Wednesday 14 January 2015


What a whizz of a week - it's time to show our desks again over at Julia's Stamping Ground already! I've had a bit of tidying going on again - threw out - to charity shop or tip - six bags(ok, they were supermarket bag size!)I've bought more storage boxes - Sainsbury's had plastic shoe boxes - 5 for £5 - to organise myself a bit better!
So…my desk…
…….has also been tidied, for no other reason than I got fed up of working in a small space. If an explanation is what you'd like - basically - to the left - a pile of papers for playing with, back left my little jelly pot desk bin, back right propped up, some stamps, new before Christmas but not yet played with! Above that my note book from Joanne(see mine here and others that she made here). Hidden under the mat is part of something I'm posting later!
I've just realised that I have my favourite photo of my GD - moved along slightly - normally out of sight - she hates it but to me it's a lovely memory of a happy day!

Cinema report(hope you don't mind Julia)
'Exodus' last week was OK, padded out by lots of fight scenes but a much better film than Noah (which I think took liberties!)

I'll be back later and will probably edit this as we are off to see 'The Theory of Everything'

I'll also be visiting later too,so for now Thanks for looking, Chris


  1. I'm enjoying another twinnie fun day here so am just grabbing 5 mins to visit my fav blogs. It looks like we all have the sorting and tidying bug this week...well done you.
    Annie x #26

  2. Your desk looks all tidied up, and ready for the next crafting adventure. I suppose I will see the movie when it comes out on video. I'll probably rent it as it doesn't sound like one I'd want to own. Thank you for the review!

    Happy Crafting!
    Jeannie #17

  3. Nice clean up job Chris! Good to know about those movies. Best one I've seen so far this year is "Big Hero 6". Animated yes, but a great story and really funny! big hugs :)

  4. Wow Chris!! It's so organised and tidy!!! I find a tidy craft room helps clear the mind and gets the creative mojo flowing again. I love having a good nose at the goodies people have in their craft rooms and then drool... :)
    Big hugs Chris
    Georgie xx

  5. What a tidy desk. Would you like to come and clean mine? I have the same problem of piling up everything on the edges and getting a smaller and smaller workspace. Happy WOYWW Shel#56

  6. Gorgeous desk Chris! Love your little photo, it's nice having them around for company! Enjoy you IndigoBlu stamps Xx

  7. Funny how our desks start off tidy, well mainly and once you start getting things out the space just gets smaller. Have a great week
    Jan S no63

  8. I try to reclaim my work surface on a daily basis. When it's buried under layers and layers of stuff, it's not very inviting, is it? You did a good job with yours! Your GD looks really cute! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #47

  9. Oh Chris, I hope to see TOE, but I haven't been to a movie in so long, I can't remember when the last time was. I adore Stephen Hawking, so you can see why I want to see this movie.

    I see you have been doing a clean-up this week. It's infectious, isn't it?

    For me at WOYWW, it's a bit about stamps, but mostly about your rocking horses you sent me. And I can't say it enough. You are a wonderful friend. Happy WOYWW from #2.

  10. Quite a few deskers have been busy tidying their desks this week! Happy WOYWW!
    Carol N #58

  11. Love the desk, neat and tidy and lots of space to play - hope you get time to do so soon! Helen #5

  12. Your GD is gorgeous, not sure why she doesnt like the photo, mind you we all dont like our own photos. Are those inkpads or fimo on your shelves? I know the top layer of brown are inkpads
    Bridget #1

  13. oh YAY now, I don't feel so guilty about not having made time to play with my pile of new toys yet either. I have been trying but... the purging thing has hit full force so, very few things have actually been made around here lately. Love how happy your gd looks in that mugshot too! ~Stacy #85

  14. Read your question about the stamp. It's way, way too cold to go to my craft room tonight, but hopefully warmer weather is on the way (above freezing, at least), so I will find the name of the stamp and stamp maker. I'm thinking Inkadinkadoo, but not sure.

  15. Ooh, I like your new streamlined space! So lovely and tidy...can you tell I don't like clutter, lol!! Those Sainsburys shoe boxes sound like a proper bargain to me, perfect for storing lots of stash in :-)
    My hubby would like to see The Theory of'll be interesting to hear your opinion of it.
    Hugs, LLJ 29 xx

  16. What a lot of lovely space to work in. I am still finishing off the stamp catalogue and the stencils as well. But I have managed to remove, permanently, 4 assorted boxes from my craft room so things are improving in there. Thank you for your visit and it is not gin, but vodka which I detest as a drink so I think I am safe there. Have a great week in your newly tidied space. xx Maggie

  17. We all seem to be tidying and organising. Anne x #37

  18. Hi Chris, I'm having a little time-out from packing boxes! Thanks for your visit and your kind comment.
    Your desk looks nice and tidy.
    Your film comments are always appreciated too. Let us know what you thought of Theory of everything. That's Hawkins biography isn't it.
    You say you're going away? Somewhere nice I hope....
    Have a great week,

  19. Gosh what a tidy desk. I am beginning to think someone is trying to tell me something, like get your desk sorted Lol! Happy crafty WOYWW, Angela x 33

  20. I've not heard a good report on Noah yet, guess I will wait until it comes on the TV. And I so wanted to see it. Watched Nicholas Cage in 'Left Behind' the other night - what a load of twaddle. But .. the Billy Connolly, David Tennant films 'What We Did On Our Holidays' was superb - watched it on the flight over. You have probably seen them.
    Your desk is looking super today and those boxes seem like a real good buy - and I missed out!
    Hugs, Neet xx 3

  21. I'm only tempted by Exodus for the special effects... Ancient Egypt coming alive. If it delivers on that, I'd be a happy woman!

    Very tidy looking desk. How long did that last?!
    Alison xx
