saw 'Still Alice' a tale about a woman who develops early onset Alzheimers disease. Not many laughs, but brilliant acting from Julienne Moore(she won best actress oscar) and the rest of the cast. A thought provoking film indeed!!

I do hope I get to visit lots of you this time but if I don't I shall leave you with some words of Eliza's wisdom - if I don't, I just have to "suck it up, like everyone else!" she said you would understand…and I know you will because Julia started this link of friendship and I think we do understand each other - it's why we're here!!

Tempus Fugit indeed!

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. We certainly do understand each other Chris. If we can visit we do and we do so with love....if we can't it's usually because life gets in the is like that and we all have demands on our time.....but we understand. We are part of a wonderful family of blogging friends...some we've met but others we know as if we've met :-)
    Have a great week and thanks for calling by this week.
    Annie x # 20

  2. Just caught up with what you've been up to - I just love that Promenade de Plantes in Paris too .... well ... I just love Paris!
    Looking forward to seeing the finished cards.
    Have a good week
    Bishopsmate #50

  3. We have such a lot to thank Julia for haven't we. Such wonderful friendships have been forged via WOYWW and now we are mourning a very dear friend. Someone most of us have never met but whom we feel we could touch so easily just as her life touched ours.
    Thank you to Julia and God Bless to Eliza.
    Thanks for the film knowledge Chris, we love hearing your reviews.
    Hugs, Neet 26 xx

  4. Thanks for the film review. We used to live near Bath, where there is a film theatre called The Little Theatre. They would do 'Silver Screen' a few times a week in the morning and I would go regularly. They showed foreign film and so called art-house films. Which to me means: the better ones. I've not seen the film you mentioned. But then nowadays I don't see any films. (In Spain they are all dubbed in Spanish and my Spanish isn't that good that I can follow a film).
    Have a good week,

  5. Absolutely right about the visiting! Love your desk organisation, everything to hand. Just how it should be! Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 30

  6. Hi Chris, a busy desk for you but yes mostly this week our thoughts are with Eliza and her family and Yoda - we'll all miss her, a wonderful WOYWW friend. Hugs RobynO#25

  7. Time does move fast doesn't it. We will be making Christmas cards before you know it!
    April #58

  8. Yes, we visit when and where we can :) I do like those Distress paints and have the same lovely colours. Time does seem to be speeding up, somehow.
    We will certainly miss Eliza and her tales of Yoda. Such a sad time.
    Thanks for dropping by too.

  9. Nice post! Love the idea of a silver cinema for 3 pounds, great! That film sounds really interesting. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  10. Beautiful post Chris, thanks so much for your very thoughtful reminisces of dear Eliza, and yes the wee ATC is such a treasure now. Happy WOYWW, thanks for popping over, Shaz in Oz.x #19

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  11. Super post again Chris! Happy woyww and happy belated T.Day!
    time flies you are so right!
    Hugs Susi

  12. Hi Chris, lovely post, and I'm sure we now all treasure our ATC swaps from Eliza more than ever. And yes, we all understand life gets in the way of our visiting intentions sometimes, but as you say, we understand each other. Unfortunately it's not the op date I've got, just a chat with the surgeon to talk us through it. So fed up now, just want to get it over with. Have a great week, hugs, Shaz #13 xxx

  13. I enjoyed reading your post Chris. It reminded me of when I was younger and my Mum & Dad had both retired and used to often go to the 'Silver Screen' events at the cinema in Farnham. They were happy times when I had them around. Isn't it funny how memories can be brought back to you.

    What a lovely tribute to your friend Eliza. She sounds like a very special person.
    Enjoy your week. Barb#27 xx

  14. We will all miss Eliza and the thoughts on time are so pertinent. I happened to see "Still Alice" on an international flight and cried and had to keep telling the person next to me I was ok... just sad film.
    sandra de @55

  15. Just got back from a day at Hampton Court (the Palace this time, lol) and am somewhat tired,but wanted to catch up on a few more desks before I get some much needed dinner! Great desk, and great memories of Eliza. Helen 3

  16. Actually, that photo of your GD is what I spotted first and it's such a tonic, she made me smile! And that's exactly what Eliza would have said.....keep happy. Life really is too short to be miserable all the time. I shall miss her so much....
    On a rainy day in our holidays, we went to the co name to see the Minions film. I nearly fell over when the ticket cost me £8.10, and that was cheaper cos it was before 5pm!!!! No wonder I don't go to the flicks that much anymore!
    Hugs, LLJ 12 xxx

  17. It was sad news indeed and we all understand. WOYWW brought us all together across the globe.
    Films.....boy have they gotten expensive these is certainly a treat, but nothing beats the big screen for certain films.

  18. As I said on my blog post, I'm running far, far behind. I didn't play in WOYWW this week, but I stopped by because I saw that you were also paying tribute to Eliza. How tragic, although I know she lived life to the fullest.

  19. Tempus is fugiting all over the place - can't keep up at all - but it's good to see your busy productive desk. Mine's in chaos, and I can't seem to get anything to work right at the moment - brain distracted with theatre work, I suppose. Ah well, there's finally light at the end of the tunnel...
    Alison xx

  20. Hello Chris. I'm here at last... finally got a bit of time to go desk-hopping.
    Your desk is no worse than mine (in fact, it looks a lot tidier!!), but it's fun looking at other people's mess, because then you can see what stash they have! The paints look nice and I like the hints of bright colour on the little pile of cards there.
    And yes, we are all thinking of Eliza, her family and friends (esp. DeDe). It is hard for those left behind, especially when their loss is sudden and unexpected. Tempus Fugit, indeed... but for Eliza, "Carpe Diem" also seems so appropriate. She certainly lived a full and busy life and seems to have been a happy and joyful lady. Our group will also miss her.
