Friday 5 June 2015

So very good!

This is an experiment!

Details will follow when I can work out what I am doing!

Troyes on our first evening

We are now in Orleans and I can see this from our hotel window
 It is so hot we have had a little walk and something to eat and have come back to our cool hotel room! 

Hope to come back with more another  day if this works! !! 

Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. It does seem that the wonders of technology have worked! It did take a while though!

  2. Super! It seems to be wonderful there! Enjoy!

  3. Clever you I wouldn't know where to start with posts, thank goodness for my hubby. Looks so picturesque, enjoy your time away.
    Julie x

  4. Fabulous photos Chris, enjoy your visit .
    Hugs Brenda xxx

  5. Worked really well Chris and it looks wonderful where you are

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Hi Chris, well done! Love your photos. Have a wonderful time. xxxxx

  7. Hope it cools off a bit for you, but it sure looks like you're having fun. hugs :)

  8. I'd say your experiment worked and well, too. Enjoyed seeing the view from your hotel room, too.

    Like you, I can't stand the heat. That's why I try to stay under the AC anytime the temps get above about 26 C.

  9. Hope you're having a lovely time, your photos look incredible. Loving the look of the first picture with the old building - a lovely little piece of history there xxx

  10. Well I think it did work!!!!!
    Sandy xx

  11. Glad you've been able to share whilst en route! Will you bring some of that warmth and sunshine home with you please?!
    Alison xx
